The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1373: I abuse you every day, Li Bingbu carefully teaches you the art of war...

In the big camp of the Liao army, Li Ji, the governor of Jiannan Dao, was standing in front of a newly made sand table with a smug look at this moment.

And the two sides holding chess are Jun brother with a sweaty head and Ren Yaxiang who also looks dignified.

Li Ji stroked his long beard and took a sip of tea. Seeing that Brother Jun was still there, he couldn't help but yelled.

"Lae Fang Jiro, tell the old man, what should you do next?"

Brother Jun gritted his teeth and pulled one of the chess pieces back to a certain distance. Then he spit out his breath and couldn't help but glance at Li Ji.

Li Ji rolled his eyes. "It depends on what the old man is doing. You are commanding the army, not the old man..."

Then he gestured to Ren Yaxiang, who nodded, and began to fall into the long exam.

Only then did Li Ji continue to carry his hands on his back, and walked around the sand table leisurely.

But in his eyes, there was a hint of approval for Fang Erlang, and he disappeared in an instant.

Fang Erlang, if he talks about marching and tactics, he is definitely a lot worse than Ren Yaxiang.

But the problem is that he is able to hit the middle of the game, and his strength is defense.

It can be said that it seems that he is naturally willing to engage in passive combat, but it is quite effective.

Ren Yaxiang, who he originally admired very much, is also very big, although Ren Ya still has a very high winning rate compared to Fangjiro.

However, as this kid gradually enriched his experience, it took more and more brain power to get Fang Erlang, and it took longer and longer.

Occasionally, he was even attacked by this kid to win, turning defeat into victory, which embarrassed Ren Yaxiang.

Obviously this kid is a rough man, but under the guidance of Li Ji, who stayed in the barracks, he actually walked out a path of his own.


In the end, Ren Yaxiang won this sandboard war game, but he was still attacked twice by Fang Jun's small unit.

"Yes, yes, you are making rapid progress, brother Ren..." Li Ji smiled and patted Ren Yaxiang on the shoulder, applauding authentically.

This veteran foreigner should not stay in the Ministry of War, but should go to experience in the army. I have been fighting for several years. I have another good general in Datang.

But of these words, Li Ji will of course not speak indiscriminately. If you want to recommend people, you have to look at the timing.

What's more, this guy is still a jinshi, well, you can mention it with Cheng Saburo later, after all, the old Cheng family is his patron and benefactor of Yaxiang.

Turning his head to see that Fang Jun beat the border of the sand table a little discouragedly, he couldn't help but enjoy.

"This one, what did you kid learn?"

Facing this elder who seemed to be yin and yang on the surface, but actually gave him experience in marching combat, Fang Jun smiled sly.

"My nephew, I shouldn't hesitate, I can do it when it's time to do it."

Li Ji nodded his beard with deep approval and guided him.

"Well, your kid finally got the hang of it. Remember, if you are not good at attacking, then you have to defend yourself, but you can't be a turtle."

"So, there must be a maneuverable surprise soldier, like a soldier, holding a shield in one hand and a knife in the other."

"Mainly guarding against the opponent's attack, I suddenly drew the cold and stabbed the opponent. If the opponent is caught off guard, I will let you kill..."

When Li Ji faced Ren Yaxiang, he often quoted classics and mixed the sentences in the military books with his personal understanding to teach him.

However, in the face of Fang Erlang, who doesn't like to read books, prefers clubbing skills, and is embarrassed with Cheng Saburo and Li Ke.

He would use very straightforward, even vulgar, vernacular, to let Fang Erlang understand and understand his intentions.

When Fang Jun heard it, it suddenly dawned on him that his face was full of conviction and he bowed to Li Ji. "My nephew feels better, thanks to Uncle Li for teaching."

"By the way, Uncle Li, you are a famous general with great ability, and you are so good at being a husband, why don't you also teach Brother Chubi?"

"I think he is much better than me. If you teach him more, maybe he can become even better."

Hearing this, Ren Yaxiang couldn't help but nod to show his attachment, and subconsciously looked at Li Ji.

But when he saw Li Ji pause his big hand stroking his beard and rolling his eyes for a long time, he let out a sullen grunt.

"That kid, the old man has no spare time to teach him, and he is not suitable for being taught."

"Why is this?" Ren Yaxiang looked at this Li Bingbu who had already been labeled as a famous teacher in his heart with a look of astonishment.

"Then Cheng Saburo's mind is the same as ordinary people?"

"??" Ren Yaxiang and Fang Jun looked at the disgruntled Li Bingbu with dumbfounded faces, some of them didn't know what to say.

"That kid, not only does his brain look different from ordinary people, he also acts in a weird style, which makes people confused at all."

These words made Fang Erlang and Ren Yaxiang nod silently.

"Not to mention that none of the battles that kid experienced was a serious battle.

Moreover, this kid's approach to deal with the situation was absurd, but the result was beyond everyone's expectations. "

Speaking of this, Li Ji stroked his long beard and couldn't help but vomit again.

"So you guys, how do you teach that kid? Maybe the old man teaches him, he will be unhappy."

There is one more thing that Li Ji didn't say, that is, I always feel that this kid's luck is really good.

"Uncle Li, who do you want to teach?" At this moment, Cheng Chubi opened the curtain of the camp and stepped in.

I saw three people with six eyeballs all looking towards him.

Cheng Chubi saw the three people staring at him blankly, rolled his eyes, and said to Li Ji.

"Uncle Li, the edict of Meng Shezhao advocating Le Jinqiu has arrived in Luzhou."

Li Ji raised his eyebrows and his face straightened. "What's going on, tell the old man carefully."

Cheng Chubi accidentally ran into this Mengshezhao at the wharf today, and this Mengshezhao was sent to the Ning Cishi of Yaozhou to come to Luzhou to find Li Ji, the governor of Jiannan Road. Help him preside over the fairness.

Ren Yaxiang rolled his eyes dumbfoundedly. What is torturing you every day? That is clearly Li Bingbu carefully teaching you the art of war, okay?

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