The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1210: The empress treats me very well, and the princess treats me as if...

"Mei Niang, that, there is something, I want to talk to you."

Cheng Chubi looked at Wu Meiniang who was eating cold skin in front of him, and felt that since he was leaving Chang'an to take up his post.

Some words have to be said clearly, after all, he is a pure man who is also very loyal.

What's more, Cheng Chubi felt that although he and Wu Meiniang hadn't completely pierced the veil between them.

But in fact, the two sides should have passed many repeated exchanges, and both should be well aware of it.

In view of this, Cheng Chubi felt that somehow he should formally express to Wu Meiniang.

After all, a good girl is not so easy to meet. I have been in Datang for so many years, and finally met such a beautiful girl.

Moreover, under his obscurity and painstaking efforts, his body development gradually became hot.

Let Cheng Chubi have a sense of accomplishment that he has managed to cultivate excellent varieties of fresh and tender Chinese cabbage.

Although the temper is not good, what is it? For the sake of her being so beautiful, of course we must forgive her.

And continue to invite her to eat delicious food, so that she can grow up quickly, and then she can go home after she matures.

Holding the chopsticks with the sour and delicious Liangpi, she gave Wu Meiniang's chopsticks to her mouth slightly.

A pair of beautiful bright eyes lifted up and looked at Cheng Saburo before him.

The rosy lips sucked the Liangpi wrapped in red cornel oil into his mouth, and then he squeezed his way.

"Is it the third brother you are going to take office?"

"Huh, do you know?" Cheng Chubi couldn't help but was taken aback, and subconsciously turned his head to look for Li Ke, the royal guard, who must be this kid.

"Yes, I heard your Majesty talk to the empress before, and the empress asked me specifically."

Cheng Chubi craned his neck and asked curiously.

"Why, what did she ask you?"

"Niang Niang asked me if I want to leave the palace and go to Luzhou with you."

"Then what do you think?" Cheng Chubi couldn't help but feel happy. Empress Changsun is indeed a virtuous empress of His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty, and is simply a living Bodhisattva.

"I don't want to go." The chopsticks in Wu Meiniang's hand picked the Liangpi in the bowl, and smiled at the dumb Cheng Sanlang.

"??" Cheng Chubi looked at the charming, yet convincing Wu Meiniang, what does this woman mean?

Wu Meiniang looked away with a blushing face, her chopsticks unconsciously poke the Liangpi in the bowl, and then muttered in a voice that was at least an octave lower.

"I'm still young, as we said before, it will take two years..."

It turned out that she hadn't forgotten that Cheng Chubi's expression was solemn and authentic.

"That's okay, someone from Cheng has always kept promises."

"This is actually just one reason, and there is a more important reason..."

After Wu Meiniang put the Liangpi bowl aside, she raised her eyes and looked around. Then she sat up straight and looked at Cheng Saburo.

"And even if I go to Luzhou, what can I help you third brother? Nothing can help you."

"However, if Mei Niang stays in the palace, she can do a lot, not to mention that Niang Niang treats me very well, and Princess Jinyang treats me as a sister..."

When talking about the word sister, Wu Meiniang's mouth couldn't help but raised a meaningful arc.

"Besides, Brother Third, when you go to Luzhou, you are going to guard the pastoral place for the court and the emperor.

As long as your third brother makes achievements, you will be able to return to Chang'an within three to five years. "

"At that time, at that time... We... You wouldn't think Mei Niang was too old at that time, right?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi subconsciously swept over the place that grew in scale, categorically.

"How is it possible, no matter how old you are, I like it."

"???" Wu Meiniang raised her eyes awkwardly, and looked suspiciously at Cheng Saburo, who always had some inexplicable words in her mouth.

Cheng Chubi hurriedly removed the key of the car that had been activated because of a verbal error.

Seriously watched the wise and shrewd look of the increasingly charming girl.

Cheng Sanlang took the initiative to hold Wu Meiniang's hand lightly, and by the way moved the bowl of Liangpi and a stone the size of an inkstone to the other side, affectionately and authentically.

"I mean, as long as you are willing to be with me, then we will not only grow up together, but also grow old together."

Looking at Cheng Sanlang's handsome face and the scorching eyes, Wu Meiniang's mind was in a mess, and her pretty face instantly became a piece of red cloth.

Too ashamed to want to withdraw his hand, UU reading www. uukanshu. com was held firmly by Cheng Saburo, and he lowered his head shyly.

Cheng Chubi stunned his ears, and finally heard an inaudible hum.

Cheng Chubi sighed in relief, a little unwilling to let go of her smooth hands.

Only at this moment, a faint voice came from a distance, and then Cheng Chubi felt his hands empty.

Wu Meiniang withdrew her hand like lightning, then stretched out her arm, took the bowl of cold skin that had only been eaten a few bites, and continued to eat cold skin with her head buried.

Cheng Chubi glanced at his big hand, well, it seems that he underestimated Miss Wu.

After all, Wu Meiniang, who was able to copy the inkstone with one hand to play the giant swing, still had two small strengths.


After taking a few mouthfuls of cold skin, Wu Meiniang, who finally didn't feel his face was hot, raised her watery eyes and whispered.

"If you go there, remember to write to me often, okay?"

"That's for sure, I went to Luzhou, the president will definitely write to you, and don't worry, your mother and your sister are there."

"Uncle Fu stayed there after Sanchawu... well, about him and Aunt Liu..."

Cheng Chubi had a dark face and didn't know how to explain it. There was really no way he ran around in the first place.

Just ask the housekeeper, Uncle Fu, to take good care of Wu Meiniang's mother Yang and her sister's family.

Uncle Fu, the housekeeper, patted his chest and said that he would never forget the third son's request, keep his mission in mind, and take care of everything.

The results of it? When Uncle Ping sent cotton, he told Cheng Saburo with a strange expression that the housekeeper Fu Uncle was ready to marry Aunt Liu.

Cheng Chubi was really speechless for Te Niang. It seemed that his order was to give the housekeeper Fu Uncle a chance.

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