The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1310: Looking at the generous and tall back, my heart is warm red...

Not within today, but around noon, with the exception of Fengzhou Head.

The heads of other prefectures all rushed to Changning prefecture with some anxiety.

But seeing the big guys all gathered here, I finally felt a little at ease.

After all, no matter how fierce and cruel Cheng Changshi was, since Xue Zhou's head Luneng could still be alive.

It's impossible to slaughter all of their heads to vent their anger, right?

Nearly a hundred of these big and small heads, along with their own soldiers, came, and of course their food was provided by Changning Prefecture.

After the generals of the Tang Army had a full meal, they finally continued to rush towards that Xue Zhou murderously.

Only after Luozhou, the Fengzhou head finally caught up with the large army.

After the army left Luozhou and continued to travel southward for nearly thirty miles, they saw a mountain road guarded by monks.

Lu Neng quickly explained to Cheng Chubi that that mountain road leads to Lujiao Village.

Looking at the rugged mountain road, although the horses can walk without obstacles, the carriages can no longer be used.

Cheng Chubi left three hundred elites and fifty iron horses on guard here.

The remaining people and the heads of the prefectures all followed straight to the Lujiaozhai.

Turning over two hills and crossing a knee-deep stream, it took almost an hour.

Cheng Chubi saw the rebel army a few miles behind Lujiaozhai.

Ba Song and A Chang, who were guarding here, hurriedly came forward to meet them.

Lu Neng asked for a while, knowing that Lu Ge and others had no plans to break through the encirclement, and seemed to want to guard there while the tortoise shrank away.

Cheng Chubi heard Luneng's statement that there is a natural river in front of this block, and the back is full of dense forests, and it is very steep and difficult to climb.

The inside of the cave is huge, enough to hide hundreds of soldiers.

As long as there is enough food, there is no problem staying for one or two years.

Cheng Chubi couldn't help but nodded in approval. "This is really a good place to defend..."


At this moment, the monk rebels in the cave have already gathered here, looking at the open river beach.

Watching that one drive into this river beach, the powerful Datang elite, and the dozens of riders leading it.

Lu Ge's expression turned gloomy in an instant. After this Datang elite arrived, he did not raise his butcher knife to those who besieged him.

What does this show? This shows that my strategy of planting up and blaming blame has been seen in all likelihood.

Qi Sang's face instantly turned pale, turned his head, angrily pointed at the Tang Jun who appeared across the river bank and shouted sharply.

"What's the matter, Lu Ge, didn't you say that Tang Jun would kill Lu Neng and the others?"

"Brother Luger, it seems that your trick has been seen through." Hagu squinted his eyes and looked at Luger, gritted his teeth.

"What if you see through it?" Luger took a deep breath and glanced over the two difficult brothers.

"Why, could it be that you two Xue Zhou, who are also covered with the blood of the Li and Han people, are rebellious and feel that there is still a way to retreat now."

"Luge you!"

Hagu shook his head violently and shook his head dejectedly.

"Enough, Chisang, at this time, even if we are fighting each other, do you think that Cheng Changshi will let us go?"

"That's right. The three of our brothers can only advance and retreat together. My Luger swears that as long as we don't die this time, we will definitely not lose the two of you."

Hagu shook his head helplessly. "When you pass this level, I hope you can count on your words."

"Don't worry, I have already accumulated a lot of food, not to mention March or May, which is a year, and it can be supported."

"For these Tang troops, if the two armies are at war, we will not be inferior at all."

"What's more, we are relying on natural dangers. They are just so many people, all of them are filled into the river, I am afraid that the corpses will not be able to fill the hole."

Listening to Naruge's words, looking at the turbulent river barrier that was several feet wide, Sang and Hagu's mood finally calmed down a lot.

At this moment, Cheng Chubi had already jumped out of Malaysia, strode forward, and walked on the soft beach.

The river beach is full of gravel and fine sand, and the horses cannot function at all here.

What's more, there is a river that is more than ten feet wide in front of you. If you want to tie a bamboo raft to cross the river, unless the other side raises your hands in agreement, otherwise you are afraid that the bamboo raft has not crossed the river, and all the people on the boat have to lie down in the river. .

A bunch of heads and Luzhou civil and military all followed Cheng Chubi to the river bank and looked at the opposite side Then, a group of heads of Zhuzhou who had grudges with the Xuezhou people in the past began to ridicule. mode.

"Oh... you deserve to be Xuezhou Liren, there is such a treasure place for soldiers to hide."

"Yeah, it's no wonder that Xue Zhou is so powerful, but in the past, all the monks around us were treated like fish.

If you want to eat or drink, just come and clean up..."

"It's normal, Xuezhou's number one warrior, his subordinates are all warriors who are like wolves and tigers, who are so cruel that they can kill all of them."

A group of Tang Jun generals grinned in secret, and Lu Neng's face was so dark that it turned into an old smoke knife that had been smoked with firewood for three years.

On the side, Ba Qing and Achang were so angry that their eyeballs almost protruded out of their eye sockets, and they were dragged by the tooth dragon to their ears and muttered for a while.

Finally, these two Xue Zhou elders were pushed aside.

Cheng Chubi was in a posture that he didn't hear anything about it. It's about Laozi's ass, and you guys will solve your own grievances.

It’s good for me to be fair. What’s important is that you, as the leader of Xue Zhou, can’t control the people under you.

Lao Tzu won't clean up you for the time being, he's already showing you face, okay?


After Cheng Chubi looked at it several times, he turned his head and saw Cheng Changshi acted.

Everyone was acquainted with their mouths closed and they were quiet as a chicken, looking at the notorious Cheng Changshi with an innocent but stupid expression.

Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes and cleared his throat.

"Well, you are right here, don't walk around, I'll go buy... well, I'll be back after seeing the situation."

Throwing down such a sentence, there were hundreds of Tang Jun elites and hundreds of Luzhou Zhuhu.

It was because Cheng Changshi personally took risks for everyone's safety. Such a righteous act moved everyone who returned.

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