The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1640: Don't care if I am drunk or not, can you rebel? you and me…

Hou Junji extinguished Gao Changguo. This should have been the highlight moment of Hou Junji, but it went by accident.

This great general Hou, who was dazzled by the demise of the country, was probably due to the fact that the emperor was far away before the class teacher returned to the court.

Privately distribute some innocent people, and privately seize Gaochang national treasures as his own.

The soldiers also started stealing gold and silver jewellery after they learned about it. Hou Junji was afraid that the scandal he had done would be exposed, so he dared not punish the soldiers.

After the class teacher returned to court, the judicial officer put Hou Junji in jail, but the text of the book Langcen thought that Hou Junji was a hero and general and could not be humiliated lightly.

So Li Shimin petitioned to release Hou Junji. In the end, the pleasure of having just obtained the power of destroying the country was not finished, and he was directly sent to the prison to eat food.

Lian Te Niang’s ceremony of offering prisoners was performed by Deputy Chief Executive Qi He Li.

This caused General Hou, the hero of the eradication of the country, to stay in the prison and eat his food.

I always felt that I had made great contributions, but because of some small mistakes, I was thrown into the prison.

As a result, the more glory that he should have was wiped out, which made Hou Jun gather his energy and claim that he had been ill for a full month.

However, Hou Junji, who is very lonely and lonely, has always looked down upon others, and there are really few friends in the circle of officials.

So, thinking of Zhang Liang's former friend, the two became close again.

After hearing Hou Junji's arrival, Zhang Liang, who was worried about going to Luoyang, also wanted to find someone to complain.

Chen Guogong and Hou Junji, who seems to always like to lift his chin and look at people through his nostrils, came to the front hall with his inconspicuous effort.

Seeing Zhang Liang personally welcoming him downstairs, Hou Junji hurriedly stepped forward and paid a salute to Zhang Liang.

"Brother Xian, why are you so polite."

Zhang Liang took Hou Junji's hand and climbed up the steps, smiling bitterly.

"Brother Junji, come and have a few drinks with me. I'm afraid it will be difficult for our brothers to get together again in a few days."

Hou Junji looked at Zhang Liang with a surprised look.

"Why, isn't it possible, brother Xian, you want to let go of your post?"

"Come, come, sit down, come, my brother, I will toast my brother a drink, and I'll talk after drinking."

After Zhang Liang lifted it up and had a fight with Hou Junji, he sighed bitterly.

"Little brother, I am in Chang'an, as the staff department. I have been working for a long time. There is no credit and hard work."

"For no reason, that His Majesty King Wu was stabbed in Luoyang, causing his majesty to anger. Today's turbulent situation in the Central Plains has become a dangerous place."

"Your Majesty appointed me as the governor of Luoyang. Didn't this put me on the fire?"

"Those Luoyang officials are all suspected, and the Central Plains family is also panicked. Why should I do it?"

Seeing Zhang Liang spitting out frequently while drinking alcohol, he had actually inquired clearly that Zhang Liang was thrown to Luoyang. Hou Junji, who came to visit here today, heard this, and he must accompany him to drink for a long time. Stabbed a knife into Zhang Liang's heart.

"Listen to what you mean by Brother Xian, your majesty is clearly disregarding your old feelings and squeezing you out of Beijing."

Hearing this, Zhang Liang couldn't help but feel bad in his heart and raised his hand to drink. Only then did he find that there was no wine in the glass, and angrily put the glass on the case.

"I also specially invited your majesty before, hoping that your majesty can take his life back. Unexpectedly, your majesty was perfunctory and unwilling at all."

"What else? Luoyang just needs Zhang and other old and solemn officials to sit down. Speaking of the old and solemn, his eldest grandson Wuji, or Li Ji."

"Hehe" seeing Zhang Liang complaining constantly here, Hou Junji also took it seriously.

"This is not the first time your Majesty has done this. I want someone to fight for Datang and make great contributions. The result?"

"It's not just because of a little money, I was thrown into the prison directly, the dignified Lord of the Country, who returned to the court with the merits of destroying the country, ended up like this."

Speaking of this, Hou Junji said fiercely with itchy roots. "What kind of person Hou has been so humiliated"

"What Xiongtai said is extremely true. His Majesty was so confused that he actually let Xiongtai go to jail. I can't even see my brother."

"It's just that your Majesty likes to listen to and believe in the words of those Confucians, alas"

"Hou was hit by this bad luck, and the middle of the DPRK was a civil and military officer, and he offered assistance. There were very few people who spoke righteously. Hou's heart was very cold."

"There are even a lot of rumors, they are all attacking me."

"These days, I really can't wait to die, and come a little bit easier."

"Oh, you and I are both excluded. You can't live happily, Xiongtai, so why am I, little brother?"

Hou Junji, who had been drinking very lightly, could not help but slapped the case with his eyes flushed at the moment, and shouted sharply.

"Since I can't live happily, it's better to find a way to live happily? It's like rebelling in the old days."

Most of Zhang Liang's Jiu Jinsheng was awakened by a fright, and he quickly persuaded him. "Brother Junji, you are drunk, you are drunk."

"You don't care if I am drunk or not, UU reading www.uukā, I ask you, can you rebel? I'll be with you, brother."

"Those words just now, can anyone hear them?"

Hou Junji, who had finally died of drunkenness, was sent out of the mansion, Zhang Liang asked with a gloomy face to the housekeeper beside him.

"Master, don't worry, it was just outside, only the villain."

Zhang Liang, who was not courageous at first, asked anxiously.

"Are you sure? If these things are spread out, they will be ransacked and annihilated."

Hearing this, the housekeeper couldn't help but hesitate.

"Master, in our mansion, they will not be passed on by our own people."

"What if it spreads out?" Zhang Liang carried both parties on his back and walked towards the mansion.

The important thing is that I also have a lot of little secrets, if it's because of Hou Junji these drinking talks spread out.

Passed to your majesty's ears, in case your majesty gets up, let the embroidered clothes ambassador come and check yourself.

It's okay if the problem can't be found, but Zhang Liang knows very well that he can't resist the embroiderer's rigorous investigation.

Back in the hall, Zhang Liang, still anxious, paced back and forth in the hall, secretly scolding Hou Junji that the **** was simply not successful enough to fail.

It's nothing more than being lonely and arrogant, but it's still a big mouth, often spitting out inappropriate words.

This kind of person is the only one who can have friends in the DPRK, that is, he will continue to deal with him regardless of previous quarrels.

But I didn't expect that if such a mess happened, no matter what, I must separate from it.

Never can't get burnt because of this drink, thinking about this, Zhang Liang walked quickly to the hall to drink.

"Come on, quickly change my clothes for the lord."

"Master, where are you going?"

"I want to enter the palace and see your majesty."

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