The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1565: You don’t dare to measure, if you dare, then you can only be counted as...

The Empress Changsun, Li Mingda and other people are all confused.

Looking at this group of guys walking with arms akimbo with a stunned look, what the **** does this mean?

As the head of the loyal guard of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Zhao Kun naturally couldn't get used to the arrogant and domineering posture of these young people.

"Cheng Saburo, what are you doing, don't you put your hands down?"

Cheng Chubi quickly took off his jaw and shook it in that direction, explaining in a low voice.

"Uncle Zhao, just to save Princess Gaoyang, our trouser belts are all over there..."

Li Shimin, who was walking in the front, turned his head and saw the group of people behind him with their waists stunned and their necks stunned. He was really dumbfounded.

Finally, he raised his face and shouted again.

"Zhao Kun, hurry up and get some straps for this bunch of bastards."

Coming to the other end of the bridge, away from his wife and daughters, Li Shimin looked at this strange combination of neatly akimbo and head hanging.

Especially those four hapless ghosts, not only did they put their hands on hips but also put on that kind of weird masks on their heads, which made people feel very rude.

Li Shimin couldn't help but cocked his finger, and asked over there with a nod.

"What is your outfit?"

Li Guang saw his majesty's gaze, he couldn't help but feel a little trembling, his legs softened, and he hurried to the ground to apologize.

"Your Majesty, Weichen, Weichen..."

Li Ke hurriedly spoke.

"Father, they were ordered by the children to try on the new design of Brother Chu Bi."

Cheng Chubi turned his head, Te Niang, this kid started to come back and cut the knife in his back again. What does it mean to cut the knife in person today?


"Cheng Saburo, what do you mean?"

Li Shimin immediately turned his gaze to Cheng Saburo, who was glaring at Li Ke with his puffed eyes.

For some reason, Li Shimin felt his toothache when he saw this kid's appearance.

Give him a meal, and you don't want to make a fuss, don't give him a meal, and I feel terrified.

"Uncle, this is not to blame your Highness. Your Highness has said that since ancient times, rangers have always liked to mask their faces when they are doing justice."

"I think masking is not good. After all, masking towels may not be sturdy and fall off, which will easily reveal their true identity."

"..." Li Shimin looked at Cheng Saburo, who was talking nonsense with his hips akimbo, and Li Ke and the four masked men standing aside with his hips akimbo and nodding his head.

His face was getting darker and darker, and he sneered. "Shut up to me and talk nonsense. Believe it or not, the old man will let you taste the bitterness of flesh and skin."

As soon as Li Shimin said this, the stars flew wildly, Cheng Saburo, who had already begun to explain the comfort of this kind of headgear, could only shut up angrily.

Te Niang, I wanted to make a hero to save the beauty for Fang Erlang's marriage.

But in the end, he didn't expect that his Majesty the Emperor of Tang with epic equipment would also come to spring.

What does this show? It shows that there are still loopholes in the planning and arrangement of myself and others.

I knew that we should arrange manpower in advance, and watch the official road to avoid being caught.

At this moment, one of the guards held back a smile, mentioning a strip of cloth torn from the silk cloth temporarily, and one of them was handed out.

A group of people hurriedly turned their backs, began to tie their belts, and watched so many big clams facing themselves.

Li Shimin couldn't help but feel bad, and he wanted to kick him.

When the gang of **** stopped akimbo, they finally returned to normal.

Li Shimin pulled down his face, stroked his long beard, slowly and idly.

"Presumably you are also taking great pains for his Fang Erlang and Gao Yang..."

Hearing this, Cheng Saburo's head subconsciously clicked, and he reacted in an instant. The old guy was trying to deceive others.

On the side, Li Ke, who was called the stray prince of Yingguo by Li Shimin, also reacted in an instant, passing a look with Brother Chu Bi.

Then they all put on an innocent expression and looked at Li Shimin blankly, as if they were so innocent and cute.

Unexpectedly, the super old driver Li Shimin laughed directly, but his smile was obviously quite unkind.

" really is you two bastards. If you don't get half the credit, you will definitely be jealous for a long time."

"Now you look like this, huh... is it really stupid to be an old man?"

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi reacted instantly, **** it! This old driver is so treacherous.

Of course, he won't just sit back and wait for death without the process.

"Uncle, you little nephew don't like to listen to these words, we didn't do anything, and rushed to save your girl's life."

Anyway, the hero's plan to save the United States cannot be admitted to death, otherwise Cheng Chubi suspects that he will not survive June Feixue, and perhaps what is waiting for Li Ke is a glass of poisoned wine.

Although it's a bit exaggerated, but we must guard against the patriarchal old guy to take the opportunity to attack.

Li Shimin snorted, and his venomous gaze made Cheng Saburo's voice smaller and smaller, until it was almost inaudible in the end.

Li Shimin couldn't guess the truth, maybe these two **** boys wanted to make a farce of heroes saving the United States for Fang Erlang.

But they didn’t expect that Gao Yang had an accident on the bridge, and they had to give up the plan. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com jumped onto the bridge to save people.

Although Li Shimin wanted to copy the big stick and beat these two bastards.

But when he thought of just now, Fang Erlang was almost collapsed on the bridge, and this group of young people also tried their best to save Gao Yang.

Especially at this time, that girl Li Mingda sneaked up to the other side of the bridge and saw the gaze she swept over.

Quickly stood obediently, smiled sweetly at himself, and in the end, Li Shimin was helpless.

He lifted his fingers and almost poked the noses of Li Ke and Cheng Chubi.

"You two, why can't you be safe and stable, so that the old man can also be quiet?"

"Your Majesty, we really didn't do anything bad, we really did things kindly, but I didn't expect that Princess Gaoyang had an accident today."

"But this reminds my nephew, Your Majesty, the bridges around Chang'an should also be repaired.

It’s best to build a wide and gentle cement bridge to increase the height of the guardrail..."

"You shut up the old man!" Li Shimin raised his foot and kicked, and Cheng Chubi shut up.

Yes, Lao Tzu is the most capable talent in Datang, and he works hard to entertain leisure activities like Lian Tachun.

Don't forget to do a good job in Datang's infrastructure construction. Is it possible that you are willing to act on such a talent? don't dare to measure it. If you dare, it can only be regarded as your ability.

Li Shimin looked at the two low eyebrows pleasingly, as if they were the most honest and well-behaved juniors in the world, Cheng Saburo and his son Li Ke waved their hands in disgust.

"After Fang Jun gets two **** immediately set off for the old man and go to the eastern capital of Luoyang, don't get in front of the old man."

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