The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1266: This reminds me of the bull that the best friend of the maintenance section gave me..

Luzhou, Jingnan...At this moment, two strong buffaloes are pulling hard in the front and behind them.

It was a pile of blue-gray cement mills weighing two thousand jins, which was rolling forward slowly and firmly.

The ground that had been crushed by a stone roller weighing two thousand jin looked so flat.

After the grind, there will be a craftsman leader who jumped forward and looked at the ground carefully. He also jumped hard and stepped on it.

After finally nodded in satisfaction, and after a shout, many people carrying wooden planks rushed over.

Using blocks of wooden boards, on the already rolled foundation, a rectangular wooden partition with a width of about half of the road surface and a length of two feet was built.

Whenever the ride is completed, someone will push a two-wheeler from a road that has been built next to it.

Pour a truckload of concrete into the wooden partition, and then someone will be responsible for mixing tools there, so that the concrete will not leave a gap in the wooden partition.

In this hot summer season, Cheng Chubi and Fang Jun are wearing hats and walking on the already paved concrete road.

At this moment, those concrete pavements that have just been paved not long.

Although it has been covered with straw, it has also been covered with a layer of felled tree branches and leaves.

Someone has to take a bucket of water and spill it on it. This is to prevent the moisture on the concrete pavement from evaporating too quickly and cracking in such hot weather.

Cheng Chubi also heard that the best friend in the maintenance section said before that the newly built concrete pavement usually has to be splashed with water and covered with plastic film.

The reason is that in the process of concrete solidification, it will absorb a lot of water and radiate heat. If the surface is not covered and watered for curing in time.

The surface moisture evaporates quickly, and it is easy to produce shrinkage cracks. Especially when the temperature is high, the relative humidity is low, and the wind speed is high, shrinkage is more likely to occur.

Cheng Chubi really didn't pay attention to this problem at the beginning. On the third day of the road construction ceremony, he watched the cracking of the cement pavement with his own eyes.

This Cheng Saburo then remembered the brilliance that the Conservative Duan's buddies had blown to him.

Although there is no plastic film in this era, is this a problem? Cover it with straw, and then spread the branches with thick leaves.

Then, after pouring the water thoroughly, the straw can also play a role in storing water to a certain extent, which made Cheng Saburo proud.

I feel more and more that the wisdom of the working people is really endless, especially for a good person like myself.

Cheng Chubi and Fang Jun walked slowly all the way, looking at this gray-white concrete pavement, and the countless ones facing the scorching sun.

Relying on the busy workers with a hat, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but sighed, and called the Ministry of Industry official who was also sweaty to ask about the situation.

After hearing his report, Cheng Chubi nodded and patted the Ministry of Industry official who was at least one round of age.

"Everyone has worked hard. Now that the weather is so hot, we must pay attention to the problem of relieving heat. Workers must rest for an hour after lunch."

"Avoid the hottest period, plus, every worker has to drink mung bean soup three times a day.

Otherwise, if you suffer from heat stroke, it will kill you if you can't handle it well. "

Even if he put on the hat, the Ministry of Industry official who was tanned and nodded in gratitude to Cheng Chubi.

"Thank you Cheng Changshi for taking care of me. The next official will definitely abide by this rule."

Looking at the back of the official of the Ministry of Engineering who hurried away after finishing his business, Fang Jun also wiped the sweat from his face and sighed.

"It was really hard work, but thanks to them, we were able to cultivate such a strong and flat official path."

After Cheng Chubi nodded slightly, Deng Chengxin led the rider over, and along this spacious and straight official road with Fang Jun, after passing through Jingnan, he continued forward and rushed to the dock.

At this moment, a cement wharf was exposed in front of them. It was a concrete wharf with a width of about one foot and five feet and a depth of about four feet in the water.

Of course, it was not poured directly in the water, but after using the original stone-wood structure of the wharf and using a lot of stones to make the wharf wider and more stable.

It is made by pouring concrete in places higher than the water surface.

Although the length of the deep water has only increased by less than one foot, the width of the pier has more than tripled.

In the past, ships could only load and unload cargo one by one on that narrow wharf.

Today, four or five ships can be loaded and unloaded together, and the efficiency has been greatly advanced.

Now, not far away, a new pier is still under construction.

I believe that it will not be long before the newly built wharf can double the cargo throughput here.

Cheng Chubi went to the new wharf that was being built again to express condolences to the craftsmen and officials.

Only then was he contented to board the boat with Fang and crossed the wide Yangtze River until we arrived at the dock on the north bank.

The wharf on the north bank is still a stone and wood structure, although Cheng Chubi intends to turn this side into a cement wharf.

However, considering that the current cement output cannot meet the demand for road construction, we can only wait for a while until the three new kilns of the cement plant are completed before considering the expansion of the Luzhou Wharf.

The two of them rode their lazy mounts and finally stepped into the city of Luzhou. It was almost noon, the scorching sun.

Let the people and vendors in the city die, and the streets are sparsely populated.

Even the vendors would avoid the shade of the trees or under the eaves to cool off, but the vendors who sell mung bean soup and glutinous rice drank more and more vigorously.

After finally entering the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion and detouring to the backyard, Cheng Chubi saw Li Ke, His Royal Highness Wu.

Lying on a bamboo pallet, dozing lazily under the shade of the tree.

The two beautiful young ladies next to him were fanning the cool breeze.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Li Ke opened his eyes and saw that Brother Chu Bi and Brother Jun came back from the patrol, and he immediately sat up with a smile of joy.

"Brother Chubi, Brother Jun, you can count as coming back. I don't know if I'm staying for a few days... well, you all go down first."

Following Li Ke's orders, the two little sisters with sweaty cheeks quietly retreated after a hurried salute.

"Are you actually embarrassed to complain to both of us?" Cheng Chubi waited for the two beautiful young ladies to walk away.

He sat down on the cool bed, picked up a ball of fans and slammed them against him.

Let the cool wind come a little more violently, then again, inside the house, there is really no coolness under the shade of the trees.

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