The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1605: In their eyes, our brothers are not as good as a few rabbits...

Li Dezheng looked at the mother in front of him in a daze, and suddenly reacted. In all likelihood, the mother should know something.

With a soft leg, he bowed straight to the ground. "Mother, Haier... Haier didn't want you and Dad to worry too much."

"Okay, get up." The Red Lady looked at Li Dejiu's appearance, raised her eyebrows, and said softly.

Li Dezheng naturally knew what her mother's temper was like, so he didn't dare to speak too much, and quickly got up.

"Before you told the old man and your father that you were going to the land of the Western Regions with your brothers."

"It turns out that it's fine now, but you are far to Fufu, even to the extreme west."

Speaking of this, the red lady's voice was slightly astringent. After a long pause, she looked back at the blue cloudless sky.

Li Dezheng quietly raised his eyelids, and saw his mother standing with her hands on her back, facing Tianjiu in silence for a long time.

He tried to explain several times, and even wanted to stop talking, but he couldn't say so.

"How big is the world, my mother back then wanted to ride a horse and take a look at the extreme point of this place, the corner of the sea, but I met your father..."

The Red Lady looked at the muttering beloved son, walked closer, took his hand, and looked at the looming purple on the back of his hand.

"Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt!" Li Deshang hurriedly raised his neck, trying hard to be stubborn.

Hearing this, the red lady's eyes were slightly bent, and she raised her hand and patted the kid habitually on the shoulder. "Naughty…"

After the words were spoken, the red lady's expression finally turned soft in front of Li Dezheng, and she patted the dust that had only been stained with him.

"My mother has no regrets, and my mother doesn't want you to have regrets, but as far as the west is, I am afraid that there will be more than thousands of miles."

Speaking of this, the Red Lady put her hand on Li Dejiu's shoulder, pressed it hard, and said in a serious tone.

"The old man assumes that you are going to the Western Regions, don't let your father know."

"After all, your life is yours, mother, as long as you don't want to forget, your home is in Chang'an, here."

Having said that, the red lady walked straight away, Li Dezheng turned his head and looked at her mother's red dress swelling in the early summer breeze, lingering like an immortal.


At the Yongtongqu Wharf outside the city, Cheng Chubi and Li Ke had already boarded the boat, looking at the friends who were seeing off on the boat with emotion and emotion.

Before he even raised his hand and waved it a few times, he heard Li Qi suddenly point to a place and yelled.

"Over there! Rabbit, rabbit!"

I saw a bunch of hungry hounds jump out like a bunch of hungry hounds.

"Wow, a brood of rabbits, hurry up, brethren, we can get better in a while."

"You stop over there, Li Zhen, get the bow quickly, get the bow."

Li Ke took his elbow and turned the Chu Bi brother beside him with an uncomfortable expression, vomiting in a low voice.

"...Get in the cabin, these guys are just too hard to leave, now it seems they are all humbly."

"Unexpectedly, brothers, in their eyes, it is better to be affectionate than a few rabbits."

Cheng Chubi turned his head with a black line on his face, rabbit, affection, is this kind of words used to describe the sincere friendship of the rough masters?

Forget it, Cheng Chubi shook his head helplessly, and went straight to the cabin.

Li Ke swayed from behind his **** and looked around, but the scenery on both sides of the strait was just as easy to see, and it would be too tired to see more.

He simply got into the cabin and couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

"Brother Chubi, when our brothers go to Luoyang, can we go by boat and land again?"

"It's better to go directly from Chang'an by land, it's quicker."

Cheng Chubi happily slapped him. With a snap, Deng Chengxin, the last one who came in, directly locked the door of the cabin.

Li Ke glanced behind him with a dazed expression, turned his head, saw the smirk of Brother Chu Bi, almost fell to his knees and chanted hero forgiveness.

Then I saw Brother Chu Bi stretched out his arms and took out a set of bamboo cards.

"...I was stunned to do something, come and come, hurry up, it just happened to be fine, we can make a few shots to pass the time."

Li Ke secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Brother Chu Bi did not intend to retaliate because he stabbed him during this period of time. He wanted to retaliate against himself.

A **** went to Cheng Chubi's next head and shook his head dumbfoundedly.

"Brother Chubi, is it possible for you to make it so that you can play cards safely in the cabin without any hindrance on the boat, and then you propose to go south by boat?"

"Hugh nonsense, for my brother, am I the kind of person who scorns serious things for personal gain?"

Cheng Chubi glared at Li Ke unhappily and shuffled the cards quickly. Li Ke and Li De waited for the cards to be dealt one by one.

Deng Chengxin began to make tea there. Cheng Chubi was righteous and honest while issuing the cards

"The reason why I want to take a boat, I don't want to examine our Datang canal system and experience this low-cost travel method."

"After all, between Chang'an and Luoyang, we rely on water as the main route, and land as a supplement... Okay, I have three of spades, and I will play the cards first."

Cheng Chubi quickly picked up the bamboo card and wiped it on the palm of his hand. All the patterns and card faces appeared smoothly in his sight, making him smile with relief.

The investigation of Datang's canal system is of course only a high-sounding reason. The private reason is that when I came back from Luzhou, I played cards in the car and my **** hurts. I couldn't even get rid of the cards.

Even the cards in his hand fell into the carriage. The original four-three must-kill bomb, because one dropped one, caused Cheng Saburo to go through bad luck for several days and lose for several days, which made people very uncomfortable. .

It has to be said that the waterway is indeed quite smooth, especially for such inland waterways, there is no strong wind, and the boat is not bumpy.

This made Cheng Saburo and the others play extraordinarily cheesy. This fight hit from early morning to sunset, anyway, it was in the cabin for dinner.

It's just that while they were fighting at night, Cheng Chubi lifted up a pair of kings, let out a wild laugh, and then slammed it hard, with a crisp sound.

All the people on the scene suddenly felt shocked, and then everyone almost rolled into a ball like the dragon.

"Brother Chubi! Can you slap your cards lightly!"

He hurriedly held on to the candlestick that almost fell on him, Li Ke stared with black lines on his face.

"Shhh... don't talk nonsense." Cheng Chubi raised his fingers and gestured. He could feel that the ship that was moving slowly had stopped.

"Is our boat stopped?" Li De on the side couldn't help but open the window, and saw that there was nothing dark outside.

Turning his head and facing forward, he noticed that the boatman in the direction of the bow was yelling angrily.

"His Royal Highness, Master Cheng, our boat seems to be on the silt and can't move."


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