The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1396: One method of attacking at night is called horse picking the bell, title...

Speaking of this, the spy who had repeatedly entered Jianchuan City was also depressed.

Datang has finally built such a fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but because of the negligence of the defender, the result is such a hand-off, which is really painful.

Now, Cheng Changshi intends to attack and take down this fortress-like city with more than a thousand soldiers.

In the eyes of this spy, it was like a idiot talking about a dream, even if it was to replace all these thousand and six hundred lords with the elite soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

Even at this moment, there are only hundreds of old, weak, sick and disabled in this fortress. If you want to attack it, you have to weigh it carefully.

Cheng Chubi nodded noncommitantly, squinting his eyes, staring at the top of the city.

He could see that there were not many guard soldiers above the city. In addition, although the city gates were open, there were not many past merchants entering and leaving.

This made Cheng Chubi couldn't help but vomit.

"After the Tubo main force left, I don't think the soldiers who defended the city seemed to care too much."

The spies next to him couldn't help but amused.

"This city of Jianchuan has been in the hands of the Tubo for many years. For many years, the Tubo people have spent much money in the south of Jianchuan.

All the tribes from the southern part of Jianchuan all the way to the border of Erhai have been wiped out, and they all surrendered to Tubo. "

"If I were to attack this fortified city with Great Tang, I would surely mobilize everyone.

Afraid that it was the army that arrived at Erhai Lake, the Tubo people in Jianchuan City already knew the news. "

"Therefore, since the Tubo people have not received the warning of an army coming down, and they know that these mountain trails are not suitable for large-scale marches."

"It's also a matter of fate without doing any precautions."

Hearing the spy's persuasive analysis, Cheng Chubi nodded in agreement.

Fortunately, I sniffed. Fortunately, I came. Fortunately, I didn't need to rely on those heavy siege equipment to attack Jianchuan City.

Otherwise, as the spy said, he could only babble along the road, carrying the siege equipment towards Jianchuan City.

"What you said is very reasonable, but fortunately so, otherwise Cheng will have a headache to get close to Jianchuan City quietly."


Cheng Chubi stayed here all the time, from noon, until dusk, at this time.

Cheng Chubi gave the order to let the army who had been resting in the valley begin to move forward quietly.

Not far from leaving the valley, this and the whole army stopped in place to rest.

Time continued to advance bit by bit, and every half an hour, someone would rush to Cheng Chubi's side to tell the time.

And Cheng Chubi was always on the top of the mountain, staring at the top of the city, and you could see that there were not many lights in the city, sparsely lit.

It seems that there should be no problem with intelligence. There are indeed not many defenders in Jianchuan City. In addition, above the city wall, torches are only lit at the four corners of the city wall and at the north and south gates for illumination.

In other places, it is also pitch black, only every two or three quarters of an hour.

Only then will a torch patrol climb to the top of the city, and after a round of patrol, go straight down the city.

As the night darkened, the intervals between the patrols' appearances became longer and longer, and they would not come up until midnight, almost half an hour.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Chubi, who was already staring a little physically and mentally exhausted, couldn't help refreshing himself. It seemed that the gang of Tubo people were really slack.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, and when he was about to speak with Li Mo next to him, he heard a snoring sound coming over.

Cheng Chubi turned his head and saw that Li Mo had fallen asleep silently leaning on the tree trunk for some unknown time.

It's just that he didn't make the purring sound, but the fellow Te Niang's Cheng Fa.


Cheng Chubi personally walked at the front of the team, with pebbles stuffed in everyone's mouth, just to prevent a sudden desire to speak.

This is one of the most common night attacks since ancient times, called the horse picking the bell, and the person holding the medal.

Although those husks have never done this before, they are all considered excellent hunters. Naturally, it is clear that they cannot make any noise when approaching their prey.

A group of people marched quietly by the faint light of the crescent moon and the stars.

After reaching the main road, Cheng Chubi took a deep breath and stretched out the straps on his back as he looked at Jianchuan City, which was getting closer and closer.

On his back, he carried an explosive bag weighing twenty catties of gunpowder. Not only him, Cheng Fa, Cheng Da also carried an explosive bag of the same weight.

And behind Cheng Chubi, there are more than 80 elite grenadiers, who will become the main force of the cover force to seize Jianchuan City.

Relying on their extraordinary arm strength, it is really easy to throw one by one iron kettle grenades over the city wall that is no more than two feet high.

When entering the street fighting, the destructive power and huge explosion sound that the tin canteen grenades can cause is enough to make enemies who have never seen gunpowder weapons lose the courage to counterattack.

The closer to Jianchuan City, the slower the speed of Cheng Chubi and others ~ ~ when there are more than 100 steps away from Jianchuan City.

Cheng Chubi paused, and motioned to Yiqiu as planned to stop the soldiers.

It wasn't until the team was completely silent that Cheng Chubi led the elite grenadiers to move forward.

The light of the torch above the city head was not strong. Even so, Cheng Chubi and the others made a special detour, firstly from the side to the bottom of the city wall, and then quietly sneaked towards the city gate.

When he was about to enter the city gate, Cheng Chubi heard the sound from the top of the city, and was shocked in his heart, and quickly raised his hand to signal.

Everyone stopped their bodies in time, and their hearts were instantly lifted.

Cheng Chubi listened to several breaths, and finally understood what the abnormal noise of that special mother was, it was clearly one after another snoring.

Cheng Chubi secretly breathed a sigh of relief and signaled the others to stay where they were, while Cheng Fa and Cheng Chubi continued to touch the city gate quietly.

Looking at the huge gate-style city gate, Cheng Chuyi and Cheng Fa cooperated and began to sneak in the dynamite package there.

After the installation was completed, Cheng Chubi carefully pulled the fuse to walk nearly ten feet away, and then shrank under the city wall. After taking out and lighting, Xinxiang, which had been shielding the light with a cloth cover, came to the fuse and ignited.

In an instant, a small chick sound was heard, and the lead wire went along the root of the wall toward the city gate.

Cheng Chubi didn't dare to stay any longer, turned around, and walked away with light steps as much as possible. A full effort of seven or eight breaths.

Retiring to the position where he was just now, turning around, but no longer see the sparkle of the fire, I can't help but start to worry about it.

Just when Cheng Chubi began to doubt himself, he suddenly saw a dazzling light flashing through the gate of the city ahead...

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