The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1298: When the shopkeeper dies in our hands, he will be able to...

A hustleman hurriedly ran into a quiet and elegant house not far from the prefectural governor's house.

At this moment, the former Luneng who only relied on bows, arrows and machetes, and his personal bravery, became the first warrior of the Liren.

At this moment, in the company of that beautiful, well-rounded Han woman, she is practicing calligraphy somewhat seriously.

The textbooks he first learned were the "Three Character Classic" and "Nursery Rhymes of a Hundred Family Surnames" used by Xuezhou Meng Xueguan.

Now, he has read all of these two books, and the Chinese characters on them have already recognized that they can write them all.

The one placed in front of him is the "Thousand Characters". Thalueng has already read all of them, and now he is practicing the words above.

"My husband's handwriting is getting better and better..." The Han woman Gu clan on the side looked at her husband's tough calligraphy and couldn't help but smile and praise.

"Haha, this is also thanks to the lady you taught well, otherwise, for your husband, how can you learn so many Chinese characters in such a short period of time."

"The husband does not need to be humble, you are much better than many Han scholars that your concubine knows."

"My brother has studied essays for nearly ten years, but he can't even read the Analects..."

"Whatever the lady said, although your brother doesn't like to read, he is still a capable person who can write and count."

"Now he has helped a lot with everything in the mansion.

What's more, if he hadn't had this kind of ability, my husband wouldn't know that he had a good sister like you. "

Listening to her husband's mouth as if he was smearing honey, he kept talking so obediently, Gu couldn't help but feel sweet.

Caressing the belly that has become more and more pregnant, looking at this rough but fine husband with affection.

The husband and wife were continuing to speak loudly in the study, and Lu Neng heard the shouting from outside.

"The big head, Achang is looking for the big head in an urgent matter."

Lu Neng nodded slightly apologetically to Gu, and motioned to the maid on the side to take care of his wife, and then he hurried away.

With little effort, when he left the backyard, he saw the confidant who was staring at Luger at his command, walking around outside.

"Achang, what's the matter."

"The big head, these few days... In these few days, Luge and Haku have found several heads who are now living in the city."

"And it's all those who complain about you against the big boss... the villain feels wrong, and I came to report to the big boss."

Hearing this, Lu Neng's face sank, and he walked slowly with his hands on his back.

After a long time, he shook his head slowly, and said to Achang. "Bring more people and stare at them."

"Du Luo, and Du Bai, you two, are responsible for showing me the few heads they have found."

"Also, Ba Song, be optimistic about the gate of the state city, pay attention to the movement of the big camp..."

Following the orders of Lu Neng one by one, a powerful warrior standing beside Lu Neng whispered.

"Big boss, do you want to catch them all first."

Lu Neng hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed.

"Luge is my brother after all, I can't bear this notoriety..."

"Yalong, you, you go find Mr. Gu, and ask him to take out twelve taels of gold, twenty silks, and one hundred catties of tea from the treasury, and give it to Luge for me."

"Tell him, go back to Lujiaozhai, honestly be his rich man, if you don't want to stay in Lujiaozhai, then come to live in Zhoucheng."

"The big head has deep love and righteousness, and the villain will definitely tell Luger head all what the big head has said."


Lu Ge accepted the gifts from Yalong with an open eyebrow, and patted Yalong's chest to assure that he would listen to his eldest brother.

He personally sent Yalong to the door and watched Yalong leave the alley. After that, his face gradually sank.

Turning back to the yard, he saw Hagu, who had been hiding behind the house, eavesdropping, approaching.

"Brother Luge, let's stop, your elder brother is afraid that he has sent someone to stare at us. This Xuezhou City is his site."

Luger looked towards Hagu, and the corners of his mouth raised confidently. "Why, are you scared?"

"I said Luge, he is a big boss after all, if he guards us, how can our plan be realized."

"I just made the Yalong relieved? And I told Yalong, and when I look back, I will ask the shopkeeper of Han and Tang Commercial Bank.

Go to us to see nearly a thousand tea leaves from Lujiaozhai that have grown for more than a hundred years. "

"I also specially asked Yalong to inform Lu to ask him to come forward and invite the shopkeeper..."

Speaking of this, the corners of Luger's mouth raised playfully. "In that case, I'd like to see."

"Wait for the treasurer to die in our hands, what else can he do."

"Brother Ha, you'd better follow me and work hard. In the future, Xue Zhou Liao will definitely have a place for you, Brother Ha."

"It's not like now, we can only stay in a remote stockade, watching them eagerly eat and drink spicy food, but we are almost running away."

Listening to Lu Ge's words, I knew that Lu Ge's cruel Hagu didn't say much, he could only gritted his teeth and nodded.


In the early morning of the next day, the shopkeeper of the Xuezhou branch of the Luzhou branch of the Hantang Commercial Bank, Bai Xian, led four accompanying guards, as well as more than 30 Liren workers.

Waiting at the entrance of the Hantang Commercial Bank, he was from Luzhou, when the Luzhou Commercial Bank was first opened in Luzhou.

Fortunately, he became the first group of Luzhou people to work in Luzhou Commercial Bank. In just a few years, because he can write and count, and he is quite good at dealing with people.

Soon, he became one of the supervisors of the Luzhou branch of the Hantang Commercial Bank, and waited until the Xuezhou branch was established.

He was entrusted with an important task and became a speaker supported by Xue Zhou. Over the past six months, he has made a lot of achievements.

Moreover, he had a very close relationship with the Xuezhou Leng Shou Lu Neng. Originally, as the manager of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks, his mission was to sit in Zhoucheng.

If you want to deal with the local monks, you are all sent to the staff in the branch.

Today, if Lu Neng hadn't personally said that it was his brother, please take care of him, Bai Xian would not be able to go out in person.

This can be regarded as a closer relationship with Lu Neng, so he personally came forward.

After waiting outside the trading house for a short time, I saw a few people riding quickly, surrounded by more than a hundred husks.

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