The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1582: The minister also has one kind of worry, will it be the prince himself...

Li Shimin stroked his long beard, and his brows were gathered together. At this time, Li Chengqian had already left.

Only at this moment, the atmosphere in the hall seemed a bit depressed. Zhao Kun stood aside, seeing the cold light flashing in His Majesty's eyes, and he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

At this time, Empress Changsun came in gracefully. The moment he saw Empress Changsun, Li Shimin's indifferent face finally showed warmth and stood up.

"Husband, you are..."

"The East Palace caught fire just now, and the "Datang Pharmacopoeia" was severely damaged. Fortunately, Cheng Qian listened to Cheng Saburo's advice and made preparations early."

"Otherwise, the "Datang Pharmacopoeia", I don't know how long and how long it can be completed."

Speaking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help but snorted again. "I know that there are some ministers in the court who don't like Cheng Qian."

"It's not because of Chengqian's own problems, but those courtiers who are too selfish..."

"When this happens, I am afraid that there will be a lot of people, and they should take the opportunity to make trouble again."

Empress Changsun raised her eyes and asked Li Shimin. "What do you think Nafujun should do?"

Li Shimin patted the back of Empress Changsun's hand and spoke confidently.

"Zhao Kun, let the embroidered clothes ambassador go and investigate it with great fanfare. If you want to come, the news will spread all over the city of Chang'an soon."

"The minister followed the order." Zhao Kun was a little dazed, but he walked away after taking the order respectfully.

"Husband, you are..."

"For my husband, I just want to startle the snake, remind those people with ulterior motives and let them converge. Alas..."

Speaking of this, Li Shimin let out a sigh of foul breath leisurely. "Now that Huazhou has burst its dyke, it has been severely affected, and it is still necessary for Manchuria, civil and military officials to share weal and woe.

"Wait until the Huazhou incident, I am afraid that I will have to visit Luoyang east again. At this time, I don't want to have another incident."

Hearing this, Empress Changsun sighed lightly and followed.

"There are many disasters in Guanzhong, and the people of Li people are suffering. If there is chaos in the DPRK..."

Li Shimin gently took his wife's shoulders, sniffed his wife's fragrance, and relaxed himself.

These are all obvious reasons. In fact, he is also worried, worried that his other beloved son, Li Tai, will be involved.

After all, Li Tai had done similar things before, which made him very disappointed in this child.

Even though Li Tai has been very low-key over the past few years, once the "Datang Pharmacopoeia" has been severely damaged, it cannot be compiled and published in time.

On the other hand, Li Tai's compilation of "Kuo Ge Zhi" is done, this is a contrast, ha ha...

Maybe the group of people who secretly support Li Tai will stand up and shout for him.


Sure enough, Li Shimin's expectation did not exceed Li Shimin's expectations, and all kinds of news leaked quickly in the East Palace, which was like a fence.

The Chongren Hall of the East Palace caught fire. It is said that the manuscript of "Datang Pharmacopoeia" was damaged. His Majesty was furious, and the news that the embroidered clothes ambassador went to conduct a strict investigation soon spread throughout Chang'an City.

Li Tai, His Royal Highness King Wei, who was fatter than a few years ago, looked very complicated at this moment.

There was a bit of ecstasy, but also a bit of trepidation. Naturally, I was happy because the Prince’s "Datang Pharmacopoeia" was damaged, and the progress would definitely fall.

Moreover, the damage to the "Datang Pharmacopoeia" has caused the efforts of many physicians to be burned. Presumably, there will definitely be a lot of provocateurs who are full of fighting capacity will jump out again and let the prince have a taste of it.

These are great benefits for him.

However, the reason why he was frightened was that he would be mistaken for him, Wang Wei, who had been coveting the position of the prince for many years, instructed people to do it.

If you really instigated others to do it, the problem is that you don't even know it at all.

If someone is accused of talking or talking about something, wouldn't it be too innocent to be wronged?

"Mr. Jiang, this matter really has nothing to do with you?" Li Tai looked at Jiang Yaqing, who was sitting in front of him and sitting down respectfully.

After Jiang Yaqing gave a salute to Li Tai, her expression was very open and honest.

"His Royal Highness Mingjian, this matter really has nothing to do with the minister."

"Who could it be?" Li Tai stood up laboriously and moved slowly in the house.

The brows were close together, and it was rare to squeeze a trace of lines on the white and smooth face that was as smooth as a steamed bun.

"In the opinion of the minister, the greatest possibility should be someone who is willing to make good friends with His Highness."

"However, the minister also has a worry about whether it will be the hands and feet of the prince himself."

Hearing the sentence after Jiang Yaqing, Li Tai raised his hand and shook it, very confident and authentic.

"The prince is not that kind of person, he can't do it."

"Mr. Jiang, please go and visit in secret to see who did it."

"The minister understands, the minister does his best to investigate." Jiang Yaqing nodded his head and replied.

After chatting with Li Tai for a while, Jiang Yaqing respectfully bid farewell, left the room where Li Tai was located, and walked slowly outside with the grandfather Li.

When Li Gonggong saw that there was no one around, he complained in a low voice.

"Mr. Jiang, would you be too anxious to do this?"

Jiang Yaqing no longer had the cautiousness that had just faced Li Tai. He couldn't help but laugh when he heard what Li Gonggong said.

"Grandpa Li, we have discussed this matter repeatedly, so we won't do anything at this time.

Is it possible that we wait for the prince to present the compiled "Datang Pharmacopoeia" to His Majesty's desk before we do it?

Grandpa Li, the one who succeeds in major events must be determined, and the chaos must be continuous...not to mention that the beginning and the end have been solved. "

"This matter will definitely not involve your Highness here."


Gonggong Li looked at Jiang Yaqing who had been acting more and more secretively in the past two and was silent for a long time.

However, now Jiang Yaqing is getting more and more attention in front of His Royal Highness, and even herself is not willing to offend him.

"Okay, Grandpa Li, please help Grandpa Li, so that you don't have to focus on these things."

"The most important thing your Royal Highness should do now is to make the "Kuo Tezhi" as soon as possible and present it with great fanfare."

"Our family understands, but what shall we do next?"

"Next, it is naturally very simple. Jiang will go to meet some people. By the way, please also ask Grandpa Li to try to spread this rumor."

"That is, the prince's imperial court is not strict, and Yu Zhining slackens, causing many errors in the compilation of the "Datang Medical Dictionary". In order to avoid leaks..."

Li Gonggong stared blankly at Jiang Yaqing, who whispered to him in front of him, and he felt a chill in his heart.

This Mr. Jiang is really good at playing such insidious calculations.

"...Remember, let him pass a few more versions. In this way, the people in Chang'an will feel that one of these rumors might be true..."

Speaking of this, the corners of Jiang Yaqing's mouth raised happily. Since he is the mastermind of His Royal Highness King Wei, he naturally looks like a mastermind.

He laughed, but he saw the Li Gonggong heart palpitating... is jumping to the first family of the Tang Dynasty Chapter 1582 The minister also has a kind of worry, will it be the prince’s own hands and feet green reading-大The First Family of Tang Dynasty-Novel Reading Network..., if there is no automatic jump, please click [Jump]

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