The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1459: Could it be a secret unit among our Datang Mansion soldiers...

Li Ke looked desperately at his brand-new official gown, although he avoided the beauty of beauty several times and was not splashed with wine.

However, the lapels of the clothes were poured on the body again and again by the sweet and mellow wine, and the whole body exudes a strong aroma of wine.

Although he wore a helmet on the side, Fang Jun, who was also wet, looked at the front brother Chu Bi with a dull expression.

You can't guess in which direction Chu Bi's head will be tilted back, or the splashing drink will be poured from.

Fortunately, the drizzle has been dripping, and the cement official road has always been water stained. In autumn, it is raining...

Not only does it cover up the wine stains, but it also makes it difficult to see how Cheng Changshi "sucked" the wine dry.

However, even though Cheng Saburo still drank a lot of rape, he still drank a lot. As for the official uniform, it was no better than Li Ke's.

Finally, after a long time of tossing, and finally breaking through the barricades, the heads of all states began to offer umbrellas for the people.

Li Ke stepped up to the front again, very moved and excited, and humbly said that his work was still not in place.

The development of Luzhou and the south-central area of ​​Jiannan Road is also indispensable for the sincere dedication of all the bigwigs and the efforts of countless people of Hanyu.

Li, Cheng, and Fang quickly handed the Wanmin Umbrella they had received to their confidants.

But soon, those Hanyu people who had been holding umbrellas also gathered one after another...

Li Ke, Cheng Chubi, and Fang Jun looked at the Wanmin umbrellas of various colors dotted with small cloth strips, their smiles gradually stiffened.


After almost twenty miles away from Luzhou, the officials and people of Hanyu who were seeing off were finally gone.

Cheng Chubi sat on the mount and looked at the team returning to Chang'an. Everyone was carrying at least four or five umbrellas.

Moreover, the more than 20 vehicles in the team were originally piled up with various luggage and properties, but now they have to put a lot of oil paper umbrellas on the goods, uh... Wanmin umbrellas.

"Brother Chubi, what should I do now?" Li Ke looked at the umbrellas that were so numb to his scalp, laughing and crying.

Unexpectedly, after he and others repeatedly instructed, those Umbrellas offered by the head of the people, indeed, there are only a few in a state.

But the problem is that the people who have passed away from the city outside the city have at least six or seven thousand umbrellas, and they ask you whether you want to pick them up or not.

These all represent the best wishes of the people of all ethnic groups, as well as their sincere heart. Are you embarrassed to pick it up?

The result is that now this originally serious team, everyone is carrying so many umbrellas...

Just when Cheng Chubi and Li Ke looked at the team with pain on their faces, thinking about what they should do.

On the side, an intercity shuttle bus was passing by, and several very lively merchants poked their heads out of the shuttle bus to watch the excitement.

When they saw this large team with more than a thousand people, and it seemed to be an elite division in armor and swordsmanship.

But what is puzzling is why there are so many oil-paper umbrellas on these soldiers?

"Where is this team, how do I feel like they just robbed the umbrella shop?"

"Yeah, it's weird. Everyone carries them on their backs and carries them. How can they have three or four umbrellas? And those cars are all umbrellas."

"But it looks like an elite soldier. Since it's an elite soldier, what can you do with so many umbrellas?"

"Could it be that this is the secret unit of our Datang Mansion..."

"Brother Liu, what kind of secret unit, talk to my little brother."

Cheng Chubi and Li Ke heard the crookedness of the merchants and couldn't help but curiously raised their ears.

"Look at them in a neat line, with serious expressions and steady steps. They are clearly an elite teacher."

"But they don't have knives in their hands, only umbrellas, which proves that they should be a team of paratroopers."

"???" Cheng Chubi was messed up in the wind, and almost got a myocardial infarction, clutching his heart and falling off the horse straightly.

God's paratrooper, I'm also a paratrooper.

In the end, people were sent to the town ahead, and a dozen more cars were brought in, and all the umbrellas were loaded on the cars.

However, as the drizzle was getting heavier and heavier, just let these elites of the Lonely Army continue on their way under the umbrella of the people to cover the wind and rain.

Autumn in the south is actually not difficult, but once it rains, the drizzle, which seems to never stop, can torture people all over.

Before Cheng Chubi crossed, what he hated most was such ghost weather. After crossing, he still hated such weather very much.

Especially in the south, the humidity is already high, coupled with the constant rain, it makes people feel that there is no dry place.

Even if it rains for a long time, it will make you feel that there are signs of moss and mushrooms.

Until I left Luzhou and after Rongzhou, I finally saw the rare sun.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and simply settled down in the camp to let the big guys get a good sun.

The purpose is not to replenish calcium, but to let the luggage dry well and dry it up, so that the luggage will not get moldy.

Especially those dried mushrooms, dried bamboo shoots, and various preserved wax goods that are to be transported back to Chang'an. If they are not dried in the sun, they will really grow moldy.


After two days in the sun, the team set off again and continued northward, returning to Chang'an. They decided not to take the last road.

Decided to change one. After all, the last time I wandered in the Shu Road was more than half a month, which made people feel uncomfortable.

But what made Cheng Saburo and the others desperate was that even if they changed the way of Shu, it was still Te Niang's word: difficult.

As it is said that it is difficult to enter Shu, it is also difficult to leave Shu, and because of the large number of people leaving Shu, the speed has to slow down a lot.

And in one of the sections, because the Shu Road collapsed, it only took two days to repair and clean up before setting off again.

They set off in autumn, and when they set foot on the Guanzhong Plain, it was already winter.

They came from the land of Luzhou, who had never seen what the flying snow looks like in their entire life. At this moment, two of them were shivering, looking at the snow falling that day with novel faces.

Seeing the flying snow flakes, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but stretched out his hand to catch the snow flakes.

Chang'an, Lao Zi Hu... well, the most beautiful cub of the old Cheng family finally returned to Chang'an.

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