The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1224: I feel that Cheng Changshi is not like an official, but like a business man...

"Waste?" Modan glanced at the pot and then at Cheng Chubi.

If it weren't for the reason that he was the new Chief Governor of the Metropolitan Government, Modan really wanted to spit on the stars and tui over.

We monks eat snakes for at least hundreds of years, and the ability to eat snakes can be said to be innate.

You actually said waste, is it possible that these snakes have to be enshrined?

"Why, don't you believe it?" Cheng Chubi was immediately happy when he saw Modan's suspicious eyes.

"No, no, no, it's just that the next official didn't expect that Cheng Changshi actually knew how to eat snakes."

"Haha... when it comes to eating snakes, no one knows better than me." Cheng Chubi said confidently.

However, Modan just hahahaha, only when this new and novel Cheng Changshi is talking nonsense in seriousness.

Cheng Chubi didn't have the time to take care of this person, his eyes rolled.

"Didn't you just say that you have snake catchers in Changning Prefecture? Can you take me to see the snakes they catch."

Seeing that Cheng Saburo was very stubborn to go and have a look, Modan was helpless, so he could only order people to invite several famous snake catchers in the city to come over.

The city of Changning is not big, that is, with Zhuxiang's skill, the three snake catchers came to Cheng Chubi with their cages.

Their cages are made of bamboo, and the snakes they caught are housed in them.

Through the gaps in the bamboo cages, Cheng Chubi was able to determine that most of the bamboo-leaf green snakes were of this kind, with a total of 13 of them.

This is Datang. It was more than 1,400 years ago when the Animal Protection Law was not perfect. Cheng Chubi touched his conscience, but it didn't hurt.

So he began to look at these snakes happily. There were more than a dozen snakes. It seemed that he could take it back to Luzhou to soak some snake wine to keep in good health.

Snake wine has a good effect on rheumatoid arthritis, numbness of limbs, blood deficiency, convulsive epilepsy and skin itching.

Grandpa had soaked in this kind of wine before, and drank a small glass every time.

Anyway, although his old man has lived in the southwest for his entire life, and he has been drilling in the old forest all the year round, he does not know how many times he has to travel through mountains and rivers.

But I have never suffered from rheumatism, and I don't know if this snake wine has an effect.

In the end, Cheng Chubi bought a snake for the price of a chicken and accepted all the snakes in the three bamboo cages.

The snake catchers happily took the copper coins and left the Cishi Mansion, while Cheng Chubi put the three bamboo cages in the sacks himself.

This is to prevent those snakes from escaping from the bamboo cage and hurting people.


After purchasing the snake, Cheng Chubi was of course not finished. He asked in detail about the special products that Modan Tsundere needed.

Although the governor of Modan was an official appointed by the court, he was actually the leader of Changning Liao.

Hearing that Cheng Chubi was interested in these things, he couldn't help but secretly beat the drums. Maybe this kid was different from his father, he was a corrupt official.

When I came to Changning Prefecture, I came here specially to fight the autumn wind, right?

After Cheng Chubi asked, he saw that Modan was silent for a long time while touching his beard, and he was immediately unhappy.

"What do you mean by Mo Shishi, if there is, then I will spend money to buy it, why, do you think that someone from Cheng is a corrupt official who came to scrape the land?"

Hearing Cheng Chubi directly pointed out, Modan hurriedly gave a smile.

"Xiaguan absolutely has no such idea, but the specialty products of Changning Prefecture, most of which have already been sold to Shuzhou."

"Momou has not much left here, and it looks like a dozen kilograms. If Cheng Changshi wants it, he will send it to you directly."

Cheng Chubi's expression was immediately pulled down. At this moment, Cheng Lie, who was standing by, stepped forward and spoke.

"Mo Shishi, we can be considered old friends. My third son said to buy, then it must be costly."

Modan sighed helplessly and could only harden his scalp.

"Yes, yes, it's because the next official wants to work, come, go, get all the special products left in the mansion..."

While speaking, he winked at his brother Mo Kun by the way.

Mo Kun nodded his head, and walked away quickly after making a loud promise.

With little effort, dried Gastrodia, Ganoderma lucidum, Panax notoginseng, and all kinds of dried fungi were sent to Cheng Saburo.

"Let's talk about it, what price are you selling in Shuzhou?"

Modan also stopped perfunctory and directly quoted the prices of these things in Shuzhou, but like those dried mushrooms, only fragrant mushrooms can be easily sold.

As for the other weird-shaped fungi, they can't be bought at any price in Shuzhou.

Gastrodia, Ganoderma lucidum, and Panax notoginseng can be regarded as precious Chinese medicinal materials, and the prices are still good.

"Well, UU reading, your dried fungus is not bad, I will buy it at the price of a pound of dried fungus and a chicken, how about?"

No way, this is a minority area, and their concept of whether things are precious or not is more of bartering for things.

The chicken is a poultry, even in Changning Prefecture. As for silk and silk that are too expensive, it is not easy to use them as an example.

"A chicken is a pound of dried mushrooms?" Modan's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Cheng Chubi nodded, and from the dried bacteria, Chubi picked out four kinds of morels, fragrant fungi, bamboo fungus, and three tower fungi (chicken fungus).

Among the dried mushrooms, Cheng Chubi likes to eat the most, and is the most familiar with these four.

Forget the rest, Cheng Chubi didn't want to watch the villain jump up and down in front of him.

Just like this, Cheng Chubi brandished wealth and bought a batch of Gastrodia, as well as Panax notoginseng and Ganoderma lucidum.

In addition, I bought about 20 kilograms of dried fungus, especially dried bamboo fungus, which is ten kilograms. The main reason is that the bamboo forest here is dense, so this fungus is abundant.

This thing, but a good dear, put some dried bamboo fungus when stewing things, it can not only improve the freshness.

And this bamboo fungus is very nutritious, and the taste is very crisp.

In addition, there are bamboo wares from Changning Prefecture. After Cheng Chubi purchased a batch of bamboo wares, he put forward his own request to purchase a batch of bamboo wares.

But this batch of bamboo ware must be made according to the drawings provided by oneself, such as bamboo mats, bamboo chairs, and bamboo recliners.

Of course, Cheng Chubi also gave a generous deposit.

After Cheng Chubi had eaten and drank enough and said goodbye to Modan, Modan returned to the main hall of the governor's mansion and summoned a group of confidants.

"Everyone, what do you think of this Cheng Changshi?"

I was so reserved, I couldn't even speak well. I asked us for the tribute edition and left on the same day. It felt completely different. "


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