The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1689: I'm afraid Xingyang Zheng's family is really going to be restless

Judge Deng was full of sadness, looking up at the sky, he was just one step away, and now he falls down again, what will happen to that special mother.

With the corner of his eye, Cheng Chubi glanced at the Xiao Judge who had fallen on the viewing platform and didn't know his life or death, and he hehe directly.

But I don't bother to talk about it, I'm just a person, occupying so many judges' positions.

In that case, he is very likely to be scolded as a black whistle by the vast number of sorrows and people in Luoyang.

"..." Cui Luoyang and Zheng Lao Er had black lines on their faces, and they were speechless for a long time.

The king judge just now should be true, but at this time, as soon as the new poem came out, the Xiao judge fell down. There is no ghost in this special lady.

"Do you want Cheng Sanlang to show him?" Zheng Lao Er whispered towards Cui Luoyang.

Cui Luoyang sighed helplessly. "Leave some face for Mr. Xiao..."

The guy Cheng Sanlang is a well-known doctor all over the country. If he says that Mr. Xiao is pretending to be dead, will Mr. Xiao still mix with the cultural circle in the future?

But it is impossible for people to lie down like this. Cui Luoyang made a gesture with a dark face, and the two guards hurriedly got a door panel and put this person on it.

With his eyes closed and motionless Xiao Jie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he could not help but be grateful when he heard the whispered communication between Cui and Zheng just now.

Next, you will comment on whoever your special mother commented, and the old man will not be mixed up, and whoever loves whoever...


Li Dalang of the British government, Li Zhen proudly jumped onto the big flower boat in Miaomei Pavilion, and the next Li Qi jumped up with a smile.

Afterwards, Master Chai Lingwu glanced at His Royal Highness Princess Gaoyang who was standing not far away, and finally glanced at the flower boat in the Miaomei Pavilion, and turned his head away with tragic and desperate faces.

Although Niu Wei Tuo was not a messenger afterwards, he was not willing to go to such a serious place.

The next Cheng Chuliang also glanced at the flower boat in Miaomei Pavilion, helplessly squatting with the same melancholy Chai Lingwu.

After all, heirlooms of poetry and books are fine, but if the two men who are husband and wife go to a place like the flower boat, hehe...

Back in Chang'an, the emperor of Tang Dynasty who had a bad temper and didn't talk about martial ethics would let them taste the wrath of the old man.

Although Fang Jun has not yet played, he is even more impossible. His poems must have won twelve outstanding poems.

However, he has always been very serious, only his wife Gao Yang is in his eyes.

Cui Luoyang and Zheng's second child were completely numb behind, including the judging process, and they were stunned at first.

Later, I made a ruthless statement. If you want to be excellent, I will give you excellent. If you don't give such an excellent work, it is impossible to justify.

What's more, the former grandmaster gave it all, but the latter did not. Isn't this offending people to death?

What's more, those talents from the aristocratic family are also very poor this year. They can give them good things and ask them to go to other flower boats and hug the young lady for comfort. That is worthy of them, okay?

Zheng Lao Er looked sadly at the last person who was not a Wu family child, but the beloved son of Te Niang's famous Tang Xiang Fang Xuanling.

Fang Erlang's masterpiece, who abandoned his text and took the military, came out. This time, all the reviewers were willing to agree that they were excellent.

Zheng Lao Er sighed a long sigh, and sat down at the back of the case, murmured in despair.

"This year's Luoyang Peony Festival was really ruined..."

When I looked back for Cui Luoyang, I saw Cui Luoyang pouring and drinking with a dispirited expression on his face, and he had no intention of taking care of it.

And Cheng Saburo didn't even bother to the judges who were downcast, sighed and slapped their **** to leave.

Staggered to the Zheng family cock, and sat down.

"Why does Mr. Zheng look so much? This year's Luoyang Peony Festival will show the best works. Isn't it something that should make the two happy?"

Cui Luoyang's hand holding the wine glass stiffened, and he slammed the wine glass on the table, and moved to the side. The conscientious and dying Wu Wang gave a salute.

Then he walked straight away, and Zheng Lao Er also wanted to get up and leave, but was stopped by Cheng Saburo.

"Come, come, Mr. Zheng, you are in a hurry, don't forget, this year's "Luoyang Peony Collection, I don't know when it will be printed."

Zheng Lao Er looked at the serious Cheng Saburo before him, wishing to call the cold dish from the case directly on his face.

It's just that he only dared to think about it. The corner of his eyes twitched, and he reluctantly squeezed out a smile.

"This year's "Luoyang Peony Gathering" will definitely be there. Please don't worry about this, the third son of Cheng."

"It's just that this year we Zheng's bookstore has a lot of backlogs. This "Luoyang Peony Collection is afraid..."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi was immediately happy, with a pair of sword eyebrows raised high, and he smiled at the second child Zheng.

"If you want to come to Mr. Zheng, you should know that your Majesty will visit Luoyang east this year."

"At that time, those uncles and uncles followed your majesty to Luoyang, if you can't see the "Luoyang Peony Collection, UU reading hehe..."

"They will definitely be very unhappy, they are unhappy, what kind of things will happen, it is not the younger generation of Cheng who can know."

"..." Zheng Lao Er's face turned dark, yes, he just wanted to perfuse Cheng Saburo, but Te Niang's forgot.

These gangsters are just appetizers, and the real bosses are still squatting in Chang'an City staringly.

If they waited for them to come to Luoyang and couldn't see the masterpieces of their own poetry and heirlooms, Zheng Lao Er felt that the Zheng family in Xingyang would really be restless.

Thinking about this, Zheng Lao Er, who felt that his future was dark, wiped his face severely and promised helplessly.

"Please rest assured that Mr. Cheng, Mr. Zheng will definitely urge our Zheng's bookstore to present the "Luoyang Peony Collection" when His Majesty visits Luoyang to the east."

"Well, with Mr. Zheng's promise, Cheng can also rest assured."

At this moment, Cheng Chubi saw that Li Ke, who was still doing his best and dying before putting on make-up, was winking at himself frequently.

Seeing that His Royal Highness Wu had already started to rub his skin and itching, Cheng Chubi didn't continue to brag with the second child of Zheng.

"Well, the overall situation of the Luoyang Peony Festival has been decided, and Cheng has nothing to do with the interim review, so I will leave first."

Zheng Lao Er watched with a dull face as Cheng Saburo pushed His Royal Highness Wu to the Peony Observatory and walked away.

Then he lay straight on the ground with no image, looking at the night sky of Luoyang with a look of life, and regretted it, why did he want to provoke this demon moth?

Look at the present, the Luoyang Peony Festival, where the Chinese and the original language is so light, has become a place of fame for the rough masters.

The face of the aristocratic family, this time really made these gangsters blush, um, smoked.

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