The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1356: Jiannan Road Tour that the whole person has been completely stunned...

Li Ji looked at the two businessmen in front of him with a dazed expression, showing both scared and nervous expressions.

What does that mean, can't Cheng Saburo's name be mentioned?

"This Mr. Li, you can not mention this name, try to mention as little as possible, this Cheng Xianchang, but an incredible god."

"Yes, yes, if I dare to say something ill of him, maybe he can detect it."

"..." Li Ji looked at the two businessmen with sneaky faces, and his whole body was not good.

What does this special girl mean? Is it possible that the old man didn't know when that boy Cheng Saburo became a fairy?

"Sir, don't believe it, you know, there are many people who worship Cheng Xianchang's tablet in the entire Luzhou liu, even the liren in Rongzhou."

"Puff...heh, two of you, wait for a while..." Li Ji choked to death with a sip of the wine.

It took a long time to settle down, and asked with a puzzled face.

"What the **** is going on, how did this Cheng Changshi become an immortal?"

"Ha... Gu dare to ask Mr. Li, is the ability to move mountains and fill the sea a way that gods can have?"

Li Ji thought about it seriously, and could only nod his head to express his approval of the other party's statement.

"Then, if you can master the sky thunder and let the sky thunder kill thousands of people, is it considered a celestial means?"

Li Ji grinned, but he was ashamed to say that he knew there were only hundreds of good news to Chang'an.

And Cheng Sanlang's method of sky thunder that the boy knows farts, he just makes gunpowder.

But looking at the expressions of these two men with certainty, if you don't believe us, then we have nothing to say.

Li Ji could only harden his scalp and nodded. After all, gunpowder is now a secret weapon of Datang.

"Okay, let me ask Mr. Li again, if you just need to stare at the beast that is coming at you."

"You can scare the brutal and arrogant beast into suicide by jumping off the cliff. Is this a fairy method?"

"..." Li Ji's expression gradually fell into a sluggishness, what's going on, how the mess about Cheng Saburo was getting more and more weird.

The guardian didn't wait for Li Ji to react, and continued to triumphantly.

"If there is one, he will be furious, it will cause the world to change color, and then make the day and night as black as the night for thousands of miles. Tell me, is this a fairy method?"

"..." Li Ji raised his hand and wiped the sweat off his face. He always felt that it was not Cheng Sanlang who was arrogant, but the Gu Guanshi in front of him was bragging.

The other steward next to him also interrupted with excitement.

"I don't know, Cheng Xianchang was furious in Rongzhou. It was dark for thousands of miles. The scene was really scary."

"The monks in Rongzhou are now very well-behaved. They will do whatever Cheng Xianchang asks them to do. They don't dare to be disrespectful..."

When Li Ji watched these two leave the inn satiatedly and contentedly, the whole person was still dumbfounded.

Did these things happen in real? The old man thinks it's too nonsense.

The pros looked at each other, although they felt that such rumors were extremely bizarre, but they had to admit that it seemed so, it was like Cheng Saburo's everyday life that he didn't make a monster.

In the next two days, this extraordinary-bearing Book of the Military Department of Tang Dynasty and governor of Jiannan Dao made Li Ji disguised as a businessman from Chang'an.

He began to wander around the streets and alleys, sometimes in the city, sometimes outside the city, even he got on the ferry and went to the land of Jingnan.

Standing on the edge of the Yangtze River, facing the huge cement kilns that were blowing thick smoke, watching the endless stream of coal carriages.

There are also the excited and expectant faces of the local people and Liren who speak the Mandarin in Shuzhong.

It is even rare for him to see a dishevelled civilian, and he even saw a lot of juvenile children of Liren, carrying small schoolbags, happily going to school.

However, when I mentioned that Cheng Changshi, I was both in awe and awe. I even saw the elders on the street yelling while cleaning up the children. Whatever you dare to do, be careful when Cheng Xianchang comes to clean up your kid at night.

Directly scared the little baby's eyes red, and her mouth slumped aggrievedly, begging her parents not to let Cheng Xianchang come to find herself.


Li Ji lifted the placket and slowly climbed the steps. Several Tang Jun elites guarding the gate of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion swept over.

Knowing this person's identity, he couldn't help being shocked, and he hurriedly saluted, and wanted to report to the mansion.

He was stopped by Li Ji. UU Reading "You don't need to report it, you can lead the way, just take the officer over."

The captain didn't dare to neglect, so he could only harden his scalp to lead the way, walk around the courtyard, and came to a courtyard gate with little effort.

Li Ji saw several familiar old acquaintances, Li De, and Cheng Fa standing outside the courtyard at this moment.

The two were leaning against the courtyard gate, bragging and beating, they were very energetic.

When they found that someone was coming, the two of them subconsciously looked towards this side, and they saw that Li Jizheng, the official of the Ministry of War, was walking swiftly.

The two of them couldn't help but their expressions changed drastically, and Cheng Fa wanted to twist his hips and jumped into the courtyard to report to his son.

"You two, stop for the officer." Li Ji saw this scene, he chuckled, and shouted in a low voice.

"I have seen Li Bingbu..." Li De and Cheng Fa could only harden their scalp and salute this court master who likes to play tricks on juniors.

Li Ji smiled and leaned in front of the two and asked in a low voice.

"Wu Wang, Cheng Changshi, and Fang Dianjun are there?"

Li De could only smash the jar and shut his eyes and nodded vigorously.

"What are they doing in there?" Li Ji looked up and down at the two guilty guys, neither insidious nor innocent.

Cheng Fa could only hardened his scalp and explained something quietly.

"My son should be discussing Luzhou's government affairs with His Royal Highness King Wu. Well, it should be..."

There is no way, it is really not allowed that after meeting with His Royal Highness Wu Wang and Fang Erlang, whether his son will be talking about official business or playing cards.

After all, this is their daily leisure exercise. Three people squat together, and they can even play cards while talking about official business.


Li Ji chuckled, ignoring these two guys, and walked in lightly.

With little effort, I heard the energetic voice rang.

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