The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1421: His Royal Highness's style is better than the past, which is very comforting for

At this moment, the middle-aged man, who seemed very rigid, turned his head around if he noticed it.

Seeing Wu Wang Li Ke who was sneaking around in the corner and looking at him, he couldn't help frowning.

However, he strode forward and came to the dumb Wu Wang Li Ke, and then respectfully saluted.

"See Your Highness."

"Teacher?" Li Ke stared straight at Quan Wanji, who had jumped to Luzhou Metropolitan Governor's Mansion inexplicably, his whole body was not well.

The shadow of childhood, the nightmare of youth, and the numbness of youth are intertwined in my mind.

Quan Wanji raised his head and frowned as he looked at Li Ke, who was a little slanted in his clothes.

"I haven't seen your Highness for a long time, and it is really embarrassing to meet again today, Your Highness...please please..."

Seeing Quan Wanji's familiar expression, Li Ke looked numb and subconsciously raised his hand to straighten his clothes, and wiped off his bun by the way.

Finally, from Quan Wanji's rigid old face, I saw a trace of comfort and approval.

"I haven't seen it for several years. His Royal Highness's style is better than before. He has indeed grown up. I am very relieved..."

"Ke has seen the teacher." Li Ke looked at Quan Wanji, whose hair and beard were a little more gray than before, respectfully said.

The two came to the hall and sat down, Li Ke looked at the teacher with a dazed expression.

Hasn't this one been arranged by his father to do other work?

Hardly, I asked my father to arrange the concubine for myself, which annoyed my father.

So I invited the teacher who caused me the most headache, and wanted him to clean up himself?

Quan Wanji took a sip of the refreshing tea soup and raised his eyebrows. Indeed, this tea soup tasted really good.

Swivel and bow to Li Ke, this is the solemn way.

"Your Majesty is very pleased with what His Majesty has done in the Luzhou Metropolitan Government over the years."

"I just don't know, has your Highness been studying since he took charge of the Luzhou Metropolitan Government House?"

"..." Li Ke's face instantly stiffened, this, it seems, it should be... as if not, right?

Of course, it is impossible to admit, Li Ke's face returned to normal in the blink of an eye, and he smiled calmly.

"Teacher, in this Luzhou Metropolitan Governor's Office, although I dare not say diligence, I still read books in my spare time on official business."

"Hmm..." Quan Wanji nodded in satisfaction.

"Dare to ask which sage's work is your Highness reading?"

Li Ke smashed his mouth, embarrassed to say that Master Xu is a sage, after all, he is not an unscrupulous artist recognized by scholars in the world.


I can only harden my scalp and slap haha, and with a glance, I think of the book I had turned over when I couldn't sleep some time ago.

"What I read is... "Zuo Zhuan", yes, it is "Zuo Zhuan""

Quan Wanji raised his eyebrows and nodded with approval.

"Historical reading can tell the truth. The "Zuo Zhuan" covers the historical facts of the various countries in the pre-Qin, Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. It is a good book that is not false and beautiful, and does not hide evil."

"I wonder where did your Highness read it?"

Li Ke stared blankly at the teacher Quan Wanji, who had begun to study his own knowledge as soon as he arrived, and he immediately settled.

The nightmare of childhood seemed to come again.

Li Ke squeaked out of sweat, racking his brains and sweating, finally letting this question go.

Without waiting for Quan Wanji to speak, Li Ke grabbed the topic.

"Remember that the teacher went to work abroad before, why did he show up in Luzhou?"

Fortunately, not mentioning it, Quan Wanji couldn't help taking a meaningful look at Li Ke when he mentioned the matter.

"The old man originally served in West Korea, but he received his majesty's order before returning to Beijing to report on his work..."

"As a result, His Majesty informed His Royal Highness that he intended to accept Zhang, the daughter of Mengshezhao Lord of Yaozhou, as a side concubine."


Li Shimin has a headache for Li Ke, but it is impossible for this matter to copy a big stick to Luzhou to talk to his own son about his father's kindness and filial piety.

In the end, Quan Wanji, the prince's teacher who used to tidy up Li Ke, the immature prince, was called.

I hope that as a special envoy, he will go to Jiannan Road to see what Li Ke is doing.

By the way, I'm taking a good look at the emperor's elder, whether the daughter of Zhang Jialan, who is the Lord of Shezhao, is a very virtuous and virtuous woman, and whether she is a good match for His Highness.

After a lot of crackling talk, Quan Wanji, who had been a teacher for Li Ke for many years and left a strong psychological shadow on Li Ke, the turbulent prince, stroked his long beard, and his harsh eyes fell once again. Li Kena had already begun to sit in a lazy posture.

"... But the most important thing for the old man is to enlighten His Majesty to supervise His Majesty's and reading."

"..." Li Ke shook his head in an instant, and quickly sat upright again. This is definitely not because he wants to sit upright, but a habit that Te Niang has developed over the years.

Li Ke would react subconsciously when he was glared by the eyes of this old-fashioned old man.

Just as Li Ke looked at and looked away, Quan Wanji, who was sceptical and crooked, was extremely sad and melancholy.

As soon as he saw it, he saw a very familiar, magnificent and heroic man, who was striding up the steps.

"Brother Chubi?!" Li Ke couldn't help rubbing his eyes. This was not an illusion. It was really his lucky star Chubi brother who had returned from Yaozhoulang.

Then, Quan Wanji saw Li Ke jump directly past the case and dashed towards the outside.

Quan Wanji's eyeballs bulged in an instant, and it would be detrimental to the royal prestige if he didn't talk about his manners.

No wonder your Majesty wanted to find himself and let himself go to Luzhou Metropolitan Dufu to teach His Royal Highness King Wu.

It seems that there is no one to supervise and control, His Royal Highness King Wu has already begun to release himself.

Thinking about this, a strong sense of responsibility made Quan Wanji's fighting spirit high.


"Brother Chubi, brother, I want to kill you..."

Seeing Brother Chu Bi's return, Li Ke glanced at the hall, squatting in the hall, his expression was rigid, his eyes seemed to be burning with fighting spirit Quan Wanji, his eyes were red.

Cheng Chubi wanted to meet with his old friend, slapped Li Ke's shoulder with a big slap, carefully looked at the little white-faced His Royal Highness King Wu, and made a sincere comment.

"I haven't seen you for many days. Although you are not fat, Brother Xian, your belly seems to be a little bigger."

"...Can we stop chatting and see the old man?"

Li Ke's eyes were dark, his stomach seemed to be a little bigger again, and I had been trying to control his diet.

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