The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1663: Become the first public enemy of the Tang literary world? No no no

Fortunately, Li Ke woke up in time in the unhappy cough of Brother Chu Bi. At this time, the manager of the Han and Tang firm had retired.

Li Ke's face was straightened, and he lowered his voice. "Brother Chubi, why, are you planning to do something at this Luoyang Peony Festival?"

"What do you mean doing something?" Cheng Chubi glared at Li Ke unhappily.

"Am I that kind of person? Brother, I'm just thinking about whether or not to participate once and beat the arrogance of those family talents."

"After all, Cheng is from an aristocratic family in Shandong who is a heir to poetry and books."

Seeing the complacent look of Brother Chu Bi, Li Ke almost uttered aloud, returning Te Niang's poetry and heirlooms.

Just your group of fat-physical Cheng family members, they all look like the heads of the green forest heroes in Shandong.

"Brother Chubi makes sense, I think my brother..." Li Ke just whispered a few words, and suddenly thought of that year.

That year, all the multi-talented cultural figures in the Tang Dynasty were not as good as dead, and they were suppressed by a group of masters who used their best talents.

That's right, it was the one where Brother Chu Bi came up with that couplet, and as a result, a lot of fat and sturdy old men were all in that couplet.

It was above the court, because the civil servants felt very embarrassed, so they kept suppressing the news to death and failed to spread.

Even if it spread, the civil official group collectively denied that this happened.

But this time, it was in Luoyang, among the people, there were countless sorrows, beautiful young ladies, and a large folk stage where the people of Luoyang gathered.

If Brother Chubi can keep up with the last time and make a show, then he...

Li Ke felt his heart beating more and more fiercely, as if a husky was repeatedly hitting his heart with his head without pain.

"Brother Chubi..."

Cheng Chubi is considering what he should do to become famous for the old Cheng family, which is a heir to poetry.

I can also tidy up those gangs who dare to fight against themselves and don't sell all kinds of materials and materials to the major merchants of Hantang Commercial Bank.

By the way, it can be disgusting that the gang also secretly poked the family who kept making small movements in private.

At this moment, I suddenly heard that Li Ke, a waver, suddenly called himself in a flattering or even flattering voice.

Cheng Chubi instantly got goose bumps all over his body, and subconsciously twisted his head to look at Li Ke vigilantly.

"What do you kid want to do?"

"Hehehe... Actually, my brother, I want to..."

Seeing Li Ke rubbing his hands with a mean smile on his face, Cheng Chubi understood in an instant, it must be a serious matter.

"If you want to go to that kind of unscrupulous place, don't even think about it. I don't know other people, but I still don't know you?"

"..." Li Ke instantly felt that he was not only misunderstood, but also insulted.

"Brother Chubi, can you be more serious, in broad daylight, how could my little brother think about that kind of thing."

"Hehe..." Cheng Chubi just said hehe, and Li Ke interrupted in time, interrupting Brother Chubi who wanted to show off the dark history he knew by using shameless words.

"Little brother, I think about the serious business of "Luoyang Peony Elegant Collection"."

"Really?" Cheng Chubi looked at Li Ke suspiciously. "Since it's a serious matter, why did you laugh so badly?"

"...Brother Chubi, don't worry about how I laugh, can we talk about business first."

Li Ke murmured in Cheng Chubi's ear for a while, and Cheng Chubi looked at the two or three wagons of learning and wealth, His Royal Highness King Wu.

Hmm...also, is it a bit too much for me to sweep the Chinese language scene by myself?

After all, even if his own father is General Cheng, in case he becomes the number one public enemy of the Tang literary world, and he is still the kind that can't beat the cold from the heights.

It's too easy to be attacked by others. What if there are two scholars all over the world to dig out their own dark history, and they want to make themselves dark and stinky?

The old Cheng family, who is a heir to poetry and books, also has a face, but if you add Li Ke, the stray prince, to cross the Chinese language world, it will not be impossible...

One more person to block the knife, oneself can be more safe.

"Why, brother Chubi, what do you think of my suggestion, brother?"

Li Ke spit on the star and flew across the sky for a long time, and saw Brother Chu Bi rubbing his chiseled jaw, frowning and thinking, he couldn't help but anxiously said.

Cheng Chubi turned his head and looked at Li Ke. This is not bad, but he is not enough. After all, this guy is a prince.

The status is noble and lofty. When a humiliated cultural person wants to attack the prince, it is tantamount to attacking the royal family.

Those aristocratic families will definitely restrain those gentlemen. In the end, this kid has benefited, but he will continue to be the backer.


Looking at Brother Chu Bi with a pair of fierce eyes and looking at him for a long time, Li Ke, who was seen a little hairy, immediately tightened the chrysanthemum and moved back subconsciously.

"Brother Chubi, okay, you scream somehow."

"Actually, it's not impossible, but you alone are not enough."

Cheng Chubi slapped the table on the table, then stood up and stood in the private room on the second floor of the restaurant.

Facing the non-decent comprehensive entertainment venue on the opposite side, he put on a show of instructive style.

Li Ke was immediately unhappy, and he always felt that Brother Chu Bi was underestimating his majesty Prince.

"What do you mean? Is it because Brother Chubi feels that my status as a little brother is not enough, you mean I have to get my father or my elder brother to come over?"

"No, no, no, brother Xian, you are wrong, a big mistake, I mean, you and me are not enough."

Cheng Chubi pestle the tip of his nose with his fingers, UU Reading pestle the tip of Li Ke's nose again.

"I have a bold idea, and a bold plan."

"???" Li Ke's face changed suddenly when he heard this, and he looked at Brother Chu Bi with a black line on his face.

Whenever Brother Chu Bi said that he had a bold idea, the plan was absolutely bold, and even arrogant.

The consequences are generally not small. Just like this time, Zheng Jiazhuang was seriously injured because of the bold idea of ​​Brother Chu Bi.

But now, there are not only bold ideas, but also bold plans, and Li Ke always feels fuzzy in his heart.

"Brother Chubi, you, what you want to do, can we keep a low-key, low-key."

"Haha..." Cheng Chubi flexed his clothes, but unfortunately there was no wind, and he couldn't get his clothes violently.

But his stubborn and arrogant head has already been raised, huh? I have to admit that the young ladies in this Miaomei Pavilion are not all vulgar fans, but compared to Mei Niang and Mingda cutie, hehe, at most they are slightly higher-grade vulgar fans.

"Brother Chubi, Brother Chubi?" Li Ke's voice rang from behind him.

Cheng Chubi's sight suddenly lifted, looking at the vast world, suddenly full of pride.

"There are so many talents in the world, and our Han and Tang firms are a gathering of talents."

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