The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1327: You want 4 catties, even 400 catties, even at a cheap store...

Only then he personally opened all the boxes and the shopkeeper who had inspected the goods nodded, took a pen, wrote his name, and stamped his seal.

The other party also signed his name on his storage account book and wrote the name of the goods: pepper.

I also wrote down the number: 30,000 catties.

Seeing this figure, the eyelids of the shopkeeper of the Quanzhou branch of Hantang Commercial Bank jumped wildly.

This special lady is pepper. The pepper that is currently on sale in Quanzhou Port is probably only this amount.

Although Quanzhou Port is mainly engaged in wholesale business, the amount of pepper added by 30,000 catties is enough to reduce the price of pepper in Quanzhou Port by 20 to 30%.

"The chai manager, when will the next batch of goods arrive? This batch of goods is really enough..."

"If you want to sell everything clean without falling prices, it will take at least three to five months."

The steward Chai who came with the ship heard this and nodded with a smile.

"It's not a problem. In three months, after three months, the next batch will be this quantity, is it okay?"

The shopkeeper of Quanzhou Branch couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, instantly becoming confident.

"In that case, of course there is no problem. Thank you Chai Guanshi for your understanding."

"By the way, here in Quanzhou, how much is stone honey and fine sand sugar per catty?"

The treasurer of the Quanzhou branch replied without thinking.

"Return to the chai and take care of things, Shimi is about 100 yuan a catty, and if it is fine sugar, it almost always fluctuates up and down."


Guan Chai raised his eyebrows, and the price was not much different from the price in Chang'an.

I asked the branch treasurer carefully about the consumption of Shimi and granulated sugar in Quanzhou and surrounding areas.

Guanshi Chai nodded slightly with satisfaction, and silently remembered it in his heart.

After the shopkeeper said, he couldn't help asking suspiciously.

"Guardian Chai, could it be that our Hantang Commercial Bank also wants to do this sugar business?"

"Ha, tell me treasurer Du, you really didn't make a mistake, please check the market more.

It is best to send a letter to Jiaozhou Dudufu at the end of this month and tell them the amount of fine sugar you need here. "

After hearing it, shopkeeper Du's eyes lit up. After pondering for a long time, the shopkeeper gave his own advice.

"Guardian Chai, although the fine granulated sugar is of excellent quality, it is a bit more expensive, and its sales volume is less than 10% of Shimi."

"This Chai knows. After all, the fine sugar sold in our Datang area is all sold in Tianzhu.

Because of the long distance, and I have a lot of sweet and honey lovers in the Tang Dynasty, the fine granulated sugar that Zhu came that day was able to sell at such a high price. "

"Well, even if our fine sugar is only sold for 500 yuan a catty, we are making a big profit."

"Five hundred dollars a catty?" Shopkeeper Du's eyes were no longer bright, but bulged.

"Why don't you believe it?"

"Believe, if it is five hundred dollars a catty, then Du can pat his chest to guarantee that he can sell at least ten times the amount of Tianzhu fine sugar."

"Okay, don't forget, first check your surrounding markets, but remember, you are the shopkeeper of Quanzhou branch. Don't make your business in Mingzhou Port or Yangzhou."

"Yes, yes, don't worry, Mr. Chai, and Du can save it, so he won't be foolish."

Chai Guanshi nodded slightly, and then he left the kiln storehouse and came to the Quanzhou branch of Hantang Commercial Bank under the presence of the shopkeeper in Quanzhou.

The storefront of the Quanzhou branch of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks is very huge, and it is so, but there are like a cloud of guests inside.

The products sold in Shangquan branch of Hantang and Tang Dynasty are really a dazzling array of green tea and black tea from Luzhou.

There are also various bamboo and wood products from Luzhou, as well as various fine medicinal materials, as well as the snake oil ointment and Fengyoujing.

Of course, soap and lotion, mosquito coils and so on are also indispensable.

And some exquisitely shaped to heinous, but the price is heinously expensive...

After patrolling for a while, Guan Chai left, returned to the dock once again, boarded the ship, and continued to sail north.

Next, there is going to Mingzhou Port (Ningbo), where the stock of Mingzhou Port is 50,000 jin.

After that, the amount of stock in Yangzhou is also 50,000 jin. As for the remaining 120,000 jin, it needs to be sent to Chang'an, Luoyang and Jinyang.

Not long after Chai Guanshi left, shopkeeper Du asked someone to erect a sign at the door of Hantang Commercial Bank.

Top peppers are sold in our shop.

A wealthy gentry who was just about to enter the Hantang Commercial Bank raised his eyes and saw the sign, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Stroking the long beard and stepping into the shop, the sharp-eyed shop assistant hurried forward.

"It turned out to be the shopkeeper Liu, I'll have it soon. The last order you ordered arrived yesterday..."

"Well, take the old man to see...Ouch, shopkeeper Du."

"I have seen the shopkeeper Liu, and I will ask you soon. Du originally thought about sending someone to tell me today, but I didn't expect that the shopkeeper Liu had already come."

"Haha, the old man panicked when he was idle, so he came out and walked around. I didn't expect that the ordered goods just arrived."

"By the way, do you actually have pepper to buy here?"

"Yes, for the goods that just arrived, does it mean that treasurer Liu also wants to have some?"

Shopkeeper Liu narrowed his eyes and stretched out four fingers. "If Liu needs this number, can I have it?"

"Four catties?"

"I am not underestimated, I want forty catties."

"I don't know when shopkeeper Liu wants it?"

"How much is the price?"

"Naturally, the market price is eight per kilogram per catty." Shopkeeper Du responded very quickly with a smile.

Fortunately, after receiving an order from Jiaozhou more than a month ago, I personally went to the market to conduct research.

I visited almost every Hushang store in Quanzhou and finally got the average.

"Eight runs per catty?" Shopkeeper Liu was stunned. He looked at shopkeeper Du in disbelief, turning his eyes and smiling.

"If you are in stock now, then Liu will send someone back to the house to make money."

Speaking of this, shopkeeper Liu's face suddenly changed. "I can put the ugly words first."

"If Shopkeeper Du, you use the pepper soaked in seawater to perfuse the old man, Liu would want to..."

"It doesn't matter if Mr. Liu, the shopkeeper, you ask for four catties, or forty catties, or even four hundred catties, the price will be the same for my shop."

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