The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1509: Didn't you just say that your son is resting?

Cheng Chubi summoned Deng Chengxin and asked him to quickly arrange to prepare a good meal and food to treat everyone well.

As for Cheng Chubi himself, because of the finishing touches, he kept staring at him. He barely slept last night and couldn't stand it. After a few hurried mouthfuls, he went into the principal's office to make up for his sleep.

It's just that Cheng Saburo has just lain down, Li Ke, the son of the turbulent emperor and the most outstanding royal instrumentalist.

Already riding a tall horse, rushing towards Cheng's University together with Zhao Kun, the head of the guard of his father's confidant.

At this moment, Li Ke seemed so energetic and high-spirited, because his father had just praised himself fiercely.

On the other hand, he was ordered by his father to come and ask Brother Chubi to come to the palace.

By the way, take the completed drawings and the wood samples of the IWC architecture to my father to have a good appreciation.

Upon arriving at Cheng's University, Li Ke, Zhao Kun and others went straight to the big house with wooden buildings.

I saw this place with little effort, and I saw the school security guard who was left by Cheng Saburo to guard here.

Only then did I learn that Cheng Saburo and the artisans and painters had been busy working overtime for the past two days. Only this morning has completed most of the architectural wood samples.

The school security guard opened the door while chattering, and Zhao Kun was stunned at the first glance.

He saw the whole room, with pedestals placed one after another.

On each wooden base, there is a beautifully shaped and uniquely shaped building.

And they are all different from the current architectural style of Datang, but they have their unique style.

Looking at these things, Zhao Kun breathed out for a long time. After all, he is a rough man, and he really said that idiot language: so beautiful.

But his heart has repeated at least several times in silence.

The guards who came behind him were also dazzled, tusk.

"Unexpectedly, the house still has such a sharp point, and I am not afraid of people falling from above it."

"Look at that, it looks like a stone no matter how it looks. There are people who use stones to build houses."

"And why is this thing round, what's written below?"

"This is about the Colosseum..."

Seeing a bunch of people squeezing into the house, and some people wanting to do something about the building, Li Ke hurriedly shouted.

"Well everyone, everyone should step back carefully and don't break it.

These are the hard work of Cheng Saburo, the teachers and students of Cheng University, and the craftsmen who will be supervisors. "

At this time, Cheng Ji wiped the greasy mouth that hadn't eaten enough and rushed over.

Knowing that His Majesty actually sent His Majesty King Wu to carry these architectural wood samples to the palace, he quickly sent someone to help.

But when he heard that Cheng Sanlang was going to enter the palace, Cheng Ji couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and explained to Li Ke.

"His Royal Highness, it's true that the third son of my family hadn't slept almost all night in order to rush to work. He just lay down just now."

Li Ke glanced at Zhao Kun, and Zhao Kun motioned to your Highness to be the master.

"In this case, let Brother Chu Bi take a good rest. When he turns around, he wakes up. You remember to notify him as soon as possible and let him enter the palace."

Zhao Kun thought of His Majesty's instructions, and, fearing that Cheng Saburo would be slow, he interrupted and suggested.

"In this way, I will leave someone here at the end. When he wakes up, it will be better to take him directly into the palace."

Li Ke understood immediately, nodded, and let Zhao Kun act.


Pieces of construction wood samples were carefully wrapped, and then moved out, and then transported onto the vehicle.

As for the Cui Shaojian who was also here today, he was also called off by the long-sleeved good dancer Li Ke and asked him to go to the palace together. Of course, it was not for him to rub the floor, but to give him some credit.

Of course Cui Shaojian was extremely happy, and originally helped Li Ke out of personal friendship.

But he didn't expect that His Royal Highness Wu was very loyal, and he did not forget to share the credit with everyone.

Zhao Kun and Li Ke and his party have been tossing here for more than half an hour.

Only then was it crowded with vehicles full of architectural wood samples and drawings, heading towards Chang'an City.

The guard who was left behind watched the team gradually move forward, and his deflated belly began to rustle.

Of course, Cheng Ji couldn't make people hungry, so he quickly yelled for Na Deng to lead the guard to eat first.

"Is this bad? I was ordered to go to the principal's office and wait for Cheng Saburo, or you could get me two pancakes."

"This little brother, listen to me, hurry up to eat in the cafeteria, eat warmly, eat and drink enough to have the strength to ride back to Chang'an for a while."

Under Cheng Ji's persuasion, the hungry and cold guard decided to eat and drink first, and then go to the principal's office to squat with Cheng Saburo.

As for Cheng Saburo, it was not until some time after their large team of transport buildings and forests left, UU reading www. then woke up comfortably.

Thinking of the achievements he had made through hard work these days, Cheng Chubi couldn't help showing a gratified and contented smile on his face.

He lifted the quilt, moved his body stiffly asleep, and walked outside the house. Decided to take a good look at the finished building wood samples.

Only then stretched out and walked out of the room, and saw Cheng Guang, Cheng Liang, and Cheng Fa three guys squatting together playing bamboo cards.

The faces of Cheng Liang and Cheng Fa had begun to turn black, while Cheng Guang looked at the two hapless poor peasants triumphantly, and dropped another bomb.

"Four three, do you want, do you want?"



Cheng Guang threw down the straight in his hand, and happily said with joy.

"Excuse me, Shunzi, I' are awake again, son."

Cheng Chubi waved his hand and walked over.

"Well, when did your kid get so lucky, I just saw you throw two bombs back and forth. It doesn't look like yours."

"My son, now and then, it's impossible for the villain to have such bad luck, right?"

Cheng Chubi happily took up the bamboo plaque and washed it swiftly. Well, just touch them for a while and then admire the wood samples of the completed buildings.

"Ha, come here, I'll accompany you to do it, and see how your luck is?"


Deng Chengxin just led the Ouchi guard who had been left here waiting for Cheng Saburo to wake up to the restaurant and had a full meal.

At this moment, the two were walking towards this side dangling.

Within a short distance, you can hear the energetic sound of playing cards from the principal's office.

The guard with a toothpick in his mouth stunned his ears with a black line on his face.

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