The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1452: I look forward to seeing with my own eyes how good a soldier is...

The news of the construction of the Xianxian Tower and those three platforms soon spread throughout Luzhou, and many good people came over to watch the excitement.

Especially for the local scholars in Luzhou, they are very excited. After all, Luzhou has been under the strong governance of the Luzhou Metropolitan Government in recent years.

The economic situation has developed rapidly, although it is not comparable to the Shuzhou area, but at least it has already ranked from the unknown in the past to the forefront of Jianjiannan.

Although the economic ranking has jumped to the top, the cultural heritage of Luzhou has not been able to catch up in time.

And now, Luzhou Metropolitan Dudu’s Mansion has built this kind of cultural and tourism landscape that is the favorite place for saunchers and inscribers.

Naturally, it has won the support and support of many cultural people in Luzhou.

Even after many people inquired about the names of the towers under construction, they were already in the brothel pavilions and began to recite the poems that can be linked to the names of those towers.

I look forward to the day when my masterpiece will be able to hang on those towers, and it will be famous for generations to come.

In short, building this thing is simply scratching the itch of the scholars in Luzhou.

Even good deeds from Rongzhou and Rongzhou have also come in one after another, enviously pointing and pointing.

Although the construction site is busy, the renderings of the three stations on the first floor have been posted on the bulletin board outside the Metropolitan Government.

And Li Ke asked the emperor of Datang that the memorials on the Luzhou Liaojun Fan Fan had already been reported to the emperor.

In an instant, Li Ke changed from a driver with a princess to an old driver with a princess and side concubines.

Cheng Chubi and Fang Jun, two single dogs, can only use all their energy in the career they are fighting for.


Li Ji was sitting in the Ganlu Hall sipping tea soup, surrounded by a group of famous Datang generals, and even Li Jing, a rare appearance of the Datang Army God, came here today.

Li Shimin stroked his long beard and watched these important martial ministers pass the "Luzhou Metropolitan Governor's Army Military Training Code" that had been copied several times.

The expressions of every important Wu Xun minister looked very serious, and they exchanged a few words in a low voice from time to time, poking their fingers on the code of conduct.

But today, Li Shimin did not call Cheng Yaojin over.

Of course there is a reason for this. If this General Cheng was present, would definitely be the king's wife selling melons and bragging about it.

As for a minister of martial arts, no one is willing to fight this bad guy, but it is not easy to hear the true opinions.


Duan Zhixuan, the Wu Xun general, patted this code of conduct with a very complicated expression, and spoke first.

"Your Majesty, the methods recorded in this code of conduct are really impressive, although they seem a bit too crude and straightforward."

"However, the content has inspired the old man deeply. It turns out that such methods and methods can be used to manage and train the army."

"It's just how effective it is. I will only listen to what the Li Bingbu family said..."

Duan Zhixuan's words made Li Shimin deeply convinced, after all, he didn't know what kind of combat power the monks from Jiannan Dao had.

But many generals under his command are very clear, just like Cheng Yaojin, who is not here, is even more clear.

This man once served as the chief governor of Luzhou, cleaned up the monks, and then led the army to the west to conquer Tuyuhun.

Cheng Yaojin once commented that if those monks are fighting alone, they may not be weaker than the Tuyuhun soldiers, but if they are arranging troops and fighting on a large scale.

Not to mention that compared with the elite soldiers of the Datang Mansion, they were even worse than the soldiers and horses of Tuyuhun.

What kind of combat effectiveness can such an unorganized and undisciplined force have?

"In the old days, when the old man and Cheng Zhijie were fighting Tuyuhun, they talked about the power of these foreign races. Cheng Zhijie used the elite of my Datang Mansion as the standard."

"If it is personal combat power, the monk can be second-class, but if the two armies are facing each other, the Tuyuhun soldiers and horses can be listed as third-class, and the monks and soldiers can't even enter the fourth-class."

As Li Jing, Datang Junjing, began to scream, the generals looked strange, but he did not expect that the old boy Cheng Yaojin would not be there today.

Actually, there is still a chance to brush up on the sense of existence, but then again, when the father is madly beating the monk.

The son was also beating the liren wildly, and after the beating, he slipped the liren over and trained him as an army.

It really made all the Datang Wuxun think that this pair of Cheng's father and son really had a feeling of being as blue as blue but better than blue.

Although Li Jing is already in a semi-retired state, all the military officials present, including Li Shimin, dare not disrespect the vision of the most outstanding military strategist and strategist of the Tang Dynasty.

After Li Jing quoted Cheng Yaojin's evaluation of those soldiers and horses, the conversation changed and fell on the code of practice.

He patted the code with a sorrowful face and said in a deep voice.

"The veteran feels that this code of conduct is indeed extraordinary. Although it does not involve military strategy, it only talks about the means of training and governing the army, it seems a bit shallow."

"But it happens to make up for the shortcomings of many military books since ancient times that have not been detailed."

"Unfortunately, it would be better if it was the veterinarian who had been trained in this method and could let me see it with my own eyes."

Li Ji nodded in agreement. "Li Weigong's words are very reasonable, Your Majesty, when the former ministers were in Luzhou, they were very hesitant."

"This is the only way to settle down in the big camp of the veteran army, watching its training exercises, it is because of seeing it with his own eyes that the minister dared to take this soldier and horse to Yazhou."

"Now, since you also have such thoughts, can your majesty order the Luzhou Luzhou Army to come on duty?"

"Leading the army?" Li Daozong and Chai Shao looked at each other, and the eyes of the other important Wuxun ministers also lit up.

"Your Majesty, the minister thinks..." Before Duan Zhixuan finished speaking, he heard a sound of footsteps, and an **** hurried to the gate of the hall.

Zhao Kun greeted him, and after receiving a whispered inquiry, he walked towards this side with a strange expression.

"Your Majesty, a memorial sent from the Governor's Mansion in Luzhou, Jiannan Road..."

Li Shimin hurriedly glanced directly, his expression suddenly became very weird.

It took a long time to raise his head, and his eyes fell on Li Ji's body.

"Before, the Qing suggested to me that the army of the Luzhou Metropolitan Governor's Office should be sent. As a result, I received Saburo's memorial here, and I was also asking for it to allow me to approve the 1,000 elite soldiers under the Luzhou Metropolitan Governor's Office. Fanshang."

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