The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1625: Your Highness, the hair shaved off His Highness's body is yellow...

Cheng Chubi raised two fingers, made gestures at his own eyeballs, and then touched the two people with a cold expression on his face.

Seeing Cheng Saburo wishing to poke his finger on the tip of his nose, Cui Luoyang suddenly became unhappy, and said with a sullen face.

"Cheng Saburo, please don't be so aggressive. Cui is the official official in Luoyang. What happened here..."

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Saburo interrupted in time. "You are responsible for all emergencies, right?"

Cui Luoyang took a breath of toothache and shook his head quickly. "Of course not, can you listen to Cui Mou finish."

"Hehe...Why should I listen to you, do you want to make a long story, want to endure His Royal Highness King Wu who still knows nothing about life and death?"

"You, don't you want to be arrogant, okay?"

Cui Luoyang's face was almost purple, and his lips kept trembling. This nonsense Cheng Saburo didn't know what to say.

Zheng Tuo on the side took a step forward and pointed to the three healers behind him with grizzled beards.

"Cheng Saburo, what is your Highness, please let me wait and visit."

"These are my most famous doctors in Luoyang, and they may be able to find a way."

Cheng Chubi gave a cold snort, glanced over the three healers, his head tilted. "Okay, Li De, come and search."

"Cheng Saburo what do you want to do? They are healers."

Cheng Chubi twisted his head and looked at Cui Luoyang. Even though he has no official status now, his aura is far stronger than the chief politician who accompanied the capital.

"What's the matter with the healer? If they are also the Assassin's comrades, what if they go to see His Royal Highness with a sharp weapon and give him a stabbing? Are you responsible?"

"You... well, Choi is in charge."

"There is no proof in your mouth. Come, let Cui Luoyang prepare pen and ink for Cui Luoyang and let him protect the three healers. If there is an assassin's party among the three healers, then he is also someone Cui."

Hearing such a presumption of guilt, watching the fat body and murderous guard brought pen, ink, paper and inkstone, he grabbed a few bricks and placed a buckler right on the ground.

Cui Luoyang's seven orifices are causing smoke, and his nose almost tilts out of the sky...


Lying quietly in the carriage, Li Ke, covered in blood, looked at the structure of the carriage with a dull face.

He really wanted to jump out of the carriage and tell Brother Chubi, can your special mother stop talking nonsense there, please do something serious, OK?

It's not easy for Lao Tzu to pretend to be seriously injured and dying. The main reason is that I'm so hungry that I'm almost drooling. Can I just finish things quickly and eat something to fill my stomach?

Thinking of this, although Li Ke didn't dare to move his body, he still raised his fingers and hooked Deng Chengxin, who was squatting in front of the carriage and listening to his son's bullshit.

Deng Chengxin hurriedly got into the carriage, and after hearing Li Ke's whispered instructions, he nodded with comprehension.

A miserable cry rang. "Young Master, Young Master, Your Highness, Your Highness is bleeding again..."

"Is the amount large?" Cheng Chubi replied subconsciously, only to save that it had nothing to do with the large amount. It should be that the kid Li Ke was impatient.

Quickly dropped the extremely corrupt Cui Luoyang and the frightened Zheng Tuo, and ran towards the carriage.

"Hurry up, change me a surgical gown, and stop the bleeding for your Highness..."

Cui Luoyang, Zheng Tuo and the doctors wanted to take a step, Li De directly raised his hand to stop him, and said with an iron-faced selfless expression.

"My Royal Highness told me when he was still sober, everything is in accordance with Cheng Saburo's orders. Without his orders, please don't get close to the next step in the temple."

"This, this is nothing like this!"

Cui Luoyang and Zheng Tuo looked very ruined, but they saw the guards of the Wu Palace next to Li De with swords out of the sheath.

They can only step back angrily and begin to discuss countermeasures, hoping to solve the problem.

Just now, Cheng Saburo's vulgar martial artist turned his eyes mad with his gun and stick, but he couldn't do anything about this guy.

Even if Cheng Saburo is not an official now, his identity as the third son of Lu Guo Gongfu and the palace of the Supreme Imperial Palace is enough to make the two of them cast a rat stopper.

Zheng Tuo wiped the cold sweat on his face, rubbing his hands with great anxiety, thinking hard.

"What to do, if His Royal Highness really has a long and two shortcomings, I'm afraid that it's Cheng Saburo, who is very unpleasant to you and me, and you will probably push the responsibility over."

Cui Luoyang was also wiping sweat, anxious and angry in his heart.

"Even if your Highness is fortunate enough to survive, the guilt of the two of us can't be taken lightly..."

Just as the two were muttering, they saw a figure in a white dress, white hat and white mask, walked a short distance with a basin of water, and then splashed it.

Cui Luoyang and Zheng Tuo's eyelids were throbbing with the pot of bright red blood, and the three veteran doctors were also shocked to see them.

At this moment, I suddenly heard the screaming sound that had just rang again.

"Your Highness, Your Highness's heartbeat is gone..."

With a thump, Cui Luoyang and Zheng Tuo had their legs weakened and fell directly to the ground, their mouths trembling, and their eye sockets had begun to turn red.

At this moment, I heard Cheng Saburo's depraved voice shouting loudly again.

"Hurry up, let me give your Highness a heart compression, Cheng Fa, you quickly give your Highness artificial respiration..."

"His Royal Highness! Hold on, don't forget, you are still young and have a great time, wake up..."

Cheng Chubi's urgent and urgent voice echoed outside Zhengjiazhuang, and Cui Luoyang and Zheng Tuo, who were already kneeling on the ground, craned their necks hard.

It's a pity that they couldn't see anything, but at this moment they all wished Cheng Sablang could save Wu Wang Li Ke.

Li Ke, lying peacefully in the carriage and continuing to play dead, finally couldn't help but put forward a small suggestion.

"...Brother Chubi, can you stop yelling so loudly..."

Cheng Chubi puffed up his eyes in an instant, gave Li Ke a vicious look, and then continued to operate, um...

Rocking the carriage of the carriage vigorously, so that those outside who can only see the carriage think that Cheng Saburo is indeed doing emergency work.

In the end, Cheng Saburo succeeded in restoring His Highness Wu's heartbeat, and His Highness King Wu finally groaned.

Cui Luoyang and Zheng Tuopo were a little bit sorrowful, and at the same time they got up a little awkwardly and took a picture of the dust on their bodies.

At this time the masked man in white appeared again, and another pot of crippled blood poured over, almost splashing Cui Luoyang and Zheng Tuo.

The two looked at the ground drenched with blood, and their eyelids jumped wildly.

And an old doctor walked to the place where the blood had just been splashed, resisting the smell of blood, and looking at the wet ground.

"Why so much blood."

Cheng Chubi wiped the sweat from his forehead, pulled off his mask again, and walked over.

"Because your Royal Highness lost a lot of blood, Cheng performed an operation on His Royal Highness. He had to shave his hair and prepare the skin and wash the wound with salt water. Naturally, there would be a lot of blood. Is there a problem?"

"Why does the old man feel that something is wrong, Your Highness, the hair shaved off His Highness's body is actually yellow?"


There were two small blisters on my fingers, which didn't hurt so much, but it still affected me. I'm sorry to offer you the third shift. I hope it won't hurt tomorrow.

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