The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1507: Anyway, playing a card can also have an opponent with the same chess and drums?

Despite the overnight hatred, Cheng Saburo thought about it, and finally thought of Li Ke, an excellent royal tool man.

Only this old driver with long sleeves and good dancers should be able to handle the group of craftsmen who will be the supervisor.

Li Ke hurried to the front hall, and saw Brother Chubi sipping tea soup there and screaming.

"Brother Chubi, what brought you to me here?"

"Brother Xian, you came just right, I have something to discuss with you..."

Seeing Cheng Saburo's open eyes, Li Ke dispelled all the idle people in the hall and sat down with Cheng Saburo.

"Do you have anyone familiar with that craftsman's supervisor?"

Li Ke nodded without thinking, and looked at Cheng Saburo curiously.

"This is naturally there. Why, Brother Chu Bi, what do you do with someone who will be the prisoner?"

"Is it possible that I want to go to Yan Dajiang's wool again?"

Cheng Chubi glared at Li Ke unhappily. "Am I that kind of person?"

Li Ke's head almost clicked subconsciously, but considering Brother Chu Bi's careful eye that is comparable to the eye of a needle.

Li Ke hurriedly changed from top to bottom to left and right, and then wondered. "What the **** is it, Xiongtai, you can tell me a little brother anyway."

"Actually, it's not a big deal. There was just a slight misunderstanding between Yan Dajiang and I, right?"

"I was thinking about fighting Yan Dajiang into a jade silk, so I would like to invite you brother Xian...what are you doing with your head shaking?"

Li Ke deeply admired Brother Chu Bi's superb cheeks. It seemed that Brother Chu Bi had inherited all the talents of the old Cheng family.

"Brother Chubi, don't you have to make it difficult for the younger brother, is there just a slight misunderstanding between you?"

"Well, even if it's just a slight misunderstanding, Brother Chu Bi, you are willing to fight, but Master Yan is not willing to."

Hearing Li Ke's words, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but feel a little painful, too, there are indeed not many heroic men like himself who are smiling and gracious.

The important thing is that Master Yan is both a scholar and an artist, and his hypocrisy is normal.

"Well, since you can't handle Yan Dajiang, you can always handle other people, right?"

"I think Brother Chu Bi, you should first confess to the younger brother what you want to do? If the younger brother can help, you will not refuse."

Cheng Chubi looked at this good brother who likes to stab him in the ribs. However, this matter involves his grandfather. He has to dare to fool around. Maybe his father and his father will copy a soldering iron to pierce his eyes.

"Fine, it's your own grandfather anyway, these words are out of my mouth and into your ears, don't let others know..."


Li Ke heard the words of Brother Chu Bi and couldn't help but raised his thumbs at Brother Chu Bi with a face of convincing.

"Little brother, I really convinced you, Brother Chubi, you are really clever, if my grandfather goes out, it really... really solves the big problem."

"So, the question now is, how can you make your grandfather nod this head."

Cheng Chubi wiped his face, and decided that he wanted the entire drawing at first, but later decided to work with the appearance of the building.

In this way, it will become more intuitive, and even more shocking ideas are also said.

Li Ke nodded suddenly, touched his chin, his eyes rolled straight, and one hand rubbed his small beer belly.

It seems that this guy wants to use his stomach full of bad water to find a suitable solution.

Cheng Chubi was sipping tea soup next to him, and began to look around. With Li Ke thinking of a solution, he could finally relax his mind for a while.

Sure enough, after touching the beer belly full of bad water for a long time, Li Ke quickly showed a self-conceited smile.

"That's why Xiongtai wanted me to find Yan Dajiang. Actually, this matter can be done without disturbing Yan Dajiang."

"Yan Dajiangzuo is the chief officer who will be the supervisor. That's right, but all the carpenters who make appliances are in the hands of the carpenter, that is, the carpenter is in charge."

"Brother Chubi, wait a minute. Tomorrow, my little brother, I will walk around in person. Please help Shaojian Cui, who is the supervisor, and ask the master craftsman to come over."

"From him, there is no problem at all to come up with a few skilled carpenters."

Cheng Chubi thought for a while and couldn't help saying. "I'll go with you, Brother Xian, go by yourself, I really don't worry."

"No, no, no, Brother Chubi, you still don't go. To be honest, if you go, you will be a prison, we are afraid that we will not be able to do anything."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi's eyes suddenly bulged.

"Brother Xian, you'd better make it clear, why can't I do anything if I go to jail?"

Li Ke spread his hands helplessly. UU Reading "Please, last time I went to Huangzhuang, you completely offended Yan Dajiang."

"Besides, there were many officials who were to be prisoners at that time. They were all in their eyes. If you go to Xiongtai. Haha..."

"But after the little brother has brought those craftsmen over, the little craftsman, who is not an official, is afraid that he doesn't know the grudge between you and Yan Dajiang, Brother Chu Bi.

They naturally have to listen to you, Brother Chubi, right?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi was also very helpless, let alone, since the gang of gentlemen were not happy to laugh and sigh their grudges, he was too happy to deal with them in a whisper and crooked manner.

Anyway, Li Ke, an excellent royal tool man, would do the job.


Standing outside the Prince Wu's Mansion, Li Ke smiled and watched Brother Chu Bi, surrounded by several Cheng family members, drove away.

Immediately whispered to Li De. "Hurry up and prepare your horse, this king is going out of the house."

Turning over and leaping on his horse, Li Ke rushed towards Cui Shaojian's residence, surrounded by a loyal confidant.

Li Ke knew very well that when he was in Luzhou, his father's letter to him faintly revealed that he wanted to move the capital.

It's just that the move to the capital is a major matter that is fundamental to Jiangshan and Shiji.

There are still many opponents, but Brother Chu Bi, who is full of bad water and full of ideas, has provided a perfect idea.

That is to ask Grandpa Emperor to go out, haha...just like letting him serve as a shareholder of the Hantang Commercial Bank, escorting the Hantang Commercial Bank.

The emperor father himself had such an idea, and if the emperor grandfather went out, then the matter would be at least 70-80% certain.

Anyway, playing a card can also have an opponent with the same chess and drums?

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