The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1227: Fang Dianjun with 0 EQ and King Wu with full EQ...

Modan suddenly became vigilant and asked cautiously.

"I don't know how many manpower you need for Cheng Changshi?"

"Not many, five hundred people." Cheng Chubi showed a slap and shook.

Hearing this, Modan breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest very proudly.

"Five hundred people...Yes, the subordinates can draw five hundred strong men to Cheng Changshi for one month."

Changning Prefecture has two thousand soldiers, but there are only five hundred soldiers who do not work and produce.

For such a thing, it is naturally impossible for Modan to use his military power as a coolie.

As long as 500 people are selected from the Changning monks to deal with it for a month, there is no problem.

What's more, Cheng Changshi also said that he didn't consume his own money and food. Obviously, Cheng Changshi was responsible for the money and food of the five hundred people.

"One month, someone Cheng wants to build a road. This repair will take at least one or two years. How can one month be enough?"

Modan spread out his hands and said with a helpless expression.

"Cheng Changshi, there is no way to get off the government. We also need to farm. Besides, Tang law also has rules, saying that it is only 20 days of corvee for a year."

"The lower officials are willing to let them help Cheng Changshi for a month, which is already the limit."

Cheng Chubi touched his bare chin for a joy. "It seems that Mo Shishi also has its own difficulties."

"There's really no way to get under the official ranks, so I ask Cheng Changshi to be considerate."

"Okay, since Mo Shishi has said all of your words, Cheng will naturally not be difficult for you."

"Well, Cheng decided to recruit road repairers in Changning Zhoucheng in the name of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion. Isn't that okay?"

Modan's eyes rolled several times and nodded towards Cheng Chubi.

"Of course there is no problem. This official is also the court ordering official. Since it is the order of the chief governor, the next official must obey it."

"Well, now that Mo Cishi agreed, that's OK, I will ask the chief governor to send a notice to Changning Prefecture when I look back."


After Mo Cishi left, Cheng Lie approached Cheng Chubi and whispered.

"San Gongzi, just let him go? In fact, you press him again..."

"Uncle Lie doesn't matter, I'm a person, just like my father, I like to be reasonable first."

"Since he agreed, it will be done. Almost all the Han people in Luzhou are farming."

"If you want to pool enough labor for road repair, you can only find these monks who support the mountains and eat the mountains."

Cheng Chubi sighed a little, this is no way, Luzhou is considered a big city in southern Shun.

However, after all, the agricultural population accounted for the majority. These people, except for part-time jobs during the slack, are usually busy plowing the fields.

Therefore, from the very beginning, Cheng Chubi focused his idea on those who have few fields and mostly rely on mountains to eat.

Lei people are not lazy, but their way of life has caused their livelihood to be quite miserable.

Cheng Chubi believed that as long as Modan, the Changning Clerk's history, did not stop him, there would be no problem at all in Changning City, which is only 10,000 or 20,000 people, recruiting hundreds of people who are willing to work hard in exchange for money.

As long as the first batch is available, when other people see that they can support their families by doing this kind of work.

It is believed that in the future, more people will put down their bows and hatchets, pick up road construction tools, or become workers in cement factories.

The reason why I didn't mention the cement plant is naturally because the thing hasn't been seen yet, and everyone doesn't know what the thing is cement.

Cheng Chubi was unwilling to explain too much to this group of people who were too far away from the generation gap, and waited until the real thing was fired.

Cheng Chubi stayed here for another day, waiting for Modan to arrange everything.

This Mo Cishi led a hundred soldiers and followed Cheng Chubi on the road to Luzhou.


Outside Luzhou, a restaurant with a nice view is standing on the banks of the Yangtze River. At this moment, a turbid young man with a face like a crown jade and delicate eyebrows is lazily leaning on the railing on the second floor.

Next to him, a tall and burly young man was eating at this moment, eating the food with a different flavor from Guanzhong.

A young woman with clear eyebrows and a little bit of beauty is playing the pipa and singing in a low voice.

The tall and burly young man, it was Fang Jun, wiped his grease mouth and raised his head.

Facing the Yangtze River, Li Ke lazily followed a boneless slug.

"Brother Wei De, come and eat some. The dishes here are much better than the one we ate yesterday."

"No matter how strong it is, it is still not as good as the cook in my house, alas..."

Li Ke touched his belly, feeling that his belly, which had been raised by Brother Chu Bi, was very hungry.

But in the face of these dishes that are not inferior to the level of Chu Bi's craftsmanship, it really feels sparse. UU reading

It's a pity that Brother Chubi jumped outside to go busy, and the cook he brought with him was a true chef who passed on the craftsmanship of Brother Chubi.

Li Ke was lying on the couch because he was unaccustomed to the water and soil. Li Ke couldn't always catch the dying cook and let him cook, right? That's too inhumane.

"Oh...Brother Chubi has been here for several days, but it's really hard to eat, and he doesn't eat well. I didn't have much interest in this card game."

Hearing this, Jun Jun was immediately happy.

"Really or not, yesterday, but Xiongtai, you hit the little brother, I kept hitting until almost the end, and then I stopped."

Li Ke is not willing to take care of this lever, so I just like to be hypocritical?

After listening to Pipa for a long time, the Pipa singer asked again if she needed to sing two more songs in her Mandarin Chinese dialect.

Fang Jun, who was stunned and listened for a long time before understanding what she meant, couldn't help but uttered aloud.

"Brother Weide, listen to you, this tone is so weird, it doesn't look like our Guanzhong Mandarin..."

Although the Pipa singer can't speak Guanzhong Mandarin, she can still understand Fang Jun's ridicule.

Qiao's face blushed, a little shame, a little annoyed, and she didn't know what to do.

Li Ke looked at Fang Jun who was silly and happy beside him, shook his head helplessly, and came to the slightly charming Pipa singer.

He took out a small piece of silver corner from his arms and rewarded it to the pipa singer, and then whispered to the other party, cough... and started talking.

The pipa singer saw the face like a crown of jade, who seemed to be more beautiful than herself, and the son of the world was so generous.

And she talked to herself, so she wouldn't refuse, but she was a little bit embarrassed and honest.

"The Nujia only speaks Shuzhong Mandarin, it's really impossible to speak Guanzhong Mandarin, the son laughed..."

Seeing Li Ke chuckled, his body tilted in front of the little sister, and raised his eyebrows.

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