The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1230: Brother Chubi, you are so busy, how about I help you taste...

Li Shimin looked at a serious nonsense Cheng Chubi with a black line on his face, wishing to take off the smelly socks and put them directly into this little bastard's mouth.

Empress Changsun also glared at this still-chittering youngest Cheng with a displeased expression on her face.

He coughed hard twice, finally interrupting the speechless guy.

"Come on, Chengqian, you lie down and rest for a while, don't listen to his nonsense, how could it be possible that a mother is here to make you fall."

Li Yuan also darkened his face, and reached Cheng Chubi's ear and said in a low voice.

"Cheng Lao San, can you stop talking nonsense, the old man wanted to kick you in the legs just now."

Cheng Chubi was a little unhappy. I wanted to remind you to pay attention to driving, cough, and safety.

To give a chestnut, I want to tell you that the consequences of this kind of thing are quite serious, okay?

What kind of people are they? It's bad luck. That's also for the sake of your handsome little ribs guy.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about this family, anyway, I can't finish it.

"That aunt, please let me in first, and my nephew has to give your Royal Highness a good check, and relax his leg muscles by the way."

"Otherwise, you won't get cramps..."

Before Cheng Chubi finished speaking, he saw Li Chengqian take a hissing breath. "It hurts, it hurts..."

"????" The whole family were dumbfounded, staring blankly at Cheng Chubi's step forward, and took a look at the skirt of his clothes.

Then he stood directly on the couch and picked up Li Chengqian's injured leg with force.

Li Chengqian's eyes suddenly bulged, and then, it seemed to be intertwined between pain and comfort.

"He is..."

"My boy, my boy's leg cramp..." Li Chengqian replied with some embarrassment.

"..." Old Li's family members were all speechless, although a little numb and sluggish.

But I have to admit that Cheng Saburo, who likes serious nonsense, has really made no mistakes in his judgment.


The whole lamb roasted on the outside, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, has been unloaded and placed on the table in front of the people in the hall.

It was still the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan sitting at the top, and the others were sitting on the left and right. But today, because of the arrival of Empress Longsun, Su's case was specifically brought to sit with her.

As for Cheng Chubi and Yu Zhining, they sat under Li Chengqian's head.

The princess's expression looked a little strange, she almost dripped saliva when she looked at the golden-colored and appetizing braised lamb.

But when the roast lamb was brought to the front, the gentle and charming princess suddenly changed her expression.

He quickly raised his wrist to cover his mouth and opened his face, and then started a new round of retching.

"???" Everyone who was being lured by the smell of roasted whole lamb and swallowing stars all looked at the princess in a daze.

Cheng Chubi was not well. What does this mean?

Some time ago, the princess still looked so energetic when she ate the whole lamb roasted in the braised oven. How could she express her disgust so exaggeratedly today?

Cheng Chubi lowered his head subconsciously, and smelled the whole lamb roasted in the braising oven in front of him. That's right, it was the smell.

The scent of oil, mixed with the scent of seasoning, and the golden scorched scent on the outside create a unique, appetizing tangy scent.

"Daughter-in-law, what's wrong with you? Is it unwell?" Empress Changsun gently patted Su's back and asked with concern.

After retching for a long time, Su who only vomited a little saliva, explained in a low voice apologetically.


Yes, I suddenly felt that I couldn't get used to the taste of this lamb. "

"These two days have been like this, but any food that is too fishy or too stinky will be so..."

"??" Empress Changsun heard this and couldn't help her heart beating. She glanced at her son, and then looked back at his daughter-in-law Su.

Then it attached to Su Clan's ear and looked at something quietly, Su Clan nodded slightly with embarrassment.

All the big guys at the scene looked at the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in a daze, and didn't understand what it meant.

"This child..." Empress Changsun's face was full of joy that could not be concealed, and she couldn't help but glance back at Li Chengqian after thinking about it.

Li Chengqian stared at him with a dazed look, and spread his hands out innocently. "Mother, the child did nothing and didn't bully the lady..."

"You kid." Empress Changsun seemed to be a little embarrassed, and she could only shook her head.

Then his gaze fell on his husband, he just got up and walked over, whispering in Li Shimin's ear.

Li Shimin turned his head in disbelief to look at Queen Changsun. "Really?!"

After the Queen of Longsun nodded slightly, she whispered.

"I'm not sure about my concubine, but in all likelihood, do you want to let Cheng Saburo show our daughter-in-law?"

"This kid?" Li Shimin's gaze fell on Cheng Chubi.

Cheng Chubi saw the gaze cast by the emperor's boss, and his whole body was lost in confusion. What's wrong with your daughter-in-law, what's wrong with me, what are you doing?

"Forget it, this kid is reliable, but the rest is hard to say, let's just...well, let's bear with him for the time being."

"Zhao Kun, come here for a moment..." Li Shimin swept his gaze and invited Zhao Kun, and then kept a low profile in his ear.

Although Zhao Kun was a little dazed, he glanced at Cheng Chubi, but he respectfully took the order and walked away quickly.

"What the **** is going on?" Li Yuan looked at his daughter-in-law, granddaughter-in-law, and son with a black line on his face, always feeling that they seemed to have encountered something. UU reading

But he was very sneaky, he didn't want to be known, of course he was not happy as an elder.

"What the **** is going on, is it because the old man's grand-daughter-in-law is uncomfortable? Cheng Saburo, you are still stunned, so why don't you show my granddaughter-in-law what is going on."

The old man is your elder anyway, and he also has the right to know, okay?

Cheng Chubi, who was gnawing on the spine of the lamb and greasy with his mouth, quickly agreed, took up a towel and wiped his hands.

With a confident face and high spirits, he came to the crown princess Su and respectfully saluted. "Also ask the princess to reach out..."

Without a stethoscope, it was not suitable for the princess to auscultate in the public, so Cheng Chubi decided to get her pulse.

Li Shimin and his wife looked at each other, and they hadn't discussed everything, but they didn't expect the old father to let Cheng Saburo appear on the scene.

Empress Changsun smiled helplessly at Su Clan. "Daughter-in-law, let Cheng Saburo get your pulse."

The gentle and demure Su nodded obediently, stretched out his white arm, and put it on the table.

Cheng Chubi held down Su's veins, looked at Su's face carefully, and asked about Su's diet.

After waiting for a long time, Li Yuan asked impatiently. "How's it going, can you see anything?"

"Back to the emperor, in the opinion of the young minister, the princess should not be sick. It may be that the endocrine disorder has caused a slight problem with the sense of smell."

Li Shimin craned his neck and asked quite expectantly.

"Then Cheng Saburo, you numbered the pulse for a long time, what came out of you?"

Cheng Chubi smiled confidently. Don't watch me ask questions as I pulse, but there are actually quite a few in my heart.

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