The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1194: If Cheng Sanlang wants to hang around in Shu with Ke'er...

Empress Changsun carefully folded the cotton-padded jacket and trousers that belonged to her husband. When she turned around, she saw that her husband was still thinking about it.

I couldn't help but sighed slightly, and I could see how much the boy Cheng Saburo weighed in his husband's heart.

For Cheng Saburo, who has made outstanding achievements, he has not only regarded him as a courtier in the heart of the husband, but has really regarded him as his junior.

The husband even mentioned to himself that he hoped that the relationship between Cheng Saburo and the prince Chengqian would be like the relationship between him and his brother Wuji.

Although they are not brothers, they are like brothers and sisters and can help each other.

It is precisely because of this that the husband seemed so embarrassed after hearing Saburo's words.

The usual making things difficult, it is just the husband who likes to joke, teasing the younger generation who always likes to make fun of monsters.

But on such a major event, the husband was a little hesitant.

Let's take a look, from Chang'an to Jiucheng Palace, how many good things this kid has done, ahem...Of course it means serious and good things.

First, because of the knowledge of the monkey, the Turkic people tried to kill the husband many times and returned without success.

After that, he rescued her husband and Xiao Sizi by accident.

After that, in the Jiucheng Palace, I tinkered with that pleasing parasol.

It's not over yet. Today, I heard that Cheng Saburo actually grows cotton in Chang'an.

Under his hands, the white folded cloth, which was originally expensive enough to match the price of good silk, instantly made people feel that it was nothing more than that.

Moreover, patted his chest to meet the husband's condition, and he has promised to his husband before the beginning of next summer.

To the court, he contributed 50,000 sets of cotton-padded clothes and gloves, which are simple and durable, which are placed on the table.

Judging from the actual object, the Queen of Longsun can naturally feel that the warmth and durability of this cotton fabric are above the linen cloth.

This is another great joy for the country and the people, otherwise, the husband would not give away 500,000 acres of wasteland so arrogantly.

Even if it is wasteland, 500,000 mu is a very big number.

It was precisely because of Cheng Chubi's magical means that the husband made such a decision.


And Empress Changsun can be sure, even if the news goes back to Chang'an, those courtiers who are far-sighted.

I will definitely understand the importance of this cotton fabric to the people of the world, and will not criticize the husband's rare generosity.

Just as Empress Changsun was thinking about it, she heard her husband's whisper and looked up.

I saw the tangled look of my husband.

"Guanyin maid, you said that if the kid really wants to go outside to the land of Shu, should he go up for his husband?"

"My husband, what do you think?"

"Since he has the heart to go to the place where he wants to do something, of course he is happy to see it happen as a husband."

"It's just that his sentiment is too ridiculous. If he goes there, he will be out of control..."

"Since the husband is not happy, it would be to refuse him." Empress Changsun gave new suggestions simply and neatly.

Li Shimin stroked his long beard, frowned, and shook his head slowly.

"No... that kid seems to be reckless in doing things, but my husband always feels that he has his own reasons."

"..." Empress Changsun couldn't help but roll her eyes concealedly. You have reasons for both the good and the bad, so what can the concubine say?

However, Empress Longsun couldn't bear her husband so late after all, and she was still worrying about Cheng Saburo's boy here.

"My husband, since you can't make up your mind, there's a way for my concubine."

Hearing this, Li Shimin's eyes lit up and looked at Hui Zhilanxin's wife.

"Since your husband can't make up your mind, why don't you let Cheng Saburo tell you personally why he wants to go to Shu?"

"With the wisdom of your husband, you can naturally find out the details."

"If it's this kid, just want to find a comfortable place, do nothing all day long, and hang around with Ke'er..."

Speaking of this, Li Shimin's face instantly went dark.

I suddenly remembered Cheng Saburo’s tireless hobby: playing cards...

You have to play cards when you are working, you are also playing cards on the journey to Jiucheng Palace, you are still playing cards when you stay in Qingyou Pavilion, in Cheng's University, this kid still plays cards...

Not only did Li Shimin hate iron but not steel, but he couldn't help but be a little skeptical. If this kid is a bit more diligent, he might achieve even higher achievements.

"It would be better to throw them together where they have to fight hard and work hard, it will benefit one party at any rate."

Speaking of this, Empress Changsun stopped talking wittily when she saw her husband's enlightened expression with gleaming eyes.

Li Shimin stroked his long beard, and the corners of his mouth raised happily.

"It's worthy of being a good help for your husband. It's not bad. When you turn around, let this kid make it clear for your husband."

"If you can tell the old man, that's fine. If it doesn't make sense, just kick this kid farther, so as not to make the old man upset."

Hearing her husband's angry Empress Changsun couldn't help pursing her lips quietly.


Cheng Chubi wrote a letter on the same day and handed it to Cheng Fa, asking him to rush back to Chang'an and hand it to his father Cheng Yaojin.

I told my father that I had another big deal with His Majesty the Emperor, and it was a big deal of 500,000 acres of land.

When I think of my father seeing that he has made such a large sale, he will definitely caress the needle-like thick beard and bloom.

Cheng Chubi's mood was extraordinarily happy. At that night, he even dreamed that his father gave himself a thumbs up like it.

Woke up early, humming a morning exercise, after eating a good breakfast.

Thinking that there was nothing left or right, Brother Jun had already ended his vacation last night and jumped back to the barracks.

Only Cheng Chubi and Li Ke had big eyes to small eyes. In desperation, they decided to play two, but Jiucheng Palace had nothing to do anyway.

The essence of the wine is suitable for the evening, and the grapes are used as juice during the day.

I got two more plates of melons and fruits, put the fried grasshoppers up again, called Li De, and started leisurely puzzle chess and card activities vigorously.

Last night, after receiving a good plan from his beloved wife Guanyin maidservant, I slept comfortably.

After eating and drinking enough this morning, I wanted Zhao Kun to call Cheng Saburo to the Great Hall.

After thinking about it for a long time, I think I should jump over and take a look in person to see what the two boys, Li Sanlang and Cheng Sanlang, are doing early in the morning.

Stepping in four directions, holding a small beer belly, swaying towards Qingyou Pavilion.

Just after passing through Qingyou Pavilion, Li Shimin heard a voice not long after walking.

I couldn't help but stopped curiously, and raised my ears.

I heard a familiar voice, and there were interlaced crackling sounds.

"Shun Zi!..."



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