The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1515: The bad taste of the rough masters is to stimulate and delight

When Li Shimin heard this, he always felt uncomfortable. He always felt that his father was mocking his fear of his wife.

Forget it, don't care about the old man, took up the wine glass, smelled the mellow and soft aroma of the wine, and drew it dry and refreshed.

While eating the food, the two men began to brag and talk, and they talked about the marriage between Fang Erlang and Gao Yang.

"After the beginning of spring next year, the child is going to take care of his marriage with Fang Erlang."

Li Yuan sipped his wine happily and asked casually.

"Well, after Gao Yang, who will it be?"

"..." Li Shimin's face turned dark, he looked at the wine glass in front of him, and he was annoyed for a long time.

"After Gaoyang, it is Jinyang...but Jinyang is still young, and the boy is going to wait a few more years."

Hearing that it was Li Mingda, Li Yuan slapped his forehead and hurriedly followed the Tao.

"Well, that's right, Xiao Sizi is so big, he's not in a hurry."

"However, regarding Xiao Sizi and Cheng Saburo, have you considered Jiro?"

Li Shimin took a sigh of relief and smashed his mouth, quite a bit embarrassingly authentic. "What's so good about Cheng Saburo..."

Seeing Erlang's appearance, Li Yuan stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a chopstick of the braised pig ears delivered by Xiao Sizi himself yesterday, threw it into his mouth, and chewed happily.

This thing is served with wine, it is crunchy and fragrant, and it is not fatty. It is a great snack for elderly people like themselves who are addicted to meat and have good teeth.

The important thing is that this is the food delivered by the strange little Sizi himself.

"Hehe, in the eyes of the old man, Cheng Saburo's kid is really ordinary.

However, are there any other young talents in Datang who are comparable to Cheng Sanlang? "

Li Shimin opened his mouth when he heard the question from his father, but he was a little speechless.

Don't say it, if Cheng Saburo who knows the basics and knows the bottom, he can only be regarded as ordinary.

I'm afraid that all young talents in this world should just lie down and roll in the mud.

Li Yuan saw Li Shimin sighed and took a sip of wine before his face became bitter and authentic.

"Father, the child always feels that there is no man in this world who can be worthy of our little sister."

"But the boy also understands Xiao Sizi's intentions, but he just feels..."

"I feel very uncomfortable in my heart, right?" Li Yuan took a sip of wine and spoke out for Li Shimin.

"That being the case, just use this matter to kick that kid to Luoyang first, so you can let your girl accompany you for two more years in peace."

"The old man can't bear my good granddaughter, but after all, she likes that kid, and even though Cheng Saburo has such problems."

"In the eyes of the old man, as long as this kid can give him enough space to display his talents.

Not only can he do good things, he can even do things beyond everyone's imagination. "

Li Shimin also nodded his head approvingly, agreeing with the Tao.

"Originally, the child was worried that this kid was too young, so he was already in a high position, and he was vulnerable to humans.

In addition, he has been staying in Chang'an, lacking training, and Ke'er should also leave Chang'an Jifan, so the child will drive all three of them to Luzhou. "

"There is another reason to send them to Luzhou. It is the place where Cheng Yaojin has been in charge for several years. There is his father's old ministry there, and there shouldn't be anyone who will hold them down."

"As a result, the results they have made in just a few years, I am afraid that the few capable staff of my Datang will not be able to do it..."

"Not only does it have a good governance, but it can also compile military training codes and lead a gang of warriors that are comparable to the Uganda. But they succeeded in the surprise attack on Jianchuan City, which defeated the Tubo's strategy of attempting to seek our Da Tang Jiannan Dao."

"So far, the child still doesn't know how to reward this kid..."

"Too young, too much meritorious..."

Li Yuan nodded in agreement. "The old man is not happy to see me again with a pillar and stone minister in Datang, and repeat the same mistakes made by Medicine Master Li."

"..." Li Shimin glanced at his father who was drinking and eating meat. Of course he knew exactly what Li Yuan meant.

The father and son did not continue to struggle with this issue, but continued to drink and eat meat.

I began to talk about how to kick Cheng Sanlang and Li Ke to Luoyang to let them supervise the building of the palace.

How can we avoid the opposition in the court to the greatest extent?

The father and son were eating and chatting, until the beginning of the Hua Deng, they heard an **** coming to report.

But it was the eldest grandson empress and her Royal Highness Princess Jinyang who came together to greet the emperor.

Li Yuan, who was already drinking with a red nose, was immediately happy. When he turned his head, he saw Erlang, who also had a red nose, sat upright with his head held up unnaturally. UU Reading

Soon, Empress Longsun and Li Mingda stepped into the hall, and they saw the two father and son whose noses were red from drinking.

Fortunately, after Datang Xian, he always knew how to give his husband a face in front of others, and smiled as usual to please Li Yuan.

Li Mingda, the little cutie on the side, said to grandpa and daddy, and both father and son who drank a little screamed for joy.

Just as Li Shimin was talking to Empress Changsun, Li Mingda murmured in Li Yuan's ear.

I saw my grandfather Li Yuan winking triumphantly at himself, and made a gesture.

Li Mingda suddenly opened his eyes and smiled quietly. "Grandpa, you are so kind."

Li Yuanda Le, patted the back of Li Mingda's hand and smiled.

"Ha, who makes our little sister so cute, how can grandpa stand by your side."


In Chang'an and Cheng's restaurant, the shareholders of Yigan Hantang Commercial Bank gathered here once again, eating and drinking, and enjoying themselves.

Several people who like martial arts are surrounding Fang Jun, insisting that this guy tell about his repeated battle with the Tubo people in Yazhou for the city.

Cheng Chubi squatted with Li Ke and several more mature and stable shareholders to discuss matters.

At the beginning, everyone also gathered around Cheng Sanlang to inquire about his battle in Luzhou, but soon everyone was dull.

Cheng Sanlang was not called a war, it was like bragging, and it was over when the wave passed, and there were not a few people killed, and there was not enough enthusiasm at all.

"In addition, after a large-scale investment in the past few years, Jiaozhou Dagang Port, although the trade volume is still not comparable to that of Guangzhou Port, has become the main stop for sea-going ships coming from the west."

"In addition, Jiaozhou Plantation has successfully tested three new spices and is ready to open several new plantations..."

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