The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1179: The spooky brothers laughed wantonly

Cheng Chubi was a little bit troubled to understand the names of the great southwestern cities that he knew well now.

After all, in ancient times, what is more familiar is the Dajiang River in the Central Plains, or the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, or the scenery in Mobei.

The Southwest, in the eyes of the ancients, was a wild land where wild monkeys were jumping around.

Although there are certainly towns over there now, they are definitely far less than the prosperous Central Plains and Jiangnan.

As soon as Cheng Chubi's voice fell, Li Ke jumped up, and then rushed back to his room, with little effort.

This guy actually copied a map.

"Come and come, Brother Chubi, you are pointing me to my little brother, what is the Great Southwest?"

Cheng Chubi scanned this map. Although it was not very large, it was depicted in a very detailed manner.

Cheng Chubi quickly found his hometown before traveling through his eyes, and stretched out his finger to pull on the map.

"Did you see it? It's this one, located in the southwest of my Datang territory, so I call it the Great Southwest."


Li Ke finally reacted and couldn't help but feel happy. "Isn't this the territory of the Governor of Yizhou?"

"Who is the Governor of Yizhou?" Cheng Chubi raised his head with a dazed expression.

"Little brother, I used to be..." Li Ke had a mean smile on his face.

"In the second year of Zhenguan, my father changed me from the King of Han to the King of Shu, and gave me the position of Governor of Yizhou, the Governor of Yimian Jian Jialing Yamei Mengqiong Bazhou..."

"Zhengguan two years..." Cheng Chubi's face went black. Nima, in the second year of Zhenguan, you still have to say whether you have taken off the **** curtain.

As far as your virtue is concerned, you are also governor of the eight states, tusk tusk...

"I thought you were already the governor of Yizhou in the first year of Wu De. Oh, it turned out to be the former governor of Yizhou, disrespectful and disrespectful."

Li Ke pulled his face straight down, always feeling that Brother Chu Bi was speaking at himself.

"Wu...I haven't even given birth to my little brother in the first year of Wu De, okay?"

"Furthermore, when Zhenguan was eight years old, my little brother, I took another important post as the governor of Yizhou.

But now, my dad is going to let me be the governor of Anzhou. "

Cheng Chubi's eyes rolled for a long time. Since Yizhou has a chief governor, he must be his immediate superior.

If it was this kid, it would be great. After all, everyone is a brother who cuts chicken heads and burns yellow paper. Together, the brothers are together, this is easy to do.

"Why are you going to Anzhou, this is wrong with you, Brother Xian, you prepared to be released for my brother, and guarded the pastoral place for my Tang Dynasty, but you actually wanted to live with me in two places."

"Xiongtai, you didn't say it earlier, but since you have the intention to go to Shudi, hehehe...Then let's go to the land of Shu, then we will have a taste."

Li Ke's eyes lit up, and he looked at Brother Chu Bi with admiration and expectation.

When I think of Brother Chu Bi’s cooking skills, I think of getting along with Brother Chu Bi.

Brother Chubi's position in the father's mind, in case something happens, buckle the black pot on Brother Chubi, it's perfect.

After all, this is Cheng Saburo, who has saved his family several times and established countless great contributions in the country.

The emperor's father was at most cutting his official position and punished him with a salary. As the Cheng family, he was fined with salary or something, but it was just a normal operation.

Anyway, my dad would be happy to kick Brother Cheng * King of the Monster Moth * Chu Bi to the place.

After all, during this period of time, the father made this kid feel irritable. Gee...

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Ke kindly, ha ha...a royal tool man of excellent quality, you deserve to have it.

Although this guy has all kinds of problems, he is the son of Uncle Li who praises Chengying all day.

If you really want to jump up and take a job, with this kid, wouldn't it be that Wanyou has made some trouble, and it just happened to be able to slap the black pot on his forehead.

Anyway, this kid is your majesty's son, and Uncle Li will call him back to Chang'an at best, no matter how bad he is.

The two good brothers who had no good intentions and wanted to buckle the **** bowl on each other's heads smiled at each other by appointment.

With a big slap stretched out, the good brothers who were pregnant with ghosts burst into laughter wantonly.

Just as Fang Jun, who was on vacation today, was walking towards this side slowly, he saw the two brothers holding hands and laughing.

The chrysanthemum was so scared that he shuddered, these two brothers, are they trying to make trouble with the monster?


His Royal Highness King Wei's car drove slowly away from the Jiucheng Palace. For his safety, Li Shimin sent an elite Zuowei to **** him.

Sitting in the car, Li Tai, the king of Wei, opened the curtain and looked at the Jiucheng Palace, which was getting farther and farther, and gradually could not see clearly.

Then slowly let go by the curtain of the car.

At this moment, in the car, sitting in the car is a delicate maid, shaking a fan with a small hand.

And Jiang Yaqing was able to sit in the car. Although it was already autumn, there was still an ice basin in Li Tai's car, who was afraid of the heat.

"Finally left..." Wei Wang Li Tai took the tea soup from the case table, took a sip, took a piece of lard pastry and put it in his mouth.

After swallowing a piece of contentment, Jiang Yaqing showed a gentle smile.

"Thank you, sir, do you use some..."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Jiang Yaqing quickly thanked him, and then carefully picked up a piece, resisting the greasy bite that would soon give people a bite.

There must be a hint of enjoyment on his face, and he seemed to be intoxicated by the favorite food of His Royal Highness Wei.

Seeing what Jiang Yaqing looked like, Wei Wang and Li Tai couldn't help but smile a little more. After thinking about it, he ordered to the maid.

"Send this leftover lard pastry to Grandpa Li."

The maid obediently agreed and then left the carriage with the plate of lard pastry.

In the carriage, only Wei Wang Li Tai and Jiang Yaqing remained.

Then Wei Wang Li Tai asked quietly. "Mr. Jiang has ever found out the result, who is it that told the secret?"

Jiang Yaqing lowered her voice and played towards Wei Wang Li Tai.

"His Royal Highness, the ministers have been inquiring about it all the time, although there is no result, but he has figured it out."

"That day, your Majesty left the Great Treasure Hall and didn't go anywhere, so he went straight to the Paiyun Hall. Therefore, Your Majesty must have known it in the Great Treasure Hall."

"The minister finally found out that that day, Cheng Saburo and His Royal Highness Wu Wang entered the Great Treasure Hall."

"Furthermore, after the two of them went out of the Great Treasure Hall with your Majesty, your Majesty's expression was obviously not quite right..."

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