The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1628: Fortunately, Cheng Sanlang noticed it in time and tried to turn the tide...

  Chapter 1635 Fortunately, Cheng Saburo noticed in time and turned the tide... (seeking subscription for votes)

   "Satisfied, what's wrong with me, don't hesitate to get the paper and pen." Cheng Chubi turned his head and shouted.

   Soon, I took both the pen and paper, and saw Deng Chengxin holding the ink ingot and inkstone, looking for clean water.

   Cheng Chubi had an idea, and his big hand copied the inkstone over, took the blood from the side and poured it into the inkstone.

   Then dipped the pen in blood and began to make gestures on the white paper.

   "...Cheng Saburo, don't you need to do this?" Cui Luoyang raised his hand and wiped his face, feeling very awkward.

  What does your special mother want to do? The blood books are all made out, you think it is not too loud enough, right?

   "Without ink, write a blood book with His Highness’s blood. Only in this way can Your Majesty realize how critical His Highness’s injury is."

   "Send the elites earlier to find out the murderer to seek justice for your Highness."

  Cheng Chubi did not raise his head, and replied plausibly. It seems that the blood is not strong enough and the color is too light.

   Two more blood-soaked cotton **** were pulled, and they were thrown into the inkstone and crushed...

  Cui Luoyang and Zheng Tuo were dumbfounded, watching Cheng Saburo’s brush dipped in the blood that exuded a strong **** smell.

   After writing two words on the white paper, he nodded in satisfaction, then poked his head into the carriage and said loudly.

   "His Royal Highness, I know you can't speak because of your serious injury, can you let Cheng speak for His Highness?"

  Li Ke stared at his eyes without making a sound, then he saw Brother Chu Bi showing a stunned look and nodded.

  "Good Majesty, wait for Cheng to finish writing before reading it to you."

  Cheng Chubi began to write and write quickly, and he didn't know what he was muttering in his mouth.

  Li Ke slowly closed his eyes with a black line, he felt like a mud bodhisattva being put on the shrine.

  And Cheng Saburo is the temple wishing who is holding a bunch of signings in his hand, looking at the fat sheep, thinking about how to get scammed and kidnapped.

  Cheng Chubi three times, five divided two, and quickly wrote a blood book, and then copied the blood book, and began to read it aloud with eloquence.

   "Father is here, and the son is crying, and the son is ordered to go to Luoyang, the eastern capital, to supervise the construction of the Palace of the World Garden..."

   "Looking at the eastern capital of Luoyang for the first time, it was convenient for Zhengjiazhuang outside Luoyang city to be calculated by the thieves. Fortunately, Cheng Saburo spotted it in time and tried to turn the tide..."

   "???" Li Ke, whose eyes were closed, suddenly rounded his eyes. Brother Chubi, do you have a special face, okay?

  You are telling my father that I was tricked by the thief, not how brave and resourceful you are, how brave and resourceful you are?

  A group of relatives and guards on the side forcefully controlled their facial expressions and retreated towards the distance.

  The more Cui Luoyang, Zheng Tuo and others listened, their faces became more ugly. When Cheng Saburo finished reading, Cui Luoyang couldn’t wait to speak.

   "Cheng Saburo, the official is not the kind of person you mentioned, and the official and your highness have not been conspired by the thieves..."

   "Stop, stop, how I write is my business, if you don't accept it, you can also ask your majesty to make a report."

  Cheng Chubi rolled his eyes, and then asked again into the carriage. "How does your Highness feel?"

  Li Ke shook his head frantically, Cheng Chubi happily. "Understood, Cheng hasn't considered it well..."

  Li Ke felt that Brother Chu Bi tugged his left hand, wiped a bit of blood, and then pressed it on the blood book.

   "!!!" Li Ke was about to stare at his eyes, Brother Chu Bi had already raised his leg and left, and he did not give him any opportunity to stop or react.

  Cheng Chubi walked aside, called Li Min, and solemnly handed the blood book in Li Min's hands.

   "Brother Li, can you please walk through it yourself, and be sure to personally deliver the blood book of your Highness to Chang'an as soon as possible, and hand it to your Majesty."

  Speaking of this, Cheng Saburo also looked back vigilantly at Cui Luoyang and Zheng Tuo, who had black lines on their faces, and lowered their voices, and there was another whisper in Li Min's ears.

  Li Min nodded his head, and quickly walked away. Soon, several guards surrounded Li Min and rushed to the west.

  Listening to the rush of hoofs outside, Li Ke closed his eyes in despair, wishing to faint.

  At this moment, he felt that he promised Brother Chu Bi to carry out this plan, which was simply a stain on Te Niang's life.


   Watching Li Min go away, Cheng Chubi smiled and turned his head.

  "Mr. Zheng, you don’t need to go to your place, but what kind of top-quality medicinal materials do you Zheng have, such as millennium ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum?

  It's best to send them all over to make up for your Highness. "


   Zheng Tuo looked at the nonsense Cheng Saburo with a black face. How could it be possible to have such a magical thousand-year-old ginseng?

  Zheng’s collection, it’s good to have a few roots of ginseng that are one or two hundred years old.

   But considering the opponent's personality, no matter what he says, he will come back.

  Zheng Tuo silently wiped his face and hummed intently to express his understanding.

  Cheng Chubi glanced across Zhengjiazhuang, and saw the building where the Zheng clan stood on the second floor and spied on this side.


   His eyes lit up suddenly, and he raised his finger to point at that place.

   "His Royal Highness Wu is seriously injured and cannot be moved easily. I think that building is good, with a very broad view."

   "Besides, your Highness was attacked here, maybe there are suspects who are still hiding in the village.

  Place His Royal Highness here so that Cheng can take care of His Royal Highness. By the way, he can see if there are any assassins in Zhuangnai, and he can also supervise whether the servants are working hard. "

   Zheng Sanfu, who was ordered to report to Zheng Tuo before, heard this, and couldn't help but look hard to look at, and cautiously reminded him.

   "Then, that's a villain, little..." Before Zheng Sanfu finished speaking, he saw Zheng Tuo's staring eyes and closed his mouth angrily.

  Zheng Tuo took a step forward with the smiling face and nodded towards Cheng Saburo.

   "That's the villain's property. It doesn't matter if Cheng San Gongzi wants to requisition it."

  Cheng Chubi is naturally not polite.

  "Cheng, someone would like to thank Cui Luoyang, and the Zheng family’s cooperation."

   "Brothers, what are you doing, Uncle Jie, you take people to the building to clean up the messy people.

  By the way, Mr. Zheng, that is your property. You should also send a few people over to take a look. "

  Zheng Tuo nodded helplessly, turned around and shouted at Zheng Sanfu.

  "Should be so, Sanfu, why are you still frowning? Why don't you go over?"

   Persuaded in a low voice. "Don't worry, the old man will ask you to buy your restaurant when you come back. It won't hurt you. Go."

  What else can Zheng Sanfu say? This is the principal of Zheng's main sect, and he is just a sideline. Could he still dare to offend Master Zheng Er?

  Zheng Sanfu could only bow to Zheng Tuo honestly, and then ran to the teahouse with the steward assigned by Zheng Tuo.

  (End of this chapter)

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