The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1423: God flies...that's my dad, not a monkey...

Quan Wanji was Li Ke's teacher, and Cheng Chubi belonged to Li Ke, the official of the governor of Luzhou, so he could only accompany him.

Cheng Chubi finally saw the most standard way of eating in this dynasty, whether it was using chopsticks, drinking, or toasting and being toasted.

This Quan Wanji is very particular, using adjectives that are very painful in later generations, this is that this guy has his own process even if he shaves his teeth and farts.

Even if Cheng Chubi still had a dry Luzhou civil and military force, everyone did not know how to eat.

Anyhow, Li Ke was a disciple who had been educated by Quan Wanji for many years. Today, he finally performed supernormally, eating food and drinking wine at a glance like his teacher.

When the food and wine were exhausted and the food was clean, Quan Wanji glanced at the Luzhou civil and military who were present, and finally resisted the urge to be a teacher.

He got up and said farewell to Li Ke, because he had to rush to the second watch, that is, read the book for half an hour at the beginning of Haishi, and then wash and clean up.

I will go to bed at the end of Haishi, and then wake up at the end of the fifth watch, get up to practice Wu Qin Xi for half an hour, then study for half an hour, and then start to eat...

The chief governor Li Ke hurriedly got up and personally led a group of officials to send Quan Wanji outside the hall.

It wasn't until Quan Wanji signaled him to go back to host the banquet and left calmly by himself, that Li Ke let out a sigh of relief.

Turning to face Cheng Chubi with a bitter smile, he lowered his voice.

"Maybe my father, send my teacher over, just pick me up for my little brother."

Cheng Chubi patted Li Ke's shoulder sympathetically, and quietly soothed.

"Hold on, you must be able to. I believe that Lady Garan will come over as soon as she receives your letter."

Being able to force Li Ke, a lazy and sloppy prince, into this way, Cheng Chubi admired the talent of this Quan.

It seems that sometimes, authority should be cultivated at a small level. It must be past, and Li Ke has been accustomed to this Mr. Quan.

Tsk tusk... At least Cheng Chubi felt that Quan Wanji's rank was very high, and he deserved to be the famous teacher arranged by Li Shimin for Li Ke.

Until Quan Wanji left, everyone in the main hall of the formerly silent Luzhou Metropolitan Governor's Mansion unanimously sighed.

Everyone finally became a lot more relaxed.

Most of them are natives of Jiannan Dao, and they have heard of Quan Wanji's reputation as a teacher of His Royal Highness King Wu.

But I didn't expect it to be even more difficult than imagined. Today's matchmaking feast is very unprofitable for everyone.

"Oh, it's just too hard for the special mother, I made a noise when I was eating, and the look in my eyes rushed to Laozi..."

"Oh, no, eating and drinking, bragging and smashing, this is the real banquet. As a result, I met such a master who can't speak, but also restrains others and can't make a sound."

"Could it be that most of our governors acted like puppets just now, and it seems that they were also given by his teacher, hehehe..."


Everyone ate and drank, the banquet dissipated, and the two wandered back to the backyard, letting people guard the gate.

Over there, Cheng Fa and Cheng Da, who have obtained the six or seven points of Cheng Sanlang's cooking fungus, are continuing to do it.

The brothers first drink tea and digest, and then have a delicious fungus banquet later.

Especially here in Luzhou, Cheng Chubi had already pickled a lot of waxed goods before, and fungus was used to suffocate the waxed taste. This is definitely a rare delicacy.

"Brother Chubi, do you know that my teacher brought me a letter written by my father and the emperor. There was one thing mentioned in the letter. My father is going to make a tour of the east."

"Eastern Tour, where are you going?" Cheng Chubi's first thought was that Uncle Li was about to jump to Mount Tai to convene Zen.

After thinking about it wrong, the emperor of Tang Dynasty should have nothing to do with the previous two emperors. It should be who and who. Cheng Chubi couldn't remember the name of that prince, but he didn't need to care about such small details.

Because Li Ke's next sentence left Cheng Chubi dumbfounded.

"My father is actually going to Luoyang to eat in the name of the Eastern Tour."

Cheng Chubi scratched his jaw, a little bit unclear, what does it mean to eat? Still stuttering?

Seeing Brother Chu Bi's expression so confused, Li Ke had a toothache. "Brother Chubi, why do you look like this?"

Of course, it was impossible for Cheng Chubi to reveal what he meant to eat if he didn't understand, so he decided to attack.

"I'm just a little curious, isn't your father running out of food in Chang'an?"

Li Ke nodded naturally. "This is natural, otherwise my father would have the idea of ​​traveling to the east.

Leading the group of ministers and hundreds of officials, as well as the twelve elites on the Fanshang, all go to the east to all, the grains transported from the south of the Yangtze River are mostly accumulated in Luoyang. , Transshipment of grain is very convenient. "

"Furthermore, in Luoyang, the eastern capital, since the previous dynasty, a large number of warehouse cities have been concentrated here..."

"Oh... I understand." Cheng Chubi grinned, Te Niang, didn't he just rush to the eastern capital of Luoyang to eat the big family?

Seeing Brother Chubi's silly smile, Li Ke always felt that Brother Chubi's thinking was not serious.

But the problem is that just eating this kind of normal thing, how can Brother Chu Bi think of going in a place that is not serious?


Seeing Li Ke's suspicious expression, Cheng Chubi laughed dryly and quickly turned off the topic to divert Li Ke's attention.

"Come and come, tell me, why is your father running out of food, he can only go all the way."

Li Ke's face went dark for an instant, and his whole body was in a bad condition.

God flies...that's my father, the majesty Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, not a monkey, okay?

"Brother Chubi, the reason why my father wants to eat in the east is mainly because there are many disasters in Guanzhong this year. The DPRK transferred a large amount of grain for aid, which resulted in insufficient grain storage."

"And the transshipment of grain from Luoyang has been going on, and it is impossible to increase the transshipment of grain in an urgent situation."

"So..." Cheng Chubi suddenly realized that, too, when he was staying in Chang'an before.

At every turn, I heard that XX in Guanzhong was hit by floods again, XX was hit by drought again, and XX was hit by snow again.

"In the past few years, the disasters in Guanzhong have been too frequent."

Li Ke nodded in agreement. "Who says no, it's actually not mine."

"Since the Han Dynasty, the water transportation has been started, and the grain goods from the Kanto and Jiangnan are transported into the customs to supply the needs of the capital."

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