The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1323: Although Xue Zhou is considered to be the leader of Luzhou soldiers, but...

Suddenly, there was a dead silence, and the head was dry, Luzhou Wenwu, Li Ke, and even Fang Jun and Cheng Chubi all looked at Lu Neng in unison.

Cheng Chubi subconsciously turned his head to look at Li Ke, and cast a suspicious look at him.

"Could it be that when you leaked your bottom to this kid, Brother Xian accidentally leaked your underwear?"

Li Ke also responded with his eyes.

"Impossible, I just asked Lu Neng to communicate with Lu Neng about the liuguan."

Lu Neng looked at the dumbfounded look of everyone in front of him, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Not crazy, not live. Since I followed the intention of the governor of Luzhou, I offered the policy of Liuguan entering the Luzhou governor.

He has become a person who hates dogs in the eyes of the Liaoren in all Zhizhou Prefectures.

Even in Xue Zhou Lian, there are bound to be people who hate him. In that case, it is better to do a little more absolutely.

The same is all about refuge, why don't you take refuge thoroughly?

Taking advantage of everyone's surprise, he took the initiative to contribute to the Metropolitan Government.

Become an example among the Luzhou lords, and maybe they can get even greater benefits.

The lady Gu's family had already analyzed Lu Neng, and the long history of the schedule gathered all the heads of Luzhou. Only then did she go south to attack the rebel soldiers and horses, just to kill chickens and respect monkeys.

That being the case, if it can become an example of allegiance to the court, it will certainly be able to gain the attention of the Metropolitan Government, and it is not necessarily even if it is reused.

What's more, Datang's most important military merit, relying on his reputation as the number one warrior in Luzhou, can be regarded as a jungle warfare or mountain warfare master at any rate.

If they can contribute to the court, they may be able to become important court officials with military exploits like the leaders of foreign races in the north.

But it is much stronger than the little Xuezhou who stayed in Luzhou as a mountain.


Just like Na Qifu Heli was born in Longyou, and the leader of the Tiele tribe, following the army of the Tang Dynasty and conquering the west, he has now become a heavy minister of the Tang army.

The words of my insightful lady Gu, naturally moved to know that the Luzhou lords would definitely not welcome their Lu Neng in the future.

So he will further contribute to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion like breaking a jar.

Once the Luzhou head's face was gloomy and watery, he instantly wanted to understand the purpose of Luneng's doing this.

But the problem is that although everyone understands his purpose, they are not willing to learn.

Like Changning Prefecture, or Nengzhou and Shunzhou, most of them are half-cultivating and half-hunting.

It is indeed not as brave and fierce as Xue Zhouli. Most of them are pampered and strangled with ordinary people. It is not always certain who can be pinched.

Among Xuezhou's big and small heads, those militants instantly showed ecstasy and were able to follow their own big heads to fight and kill together.

But it is much stronger than Seongil can only fight with the neighbor next door.

However, there are also a few whose faces have become very ugly, but they are not good at saying anything, or even unable to say anything.

After all, such a thing is a good thing for the court.

If he popped out, maybe the finger of Cheng Leishen would smash his nose. Forget it……


In a dead silence, Li Ke helped Lu Neng up, patted Lu Neng on the shoulder, and his eyes fell on Cheng Chubi.

"Cheng Changshi, look at..."

All the gazes turned towards Cheng Chubi again, and even many of the heads' eyes were shining with expectation.

I prayed silently in my heart. "Reject him, reject him..."

Cheng Nianbi has a panoramic view of the inner monologues of the gang's heads. How can an independent and special person like Lao Tzu be like you.

Cheng Chubi walked to Lu Neng and looked at the Luzhou first warrior.

"Since Lu Cishi has this intention, the lower officials also feel that this is a good thing, and I would like to ask the general supervisor to make a decision."

Li Ke's eyes bulged in an instant, and he blinked several times quickly.

Cheng Chubi also responded with a firm gaze, meaning that he would just do it, afraid of being a bird.

Li Ke rolled his eyes helplessly, and had to smile with a smile.

"Well, if that's the case, the governor has agreed to Lu Cishi first.

Going back to play the court again, the court will definitely like the capable wise men like Lu Cishi who are trying to serve the court. "

Lu Neng hurriedly bowed down to Xie En again, and the ticket behind him liked to kill and set fire to the house... Well, the masters of Xue Zhouhu who served the country also bowed to the ground.

In the end, after careful discussion, the punishment for Xue Zhou governor Shi Luneng was finally given.

Lu Neng fined a thousand catties of copper and was relegated from Xuezhou governor to a school inspector of Xuezhou governor, and let him be responsible for carefully selecting 500 elite soldiers of Xuezhou to serve in the governor's office.

The elite soldiers are led by Chief Governor Shi Cheng Chubi ~ ~ Fang Jun of the Dianjun and the school inspector Xue Zhou Shi Luneng as deputy.

After Li Ke made the announcement, Cheng Chubi stood up, smiled and swept across a group of Luzhou civil and military, big and small heads.

"Everyone, although Xue Zhou can be regarded as the leader of Luzhou veteran soldiers, we also have elite and brave men in every veteran of Luzhou."

"Therefore, the next official asks the general governor to issue an order, so that the strong and sharp people of Luzhou, and those who are interested in joining the army, can go to the Luzhou governor's house to recommend themselves."

Li Ke looked at Cheng Chubi arbitrarily with a black line on his face, and smiled dryly.

"Cheng Changshi's words are reasonable, so the matter will be decided according to Cheng Changshi's words."

As for Luzhou's civil and military affairs, facing the question and answer of Wu Wang Li and Cheng Saburo, I originally wanted to express my opinion.

Taking into account the background of these two, both dare to be able to lead the army into the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, but also want to enlist the monks into the army.

In all likelihood, it should have been instructed by the imperial court. In that case, it is better to let them toss, why should you jump out to be this villain.


Gu heard the brisk footsteps, got up and walked to the door of the room, and saw her husband walking quickly with a vigorous expression on his face.

She couldn't help smiling, and leaned slightly forward two steps. "Husband, is it?"

Lu Neng laughed heartily, beaming with authentic expressions.

"Yes, I first offered advice for my husband, and then took the initiative to lead the soldiers to serve in the Metropolitan Government."

"The general governor is very happy, and Cheng Changshi did not deliberately embarrass me."

"The Metropolitan Government will send an official first to temporarily help me act in the Xuezhou Civil Affairs."

Listening to his husband's words, Gu frequently nodded, waiting to hear him asking if he wanted to go to Luzhou with him.

Gu thought for a while, and shook his head slowly.

"Now, your husband, you go to the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion to serve, but Xue Zhou also has a lot of property in our family."

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