The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1348: Underestimated Cheng Chubi’s hands, what the merchant can send...

Li Yuan closed his brows, put the letter back again, squinted his eyes, and slowly sipped his wine thoughtfully.

Zhong Bao stood aside, smelling the diffused aroma of wine, and his rigid face was full of enjoyment.

This wine smells really good, and it won't make people feel uncomfortable if it smells for a long time.


"The servant is here, what is your majesty's order?"

"Then Hantang Commercial Bank, what kind of impression does it give you?"

"Han and Tang Commercial Bank..." Zhong Bao was blank, looking at Li Yuan, and suddenly thought of the incident back then.

That is to say, your Majesty, who is now enjoying the fine wine, made Cheng Sanlang's boy promise to give away a share of Hantang Commercial Bank for free.

Li Yuan waited for a long time but couldn't wait to answer. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the strange color on Zhongbao's staid face.

Suddenly, his eyes opened up somewhat unhappily. "What do you think, I'm asking you, what do you think of that Hantang firm."

Zhong Bao hurriedly lowered his head, respectfully bowed to Li Yuan and then pondered his words.

"Your Majesty, at the beginning of the Han and Tang Commercial Bank, the servants felt that it was just a bunch of gangsters who made a fuss about themselves."

"Presumably your Majesty had the same idea at the time, right?"

Li Yuanshen nodded his head with approval and motioned Zhongbao to continue.

Zhong Bao continued to speak calmly. "After that, the gang of honorable ministers used the name of Han and Tang Commercial Banks to buy wasteland on a large scale in Jiaozhou Dudu's Mansion."

"It makes the slaves feel that they are just using the Han and Tang Commercial Banks established by their younger generations to do pepper planting, but they actually want to do other purchases."

"But I didn't think about it. The slave and maid realized what happened after that.

It turned out that the Han and Tang firm proposed by Cheng Saburo was not just a mess of young people. "

Li Yuan stroked his long beard, nodding his head with deep conviction, Zhong Bao's words really came into his heart.

At the beginning, Li Yuan himself felt that he was just a gang of young people messing around, so he teased Cheng Saburo's boy and gave him a vain prostitute.

But next, let alone the purchase of wasteland by the Jiaozhou Metropolitan Government.

The cotton fabric produced by Cheng Saburo has already made Li Yuan in the deep palace aware of the importance of cotton as a crop to the people of the world.

After Cheng Sanlang, his good grandsons Li Ke and Fang Jun went to Luzhou, no one thought that Han and Tang Commercial Banks would be here for several years.

For the prosperity and development of Luzhou's production and life, it can almost be said to have played a fundamental role.

The cement factory established by the Han and Tang Commercial Banks, the Tea Sound by the Han and Tang Commercial Banks, and the countless workshops and shops jointly opened by the Han and Tang Commercial Banks and Zhuli in Luzhou.

Attracted a large number of monks who dissatisfied with Wang Hua went out of the deep mountains and old forests, and began to accept the employment of Han and Tang firms.

Either join the construction team to build the official cement road, or work in the cement factory, even the huren women will learn to pick tea, make tea, and produce various special products.

Let those who could only live a life of a full and hungry life under the rule of those Luzhou chiefs become rich.

It can be said that the Han and Tang dynasties have done a great deal.

After the 80,000 catties of pepper were transported from Jiaozhou to Chang'an, Li Yuan, the founding son of Datang, also realized it.

I really underestimated the ability of the Han and Tang Dynasty firms, or in other words, underestimated the abilities that the merchants could exert in Cheng Chubi's hands.

This made Li Yuan couldn't help but feel a little worried, after all, these young people jumped up and down like this.

Nahan and Tang Commercial Banks have grown stronger day by day, and they will only earn more and more property.

It will inevitably attract countless eyes to this Han and Tang Dynasty firms, and with the growth of the Han and Tang Dynasty firms.

It will certainly encroach on the interests of the old merchants, and even the interests of the noble families behind those merchants.

Although considering this issue, Li Yuan has not yet figured out what methods can be used to solve the crisis that may arise in the future.

Unexpectedly, the letter Li Ke sent to himself already had an answer.

Thinking of this, the images of the three young men appeared in Li Yuan's mind, the sloppy, well-behaved, honest and honest Fang Jun, and the uncomfortable Cheng Sablang who didn't make troubles with monsters.

In the end, it was frozen on Cheng Saburo's face with a serious expression and a sneaky look, and he couldn't help but utter a sentence in a low voice.

"This kid has a brain, but he shouldn't think of this way."

"It's really troublesome, I didn't expect that the kid actually pushed the matter to the old man..."

Hearing His Majesty’s long sighs in his ears, Zhong Bao continued to stand aside sternly, UU reading in a deaf attitude and not squinting.


In the house, Fang Xuanling, the famous Datang minister, was sipping tea soup while carefully examining the letters written by his son.

Looking at this kid's calligraphy that hasn't made much progress, Fang Xuanling feels helpless.

However, this kid's writing style is much better than in the past, and things can be explained clearly.

He described in detail the various business activities of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks in Luzhou and Jiaozhou today, and also stated the concerns in everyone's minds.

The last thing is to ask my father to help advise one or two. We want to tell whether it is feasible to bring your majesty to the Hantang Commercial Bank.

This made Fang Xuanling's expression very solemn, from the recent development of Han and Tang dynasties described in Erlang's letters.

And the ability to make money that has been exposed so far is already eye-catching enough.

If this continues, it will be nine out of ten, and the interests of the old merchants will be touched, which will invite those people to attack and make things difficult.

Fang Xuanling knew quite well about the abilities of those guys.

Therefore, this issue is really tricky. After thinking hard for a long time, Fang Xuanling rubbed her brows helplessly and shook her head.

The idea that this group of young people came up with is indeed very brilliant, but how does the question move your majesty.

Just when Fang Xuanling frowned, she heard footsteps coming from outside the house, but it was the housekeeper Fang Shen who came to report.

Lu Guogong, General Cheng Da visited.

With little effort, General Cheng Da hurried over, and after greetings, the two sat down.

Cheng Yaojin couldn't wait to ask. "Brother Xuanling, you have received a letter from your family Erlang."

Fang Xuanling couldn't help smiling wryly and nodded.

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