The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1498: Haha, if your majesty doesn't clean them up, that's your majesty...

"When has your kid been timid?" Li Yuan chuckled, and immediately became happy.

"No, no, my lord, the minister has something to do with you... no, no, don't be wrong.

The minister only heard what you said just now, and then he had this bold idea. "

Li Yuan stared blankly at Cheng Saburo, who was flying in front of him. He always felt that this kid was uneasy and kind.

Beginning to pull the sleeves of the clothes to stage an action movie.

"What bold idea? You'd better explain it to the old man, otherwise, the old man will make your kid swollen."

Cheng Chubi hurriedly stepped back one step at a time, and then said his thoughts.

"The minister wants to build a better and more comfortable palace complex for the emperor than Da'an Palace for free."

When he heard that it was free, Li Yuan couldn't help but his heart moved, and his eyes lit up.

The so-called Da'an Palace, that was the original five years of martial arts, Li Yuan felt that Li Shimin had the power to conquer the world.

The Hongyi Palace was built for Li Shimin in the Forbidden Garden.

After a series of things happened, Li Shimin has been in charge of the East Palace.

It was not until the third year of Zhenguan that Li Yuan decided to move out of the imperial palace, so he moved to Hongyi Palace where he originally built Li Erlang to live, and renamed it Da'an Palace.

Although the scenery of Da'an Palace is quite good, the problem is that the place is really small.

It can even be said that living is a bit cramped, but apart from this, that is the Royal Palace and the East Palace.

He is the Supreme Emperor, of course it is impossible to live in the imperial palace, nor can he go to the East Palace to pretend to be tender.

Then came the problem. In the cramped Da'an Palace, Li Shimin didn't think about building a new palace for his father.

But the problem is that since Li Shimin came to power, Datang has been frequently harassed by foreign enemies. Either the East Turks jumped over, or the Tugu was making monster moths.

Either it was Gao Chang jumping up and down, or it was the Tubo secretly poking at Jiannan Dao and drooling.

In the words of later generations, what is being fought in war is money. As the saying goes, when a cannon is fired, gold ten thousand liang, of course, does not mean making money, but losing money.

The perennial use of soldiers, coupled with frequent disasters in Guanzhong over the past few years, has resulted in insufficient treasury.

Ever since, Li Shimin announced that he would build a retirement palace for his father, but now he just planned out the site, nothing else...

Although Li Yuan could understand that Erlang was for the country's government affairs, he could only temporarily shelve it.

However, it does not mean that his elderly are willing to squat in the cramped Da'an Palace to provide for the elderly.

However, the benefits of Cheng Saburo were not so important. Li Yuan looked at Cheng Saburo vigilantly, suspiciously.

"What do you guys want to make on the old man?"

"Look at what you said, is the minister like that?" Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes unwillingly.

"The emperor, you have repeatedly complained to the ministers in private. This Da'an Palace is really cramped."

"Sometimes, the empresses and the concubines dance a square dance, and the sound of music makes the emperor so noisy. You can't take a nap at all."

"Besides, your Majesty wanted to build a palace for the emperor before. However, it has been troublesome over the years, and construction has not been started..."


Father Zhongbao stood not far away, listening to the few words that Cheng Saburo and His Majesty heard from time to time in the wind.

Seeing the old and strong Majesty and Cheng Saburo eyebrows, murmured, he looked like an old man in sixties.

Thinking about the past few years, at that time, His Majesty who was suffering from a dark illness was really exhausted physically and mentally, giving people a sense of dying oldness and decay.

Zhongbao saw it, but there was nothing he could do. He was just an eunuch, not a peerless doctor.

I can only watch the emperor become weaker and older day by day, not only because of physical illness, but also because of his heart knot.

Until the boy Cheng Saburo suddenly appeared as a genius doctor...

Thinking of Cheng Sanlang's forehead with the word genius doctor jumping up, Zhong Bao, who had always been quiet, couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly.

Since his Majesty the Emperor got on the line with Cheng Saburo, he was originally so serious and serious, even a somewhat rigid Majesty.

Gradually on an unscrupulous road, cough cough...

Looking at the present, the knot between the emperor has been untied. His Majesty, the Emperor, who pondered eating, drinking, and amused with his children and grandchildren all day long, and took pleasure in taking advantage of Cheng Saburo from time to time, really can be said to be getting younger and younger.

Think about the excitement and joyful rhythm of the music in the lifeless Da'an Palace now in the afternoon every day.

There is also a group of uniform dance poses of the Most of the time, the emperor will pick up the pipa himself and play music for the toffees.

Sometimes the interest came, and even appeared on the stage in person, swaying joyfully with the toffees.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to have such good physical strength, together with the emperor, with the sword and stick in the east palace, Cheng Saburo would fly like a headless fly.

Thinking about the scene that day, His Majesty the Emperor gave directions and copied a knife, while His Majesty the Emperor copied the sticks majesticly, and also played with sticks and flowers.

In fact, if it hadn't been for the exercise all the year round, I could control my emotions well.

Maybe that day, he would be like that group of guards, snickering and laughing while running, without the posture of being loyal to protect the Lord.


"...I said you kid, you actually hit the old man with your idea."

Li Yuan puffed up his eyes and stared at Cheng Saburo unhappily.

Cheng Chubi said with a flattering smile.

"The emperor, what is my idea? I just feel that there is no place left in Chang'an."

"But if there is a lot of open space in Luoyang, naturally we want to build as much as we want."

"Of course, you are the founding son of Datang, and your majesty's father and emperor. Where are you willing to go, who can control it?"

"Is it possible that those ministers dare to impeach you? Haha, if your majesty doesn't deal with them, then your majesty is not filial."

Li Yuan stroked his long beard and watched the saliva stars fly across. The plausible Cheng Saburo immediately became angry and raised his leg subconsciously.

Cheng Chubi felt like an unknown prior, twisted his butt, and then withdrew a few steps to the side, then looked aggrieved and indignant.

"My lord, what are you doing? The minister is working hard and weeping for your new palace. You actually got black feet..."

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