The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1609: If Cheng San Lang's vulgar martial artist dares to swear surname 0,...

In Luoyang City, in the Zheng family's mansion, Zheng Jia Erlang was comfortably dressed in loose and loose thin clothes.

Sitting on the cool couch, he was making tea with great energy, and what he was brewing was Luzhou black tea.

The tea set used was naturally provided by Cheng Saburo and designed by Han and Tang Commercial Bank.

And in front of him, sat a middle-aged man who was about the same age as him, and also in a loose thin coat.

It's just that this one's eyes seem to be slightly closed, and he makes a hum or two from time to time, it seems that the energy of the five stones has not been completely dissipated.

"Come on, Brother Xian quickly drink a cup of hot tea..."

"Virtuous brother, the power of your medicine is much stronger than the batch I got the other day, Brother Yu."

After drinking a cup of hot tea, the middle-aged man surnamed Wang refreshed, and he smiled.

"Haha, that's not it. I spent a lot of money to buy this from Zhongnan Mountain in Guanzhong. The quality is naturally quite guaranteed."

Just when the drug-addicting bosses of these two aristocratic families were bragging.

A steward came in hurriedly, but he didn't dare to go straight in. Instead, he stood outside the courtyard and coughed loudly.

"Second master, the villain has urgent matters, report to the second master..."

"Oh... these mundane things in Chengri are really intolerable. Brother, let's sit down for a while, brother, I'll come as soon as I go."

"Well, well, let's go." The Wang Shixiong waved his hand and slumped lazily on the couch, seeming to be still reminiscing about his talent.

Master Zheng Er hurried to the courtyard gate, and the steward said aloud after a salute.

"Second master, the villain has received the news, that His Royal Highness Wu and Cheng Sanlang will be able to arrive in Luoyang in just two days."

"Our side, do you want them to converge a little bit?"

"After all, if these two knew, the villain would be a little worried..."

Master Zheng Er stroked his long beard, blinked his eyes with more obvious dark circles, and couldn't help but chuck.

"Convergence? That road was originally Zhengjiazhuang. What the people in the village want to do is their own business.

What if they block the road? "

Speaking of this, Master Zheng Er clapped his hands, and said with a bitter expression.

"Zheng Gan, you have to remember. They are surnamed Zheng and are also our ancestors of the Zheng family. However, they did not violate the laws and regulations of the Tang Dynasty.

Even my Zheng family's main sect is not easy to intervene, understand? "

"If Cheng Sanlang, a sordid martial artist, dare to be violent to the people of Zhengjiazhuang, hehe... won't you let them go directly to report to the officials and sue the yamen?"

Manager Zheng Gan nodded suddenly, and bowed to the second master convincingly.

"The villain understands, the second master, don't worry, the villain will send someone over to stare at it."

"Go, go, don't bother me with these little things, haven't you seen me being with Brother Wang?"

Master Zheng Er waved his hand and strode away with a face full of fascination.


Li Shimin sat peacefully in the Ganlu Temple, and was enjoying the ice cream cone with his daughter Li Mingda with a smile.

"It's delicious, daddy, do you want another one?"

Li Shimin, who licked the corner of his mouth unexplainably, saw that the girl handed him another one. After thinking about it, he smiled and received it.

Then he stretched out his tongue and licked it twice, which was a little puzzled.

"Yeah, okay, dad, come one more, how come this thing is getting smaller and smaller?"

"I thought it was enough to eat one before, so how come this will happen, I think there will be no one in just a few seconds."

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, dad, be quiet, this is my mother's order, she said that this kind of ice is not good to eat too much, she specially ordered to be smaller, alas..."

"My daughter now has to hide from her mother when she eats ice cream, otherwise she will stare at her daughter if she wants to eat more than one ice cream."

Speaking of this, he took another sip of the creamy ice cream, and Li Mingda pulled at his father's sleeves, looking pitiful.

"Daddy, you have to be the master for me."

As soon as he heard the words of his wife, Li Shimin directly slapped haha.

"Ha! This master dad can't do it, your mother is also for your own good."

Seeing the beauty of the boudoir goddess began to change, Li Shimin hurried to please the authenticity.

"But girl, if you want to eat this stuff next time, come to Dad. Just like today, if someone helps us out, we can have a good time."

Hearing this, Li Mingda smiled, and the bright smile made the colors in the Temple of Ganlu vivid.

"Daddy is so kind to me."

"That's, I'm your father, my father, who else can I face if you don't turn towards you..."

I stayed in the nectar hall as I was old and young, eating delicious and sweet ice cream cones while chatting happily.

The laughter would spread outside the house from time to time, and Zhao Kun and the others were extremely relaxed.

Every time, even if your majesty gets angry, as long as the wise and energetic Princess Jinyang arrives.

Your Majesty will be like being poured into a basin of ice water, not to mention anger, the whole person is almost completely cold, hey, that's not right.

This description seems to be a bit flawed, anyway, it probably means that Princess Jinyang can always extinguish her majesty's anger.

When Zhao Kun was bragging to the brothers beside him, he suddenly saw a figure walking not far away from the corner of his eyes.

It was the Queen Empress and the close-fitting female official Hu Shanggong, who were walking towards this side.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Kun naturally did not dare to neglect, and quickly knocked on the door of the hall and yelled inside.

"Your Majesty, the empress is here."

Then, a low voice suddenly came from inside, and there was also a rushing noise.

Empress Changsun walked slowly up the steps and saw Zhao Kun smile at her with a smile.

"I have seen the empress, your majesty is here, by the way, Princess Jinyang is also inside."

" I said, I really came to her father again." After the Queen of Longsun nodded slightly, she went straight in.

I saw that Li Shimin was sitting next to the desk with a serious and focused expression.

The little girl Li Mingda was kneeling and sitting in front of the desk, holding a precious purple pen, practicing calligraphy.

It wasn't until the Empress Changsun entered the hall for a few steps that Li Shimin raised his head consciously.

"Oh, why did you come here, Guanyin maidservant?"

"Mother, my dad is teaching me to practice Feibai body." Li Mingda also stood up and walked towards his mother with a beaming smile.

Empress Changsun smiled and patted the girl's slender hands, although her expression was still gentle and graceful.

But in my heart, I always felt that the father and daughter were a little strange, the husband's eyes seemed a little erratic, and the daughter's eyes were guilty of conscience.


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