The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1417: If Wang Wu is his own father, I can still be afraid of 12...

Of course, I can't blame Cheng Saburo for his thick-skinned face, mainly because he now leads the army to attack Jianchuan City at night.

And under the attack of the northern and southern Tubo soldiers, they were alive and kicking, and eventually caused the Tubo warlord to be killed by himself.

The many edicts and monks who had been superstitious by those feudal and superstitious people in the central and southern Jiannan Road were all messed up.

After hearing those rumors, Cheng Chubi, who was so painful, felt that "Feng Shen Yanyi" did not have these ridiculous rumors.

What he faced was only the three thousand elites of Tubo, and the result had been tenfold.

As for Jianchuan City, it is the gate of Yaozhou, and it is the gate of Yaozhou.

It was also portrayed by those people as the first strong city in the world that the imperial court had ordered tens of thousands of divisions to attack for ten years and could not be broken.

The southern part of Jiannan Road is so big, these cities living in the beautiful southwestern ethnic minorities, that is, wooden fences and some stones for the first base, they are called state cities.

Therefore, it is not surprising that they have seen such an exaggerated depiction of Jianchuan City, which is indeed far more magnificent and strong than Yaozhou City.

But when Cheng Saburo led a dry army to attack Jianchuan City at night, he ordered the soldiers to retreat ten miles.

Then he changed his body. He was a hundred feet tall, with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, ribs with wings, and his eyes glistened with thunder and lightning.

Shengsheng burned Jianchuan City over ten thousand Tubo soldiers and horses to ashes, thundering bursts of thunder, making it possible to hear from hundreds of miles away.

Listen, does this special lady seem to be a person doing it? Cheng Chubi, who has been arranged to be inhuman, is very embarrassing.

But now, with this kind of inspiration, at least it is more realistic, just a certain amount of artistic processing, and it can be read as a documentary comic.

Cheng Chubi, who thought about it more and more beautifully, did what he said, picked up the quill and began to dance.

When the inspiration is overwhelming, writing in prescription style is comparable to shorthand. Only in this way can you keep up with your own thinking.

After looking back and waiting to write down all the inspirations, reading it back, Deng satisfied that the boy dictated it into words that others could understand.

Coupled with those pictures, Tsk Tsk, Cheng Chubi can't help but silently compliment the inspiration he has burst at this moment.


Just as Cheng Chubi was not working on his pen, Cheng Jie was very angry and rushed towards Jianchuan City.

Hearing that Cheng Jie had come to report something, Cheng Chubi could only put aside the pen for a while and got up and went out of the house.

I saw Cheng Jie's extremely corrupt expression when he got off his horse.

"The villain has seen the son, son, you should go back to preside over the overall situation, the gangsters have been arguing for two days."

"The two plans we gave, either disagree with or dissatisfied with the other."

"If it wasn't for the villain and Li Mo to lead people there, I suspect they would be able to copy knives and start their hands."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but straighten his face.

Cheng Chubi remembered that before he left, the edicts and heads of the emperor had all slapped their chests to make a ticket to himself.

I will talk calmly and try to give a reply within three days.

Becoming the Yaozhou branch of the Hantang Commercial Bank allows the big guys to earn a profit. Why would they start to turn their faces as soon as they were away.

Cheng Chubi captured Jianchuan City, but Yaozhou's troops were really insufficient, so now he still has to defend Jianchuan City.

Military affairs need to be busy, but business should not be delayed. Therefore, the emperor and the leader have already begun negotiations on the shore of the Erhai Lake.

I didn't expect that I was not there, these guys were so inept, they were afraid that they would earn a penny less and the other party would earn a penny more.

After Cheng Jie explained a few words in a low voice, Cheng Chubi understood immediately.

Speaking of it, I was still talking about Ning Cishi's performance to your majesty before, and please enlighten your majesty to approve the news that Zhang Jialan, the daughter of the Lord Namonshezhao, is the side concubine.

It was passed out in private. As the master of Mengshe Zhao, Zhang Lejin asked the old driver to hear the news, and he almost urinated with excitement.

I never thought that my daughter was so powerful, she would actually go hooked with His Highness King Wu, who is more beautiful than her lover...

Well, it's consensual and consensual.

"This old boy, haha..." Cheng Chubi was immediately unhappy when he heard this. Don't say that you Zhang Lejinqiu is his side concubine and old wife.

What about his concubine and old wife of Li Ke? It's not Li Ke's father.

If he is his father, I can still be afraid of one or two, you guys, and want to take advantage of the Han and Tang firms, you don’t even have to think about Let’s go, Uncle Jie, rush back to Erhai Lake, know The directors of the Han and Tang Commercial Banks, as well as the heads of the various prefectures, and the chiefs of the emperors in Yaozhou. "

"Since they can't agree, then come to Jianchuan City for the second round of talks, and I will chair it myself."

Seeing the third son grinning his teeth, Cheng Jie had a good time. "San Gongzi, if you go out, then you must be successful."

"By the way, I remember, there are still many people in the Mengshezhao who follow the Sinuluo, right?"

Cheng Jie nodded, and couldn't help but vomit. "In fact, Zhang Lejin begged this old boy to behave a little..."

"I understand, I will write a letter in a moment, you return to Erhai, besides letting them come to Jianchuan City for a meeting, give this letter to Sinura for me."

Cheng Jie looked at the third son with a smirk in front of him with a dazed expression. At this moment, a picture flashed in his mind. The Lord Mengshezhao was afraid that he would lose his hand and break his cup and cry, regretting that he should not be too greedy.

Cheng Chubi didn't know the scene where Uncle Jie was replenishing his brain. He just smiled confidently when he saw Uncle Jie's dumbfounded look.

"Don't worry, I'm not urging Xinuluo to continue to engage in the position of the emperor of the emperor, but I want this person who is quite capable and able to do something."


In the land of Yazhou, Tubo camp, Tubo Prime Minister Shang Nang was sitting in the big tent at the moment, staring at the urgent report from the south.

The face of the Tubo general also looked ugly from the outside, and he whispered about the news that he had just received.

In despair, the incomparably suffocated Shang Duojie committed suicide, and the great Tubo moved forward together. The strategy of attempting to attack the Great Tang Jiannan Road had already failed after the capture of Jianchuan City.

Shang Nang threw the urgent report on the case table, raised his head, and the generals who were still talking in a low voice were silent for a moment.

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