The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1176: If your Majesty asks His Majesty to go out of the capital to be the domain, what can

" really disappointed me." Li Shimin strode away after angrily.

He has been here several times to visit this wide and fat but talented son.

But now, he really doesn't want to see his ugliness again.

Seeing Li Shimin's disappointed face, Li Tai couldn't help hissing and crying.


Li Shimin's footsteps paused, and there was a conflict that he wanted to turn around and pick him up.

But in the end, Li Shimin controlled himself, and his voice seemed a little dry and authentic.

"I hope you can do it yourself for my father..."

Li Shimin strode towards the outside of the backyard, and soon, the sound of footsteps became farther and farther, and gradually no sound was heard.

Wei Wang Li Tai looked at the open courtyard gate with tears on his face, and finally fell to the ground slumpingly.


Empress Changsun has been watching Li Mingda practice calligraphy, but her emotions seem a little restless.

From time to time, looking in the direction of the entrance of the Great Treasure Hall, Li Mingda wrote and finally put down his pen.

Lifting the watery black eyes, I saw the unconsciousness of my mother.

"Mother, did Xiao Sizi say something wrong?"

The sweet and crisp voice finally made the Empress Changsun regain her senses and looked at the beloved daughter in front of her.

Empress Changsun smiled gently, raised her hand, and gently scraped Xiao Sizi's Qiong nose.

"What are you talking about, you are right."

"Although my mother doesn't know what happened for the time being, if you have something, you should really tell your mother or father."

Li Mingda nodded vigorously and blinked his eyes obediently.

"Good mother, my daughter understands."

Hearing the words "daughter like a little adult", the grandson empress couldn't help laughing and took this weird little cutie into her arms.

The mother and daughter were giggling in the hall.

The voice came out of the Great Treasure Hall, causing Li Shimin, who was just about to step up the steps, to have a gloomy expression.

Listen to the gentle voice of his wife inside, and Li Mingda's laughter.

Li Shimin's gloomy mood gradually dissipated, and a smile gradually returned to his face.

Empress Changsun, who was playing with Li Mingda, saw the figure of her husband Li Shimin and subconsciously got up to greet her.

Seeing her husband's smile, there seemed to be nothing strange to greet Li Mingda.

Empress Changsun was stunned for a while before saving herself, watching their father and daughter frolicking in front of them.

The smile on Li Shimin's face gradually disappeared until Li Mingda left the Great Palace after finding a reason.

"Husband, Qingque he..."

Li Shimin looked a little bit sighed and sighed, then nodded heavily.

"He is taking five stone powder, and..."

Li Shimin thought of the **** who was still proclaiming adultery in daylight while taking five stone powder.

I couldn't help but my eyebrows jumped straight, if I didn't heal the wound, I really want to kick them thirty or fifty feet to relieve their hatred.

Seeing that the husband wanted to say something but stopped, Empress Changsun did not ask any more, but raised her hand and gently held the husband's big hand.

"This child, how can this be? You must tell the children over and over again and again, and you must not touch those golden stone pills."

"He even dared to be so foolish under his husband's nose, it's simply..."

"My husband hasn't thought about it yet, and let him think behind closed doors. Before returning to Chang'an, he must not leave the Paiyun Palace."

Li Shimin closed his eyes and let the grandson empress gently massage his forehead, saying.

"Is Xiao Sizi okay?"

"My husband can rest assured that she is fine, but she is still a little worried about Shiro, and asked her concubine if she has spoken..."

"Of course she was not wrong. If it weren't for her, she wouldn't know her husband. She looks honest and honest when she was young. She likes to read books.

It will become so one day, so disappointing me..."

The husband and wife looked at each other speechlessly, and for a long time, Empress Longsun spoke.

"Should be beaten on him, it is also a way of setting up his brothers. Don't think that as heirs of the heavenly family, you can act recklessly."

Hearing what Empress Changsun said, Li Shimin pursed his mouth for a long time before nodding slowly.

King Wei, who was ordered not to make a move to the Palace of Clouds, had trouble sleeping and eating all night.

The heart is even more tormented.

Li Gonggong, the steward of the Palace of the Wei Dynasty, and several confidants were all involved with the five stones.

Since being taken away, not even a trace of news has been passed back.

Wei Wang Li Tai, since his father left, his whole person looks more and more haggard and withered.

Sitting here anxiously, even reluctant to move Jiang Yaqing sat down and looked at the sluggish Wei Wang Li Tai.

There are really countless grooves in my heart, but I can't spit it out.

I offer advice to His Highness Wei Wang, and hope that His Highness Wei will accompany him in the Jiucheng Palace. What is it for?

Isn't it because he hopes that he can communicate with his majesty and the empress, and strive to get more grace.

But in the end, the idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

A sudden change not only made the early efforts of Wei Wang and Litai wiped out.

He even made his Majesty Thunder furious, and imprisoned His Royal Highness King Wei in the Palace of Clouds.


Jiang Yaqing sighed lightly, pushed the plate of lard pastry to Wei Wang Li Tai, and whispered comfortingly.

"His Royal Highness does not have to worry too much. When it comes to speaking, the ministers feel that His Majesty did this, which is really a bit too fussy."

"It's a matter of taking the food and walking away, and it's a matter of pleasure. Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it has taken the world by storm."

"The literati and elegant people who love it are endless, and there are even countless literati poems and poetry reciting for them."

"How can it be forbidden for the emperor's likes and dislikes?"

Sure enough, after hearing Mr. Jiang's words, Wei Wang Li Tai, who had always felt aggrieved in his heart, couldn't help letting out a long sigh of foul breath.

Toward Jiang Yaqing, a rare smile was revealed.

"He who knows me, too, sir."

"Now that your Majesty hates this matter, it is better for your Majesty to convince your Majesty that it is too late..."

Jiang Yaqing's voice was much quieter. After Wei Wang Litai heard this, he couldn't help but stare at the thin slit eyes that were almost squeezed out by the fat.

"Does this king need this?"

Jiang Yaqing sat down opposite Wei Wang Li Tai with a serious face, and said solemnly.

"If your Royal Highness wants to not lose the love between your majesty and the empress, you can only do so."

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