The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1444: Shouldn't continue to let them be left unattended in Luzhou

Fang Xuanling could only grit his teeth, put Erlang aside for the time being, and conscientiously handled the matter of Luoyang, the eastern capital of the Eastern Tour.

Nowadays, many affairs on the East Capital side are also on the right track, and hundreds of thousands of elites can also eat their food.

Each of the civil and military officials also had their own residences, and everything was done. Fang Xuanling decided to come over today to have a good chat with your Majesty about her own Erlang.

Nowadays, he has outstanding political achievements in Luzhou, and he has made military exploits in Yazhou. It can be said that he has all the achievements in civil and military affairs.

It was time for the evildoer to leave the place of right and wrong like Jiannan Dao early, return home to marry a wife and have children, and open up branches and leaves for the old house earlier.

With her hands on her back, Fang Xuanling followed the **** walking in Luoyang Palace on this hot summer day.

After a while, sweat on both cheeks was already present, but fortunately, the Zhenguan Temple was already in front of him.

The predecessor of Zhenguan Hall was the Daye Hall of the former Sui Dynasty, and Yang Guang used its reign as the hall name.

Your Majesty has never been to the east since he became the throne, but he didn't care about it.

But this time to visit Luoyang to the east, choose the place of discussion and office, this is the great cause.

Your Majesty is naturally unhappy, how could the emperor of Datang still use the name of the palace from the previous Yang Guangnian.

Ever since, with a swipe of his majesty, he took down Yang Guang's extremely narcissistic temple name, and replaced it with an equally narcissistic temple name: Zhen Guan.

When I thought of the east tour here, when changing the name of the temple, Baiguan was not happy, thinking that your Majesty was learning Yang Guang, which is not good.

And it was too awkward, but His Majesty rejected all opinions, thinking that he was the emperor of Tang Dynasty, and he should have a broader mind.

There is also the courage to surpass the emperor of the previous dynasty. What's more, I am the emperor at once. It is precisely because of my hard work and dedication that I replaced the Sui Dynasty.

So, without my reign, what else do you want to hang?

Regarding your majesty's statement, a man of civil servants used their noses, but the problem is that those cheeky and vulgar fighters are all advancing and retreating with your majesty.

Ever since, the name of Zhenguan Hall, a shameful hall, was hung up on the original Daye Hall.

Looking at the three words of Zhenguan Temple with spicy eyes, Fang Xuanling felt ashamed for her majesty.

He quickly looked away like a serious person seeing the young lady with her arms and legs getting her head.


When Fang Xuanling arrived at the side hall, she happened to see her majesty on foot.

Fang Xuanling hurriedly stepped forward to give a salute. "The minister sees your majesty."

Li Shimin stretched out his hand to support Fang Xuanling, looked at the sweat on his cheeks, and quickly pulled Fang Xuanling to the side hall.

"Fang Aiqing please hurry up, why are you here...Look at this hot day, walk around, hurry in and cool off..."

After Fang Xuanling entered the hall with Li Shimin, his own **** brought an iced towel and wiped off the sweat, and the whole person suddenly refreshed.

Taking a sip of tea, Fang Xuanling was about to speak, when she heard rapid footsteps coming from outside the hall.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw an **** walking quickly and handing an item to Zhao Kun who came forward.

After Zhao Kun took it, he quickly walked over with a different face. "Your Majesty, this is an urgent melodrama sent by Luzhou."

"It's from Luzhou?" Li Shimin's relaxed expression just now calmed down.

Fang Xuanling, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help feeling startled, and his eyes fell on the memorial.

He watched his Majesty stretch out his hand to take the memorial, but at the moment he saw the handwriting.

Li Shimin's expression became a little weird. Isn't this the handwriting of Quan Qing Quan Wanji?

What's going on? Quan Wanji had already made a memorial about Ke'er's side concubine before.

Knowing that this stern and stern loyal veteran had already recognized the Mengshezhao Zhang's daughter.

Even though Li Shimin was a little unhappy, he still trusted the vision and judgment of the old courtier.

So not long after receiving the memorial, an emissary was sent to Luzhou in the hope that the matter of Li Ke's side concubine would have been resolved.

Only half a month has passed. It stands to reason that even if the messenger ran faster, he should have only arrived in Shu, so why is there another memorial to this meeting?

Is it possible, what new situation is not possible?

Li Shimin quickly used his brains to think, while he picked up the memorial in his hand and opened it.

Looking at the brushstrokes on the back of the pen, I felt Quan Wanji's intense anger rushing toward his face.

Quan Wanji was very angry, because he had caught Li Ke's boy playing games and gambling money with others. UU Reading specially sued Li Ke viciously.

I just hope that the kid can have a deep education, and Li Shimin did not accidentally clean up Li Ke's meal, let him know the depth of love and the truth of responsibility.

But now, those three guys are actually playing cards in the Metropolitan Governor’s Mansion, and they are still playing cards for Te Niang all night. The important thing is that they were caught by Quan Wanji...

Li Shimin looked at the memorial with a black line on his face, and could imagine how the Quan Qing family would feel when they watched the three **** play cards all night.

Li Shimin wanted to spit out a sentence, but in the end he could only spit out a long suffocation.

When Fang Xuanling, who was sitting on the sidelines, saw that his Majesty was reading the memorial, his expression for a while seemed like he wanted to laugh, but also as if he wanted to get angry.

In short, the expression is very complicated, so complicated that Fang Xuanling's face is confused and confused.


"Your Majesty, what happened in Luzhou?" Fang Xuanling couldn't help asking when seeing Li Shimin withdraw his gaze.

Li Shimin reluctantly handed the memorial to Fang Xuanling, who desperately wanted to know the news, and uttered a sentence along the way.

"Fang Qing, don't worry, you can take a look at Fang Qing's house for yourself, those three boys are really a headache..."

Fang Xuanling took a look at the memorial, and instantly turned dark. He was not satisfied with the situation, so she persuaded her own son.

He went to Yazhou to fight to death on the battlefield. He just became famous and led his troops back to Luzhou.

You little **** don't take a good rest, raise your body, and get married in the future as soon as possible to open branches and leaves for the old house, and give birth to more seeds for reading.

Regardless of the exhaustion of the journey, I played an all-night card with the **** Cheng Saburo and Li Ke that night...

Fang Xuanling became more angry as she watched, and finally panted like a cow, almost spraying sparks out of her nostrils.

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