The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1562: Hey, I seem to have seen our little sister...

Fang Jun stared blankly at the upright and awe-inspiring brother Chu Bi, then suddenly turned his head to look at the distant Baqiao.

It is a pity that because of the distance, she can only see her slender figure, but her appearance is not true at all.

"Want to see more clearly? Hey, come, come and take you over for my brother, don't be nervous, we both pretend to be bragging and chatting, slowly strolling towards that side."

"...I said Brother Jun, you can't be so nervous, you walk with the same hand, relax, and take a deep breath."

Cheng Chubi whispered and crooked, while leading the stiff-stepped Fang Jun to move forward slowly.

On the other side, Li Mingda had already connected his head with Li Ke, and stayed behind a pillar of tree with Li Ke full of curiosity and expectation.

"Brother, when will it start? I can't wait."

"Three brothers, do all the gangsters you're looking for have real knives?"

"..." Seeing that she was so excited to ask questions, she couldn't wait, and there was even a girl named Li Mingda who wanted to play in person.

Li Ke's face became darker and darker, and he felt that it seemed too serious to let Li Mingda, a little cutie, join the plan.

"Sister, calm down, calm down, but Brother Chu Bi said, we must be careful, don't let Seventeenth Sister see the flaws."

Li Mingda nodded vigorously, and waved a fan fist at Li Ke to express his attitude.

"Well, good third brother, don't worry, my mouth is stern, and I won't leak a word."

At this time, Li De finally hurried over, only to see Li Mingda, the Princess of Jinyang, also approached him, he couldn't help being a little confused.

Li Ke was quite helpless and authentic. "It's a matter of course, you just say it straight."

Hearing this, he glanced at his helpless face, Li De held back his smile and whispered to report.

"Your Majesty, the manpower is ready, it depends on when to do it."

"Well, wait for my signal in a moment, so that they can cheer up. Don't go on a business trip, understand?"

Li Dexin nodded and walked away quickly. At this moment, the east and west sides of Han Baqiao were on both sides.

There were two sturdy men in gray costumes and black cloth hoods on their faces, showing only two eyes.

Looking at the princess on the bridge intently, she waited silently for the signal from Li De.

The designer of this headgear naturally comes from Cheng Saburo, who has advanced clothing design concepts.

In the past, whether it was a real thief or a fake. They all like to put a black cloth on their face, so it is neither professional nor concealed.

And some stupid thieves are even entangled in whether the black cloth should be at least one inch or half an inch under the eyelids.

Cheng Chubi used a black cloth to make a headgear based on the inspiration that the bad guys like to put black silk on their heads in later police and gangster movies.

And it's not the kind of put on, but a row of buttons on the side, so that the whole headgear is not too loose or too tight.

Don't worry that the black cloth on your face will be torn off when you do bad things halfway through, or it will fall off automatically because the tie is not strong.

The privacy and comfort are solved to the greatest extent.


Gao Yang is slowly walking on the Baqiao. The spring rain last night, and today's weather is cloudy.

Therefore, the wooden bridge deck still looked a little slippery, and Gao Yang carefully stepped on the bridge deck, looking at the surrounding scenery.

A few swallows are flying between the water and the willow trees near the shore.

And above the water, there are several colorful waterbirds frolicking on the tidal flat not far away.

In order to see the waterfowl that flapped its wings flying low, Gao Yang couldn't help but approached the bridge. Unexpectedly, his feet suddenly slipped...

At this moment, there were still dozens of steps away from the bridge, and Fang Jun suddenly heard the exclamation from the bridge.

Then I saw the slender figure standing on the bridge crooked at this moment, then crossed the low guardrail of the Hanba Bridge and fell straight into the gentle flow of water.

"...That's not right, is it possible that the script has been changed?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Gao Yang suddenly falling into the water, his first reaction was that Li Ke had changed the script without authorization.

The original heroes save the United States land series, was modified by him into the heroes save the United States water war series.

"Script, what script, Brother Chubi, save people!"

Fang Jun heard the sound of falling into the water, and then saw that the falling woman was throwing splashes, subconsciously screamed and rushed towards the other side.

Cheng Chubi also reacted after being dazed. No matter how cheap Li Ke is, it is impossible to arrange for his own girl to fall into the water. In all likelihood, it is a sudden accident.

The two rushed towards Baqiao, Li Mingda over there couldn't help feeling a little anxious, never expected that such an accident would happen.

He lifted the corner of the skirt and wanted to rush over, but Li Ke quickly stopped.

"Sister, don't be impulsive. Just wait here. Youwei brother and Cheng Saburo are here, and Gao Yang will definitely be fine."

Seeing the third brother leaping over in a depraved manner, and seeing the third brother Cheng and Fang Jun also leaping on the bridge, Li Mingda finally breathed a sigh of relief.


Although the time is not long, but after the sun fell into the water with no water at all, it was already scared to be Liushen Wuzhu, but it was cold in spring.

With little effort, her limbs were already numb, and the whole person had a tendency to sink. Following the current, she slowly drifted away from the bridge in a direction further and further away.

Fang Jun, who finally ran to the bridge, couldn't help but rushed forward, and a fierce man plunged into the water.

Cheng Chubi, who originally wanted to jump into the water to save people, saw that Fang Jun had entered the water, and heard the yelling from his body. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Li Ke had already rushed to the front.

At this moment, seeing Fang Jun swim farther and farther, Cheng Saburo couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Because this area was already near the Weishui River, the water surface was wide.

But the coast is full of mud. If you save people on both sides of the strait, you may be trapped in the mud.

Seeing Fang Jun who had swam more than ten meters away, Cheng Chubi lowered his head, saw the belt on his waist, and suddenly had a bold idea.

"Brother Chubi, what are you doing?!"

"Quickly untie the belt, UU reading, hurry up, untie all the belts and tie the long rope, so that you will be able to pull Brother Jun and the others back. If we are not enough, we should quickly ask someone to take the belt."

"But...Oh! I was so shocked, I quickly came over to this king, untied all your belts and used it to save people..."

"His Royal Highness is telling us to go over?" Masked Bandit A couldn't help looking at the masked Bandit B beside him in a daze.

"I also think it should be called us..."

"You are still stunned, Li Guang, this king is calling you, come here soon!"

Li Ke yelled in a depraved voice. Soon, the four masked gangsters hiding on both sides of the Baqiao promised to rush over while unfastening their belts...

The emperor of Tang Dynasty, who was wearing epic equipment, was squinting his eyes curiously at this moment, looking at the far away, the charming figure standing beside the official road in the distance, looking around in the direction of Bashui.

"Hey, I seem to have seen our little sister..."

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