The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1602: The old Siji who understands and the old drivers will look at each other and smile

The two female officials looked at each other stunnedly, and decided to wait a little longer, mainly because the singing at the moment was really nice.

Rumor has it that the husband-in-law of the Royal Highness Princess Gao Yang is a talented singer, and he did not live up to the rumors.

Accompanied by the melody, the low voice sang out, and the two old women officials couldn't help but sway.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the singing to stop, and then the rhythm began to repeat inside...


In the early morning, the two female officials with dark circles under their eyes were contented, their faces were full of convincing expressions, and they went quietly...


The bride Gao Yang walked slowly into the house with Fang Erlang, but his steps seemed a little staggering, and Lu's expression was complicated. He was happy that his **** was getting acquainted, and he was worried about this kid.

However, Lu's soon noticed that his second elder was rubbing his arms, and through Gao Yang was answering respectfully the question of his father, Fang Xuanling.

Tugged his son lightly and whispered curiously. "What is your kid doing so hard?"

"Hey hey, it's okay, it's just a bit sore." Fang Erlang couldn't help but glanced at Gao Yang not far away.

When I thought of playing the pipa last night, singing and singing, huh...

I can feel that the lady really likes her skillful talent and talented voice. After listening, her pretty face turns red again, and her eyes are watery. So, cough cough...

Hearing his mother's dry cough, Fang Erlang's heart tensed, and he hurriedly lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes into a posture of listening respectfully.

Lu Shi lightly shook his head, this kid is already married, um... forget it.

Anyway, looking at the look that Gao Yang had just looked at him, it seemed that the young couple got along very harmoniously.

The boss is very mediocre, and I hope my Erlang can harmonize with Princess Gaoyang, Qin Se, and have a baby soon.

Thinking about this, Lu's venomous scrutiny gaze swept across the back of the Gao Yang princess, and his gaze moved down slightly.

Before this, Lu Shi showed a relieved smile. This Erlang's daughter-in-law is indeed a good-natured woman.

It seems that the burden of opening up the branches and leaves for the old house must be placed on the fat and strong Erlang.

"Mother, what are you looking at?" Fang Jun always felt that his mother's smile was a little weird, and his eyes looked strangely at Gao Yang, and he couldn't help but mutter in a low voice.

Lu Shi turned his head, smiled mysteriously at his Jiro, and slapped the silly boy affectionately.

"Erlang, good wife, we will have to rely on your husband and wife to open up branches and leaves after we are in the house."

Gao Yang, who had just turned his head, heard this, and thought that Lu's praise of his good relationship with her husband, and his heart suddenly became sweet.

Just because Fang Jun reacted slowly, it didn't mean that he had no brains. He couldn't help but recall his mother's evaluation of unmarried young women.

That's whether this woman is good or not, it depends on the scorpion, the scorpion is so good that it can spread out the branches and leaves...

After a while, every night, I could hear the beautiful sound of the pipa, and then, the old Siji and the old drivers who understood would look at each other and smile.

Whispering about whether the relationship between the second son of gossip and the princess Gaoyang is mixed with honey, it will only be mentioned in a very subtle way. I played the pipa a few times the night before, and a few times last night...


At the moment, Weiguo Palace, Li Jing smiled and watched his dear grandson sink into a dream under his own shaking.

Only then lightly covered the grandson with a thin blanket, walked to the layman with his waist down, and came to the outside room. He saw his wife who was holding a book in one hand and a chess piece in the other hand, who was playing music.

The Red Lady saw her husband walking quickly, and she put aside the chess record in her hand and smiled.

"Husband, come and sit down, look at you, the dignified Duke Wei Guo, the first man in the Datang military, has no temper at all with the two dolls all day long."

"Hehe, Hanyu plays with Sun Zhile, and doesn't think about Shu." Li Jing said happily, stroking Changxu.

Seeing her husband like this, the Red Lady couldn't help but waive, Li Jing couldn't help but ask, stroking her long beard.

"That kid just came here?"

"Yes, my husband, he just wanted to come over and take a look. I heard that my husband was coaxing the kids to take a lunch break, so he just left."

Hearing this, Li Jing couldn't help raising her brows suspiciously.

"Didn't Chengri say that he was going to go to the extreme west to travel around the world?

Why didn't I see any movement these days, but instead called those hustlemen with red eyebrows and green eyes to the mansion all day long.

The old man asked him, this kid didn't tell the truth without saying anything, he would do some research first, huh..."

Seeing her husband's appearance, the red lady raised her brows lightly, and couldn't help being curious.

"I really forgot to ask my concubine just now. Would you like my husband to go with my concubine and take a look?"

"Go ahead, madam. Those two little guys don't sleep well during the day, so they won't stare here, so they can't worry about their husbands."

Seeing her husband so tight with his grandson, it's no wonder that my son always complains about being here with the husband these days, and his own son doesn't feel like his own.


The Red Lady strode quickly toward the courtyard where Zhao Dejiu was located. She walked so fast, she walked past like a cloud of red, happy in red.

When she went straight into the courtyard of the youngest son Li Dejiu, and after stepping into the courtyard, she heard the weird pronunciation coming from the room.

Red Lady couldn't help but stay in a daze, feeling as if there were several Western Region barbarians talking and chatting. It's hardly possible that her own doll's hobbies have changed.

No longer thinking about traveling to the Western Regions and invite those Western Region barbarians who are from thousands of miles away to come to the Fuzhong to inquire about various anecdotes from thousands of miles away?

No, even to inquire about such anecdotes, it should be in Guanzhong Mandarin.

The curious Red Lady eased her steps, and Li Dejuan's pros, who stood outside the house, originally wanted to remind her inside.

But seeing Madam's sharp gaze, he didn't even dare to move his eyes more.

For fear of annoying this lady who has always acted decisively, saying that kicking you will never slap your face.

Li Dezheng and a few old brothers were sitting in front of their respective desks, carefully copying the quill pen, raising their eyes and looking forward intently.

A man with red hair and cursed nose was using a black charcoal pen to write a line of letters on that piece of paper.

Then a Chinese person next to it will write down the meaning of the Chinese character represented by this line of letters.

Then, the man with red hair and cursed nose began to copy his half-baked Guanzhong Cavity to explain.

"This is a word for help, which means help, cry out for help..."

The Tanger who understands Latin on the side is responsible for supplementing and explaining. After all, as a Tanger, you will better understand the ideas and thinking concepts of the same tribe.

As for the Li Dezheng, they will transcribe this sentence and write down the meaning of the Chinese character next to it. Jumping to Chapter 1602 of the First Family of the Tang Dynasty, the old Siji and the old drivers who understand will look at each other with a smile. Green Reading ]

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