The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1697: Actually met your Majesty, Dongdu was eating and drinking...

Li Chengqian bowed respectfully to Li Shimin, the eldest queen, and grandfather Li Yuan, and watched them board the car.

By his side, Li Xiang, his son, who insisted on staying with his mother, also learned from his father's behavior and salutes honestly.

The ministers and workers who stayed behind in Chang'an also saluted them one after another, watching this huge team leave Chang'an and head towards the east.

Li Tai was also traveling in the motorcade at this moment, but at this moment, his eyes were squeezed by the fat on his face.

He stared at General Hou not far away until he saw General Hou nodded slightly towards him.

When I saw Mr. Jiang again, he stood not far away from General Hou and gave a deep thought to himself.

Li Tai turned around laboriously and sat on the carriage, he was very nervous.

After all, in order to avoid suspicion, he needs to eat with his father and the emperor together with his brothers and sisters.

Therefore, the secret and important things to be done next can only be handed over to the confidant Mr. Jiang and the general Hou who has secretly made an offensive and defensive alliance with him.

Although Wei Wang Li Taixin has been hanging on, he can't wait to stay and preside over the overall situation personally.

But the problem is that if you stay in Chang'an and something big happens in the East Palace, you, the prince who used to have a relationship with the prince, could easily become a suspect.

And with his father's shrewdness, he was afraid that he couldn't stand it at all.

It would be better to go to Luoyang, the eastern capital with his father, so that he is hundreds of miles away in Luoyang, the eastern capital.

Chang'an has something big and it's his own ass. What's more, he is in Luoyang. It is just this time that he should be filial to his parents in order to please his heart.

In this way, the suspicion that he would be disadvantageous to the prince is eliminated, and secondly, he can also brush up his favors.

Once Chang'an is done, his Royal Highness Wei Wang will soon become his Royal Highness.

Thinking about this, Wei Wang and Li Tai's excited fat face was full of red light.

Empress Changsun finally retracted her eyes reluctantly. "That little fellow Duzi has to stay, alas, he is so sensible at a young age."

Li Shimin was also a little bit reluctant. Compared to his son who was too prudent and disciplined, he preferred this stubborn grandson.

He can eat and sleep at a young age. He rarely gets sick. He has a small mouth and sweetness. He is both firm and clever, but much better than his father.

"Yes, the little calf is quite responsible, and he quietly told her husband before that his mother was pregnant with his younger brother and younger sister, and he wants to stay."

"It saves that the younger brother and sister won't see him when they come out, they must cry, hahaha..."

"He really said that?" Empress Changsun couldn't help but brighten her eyes, and couldn't help groaning.

"This little guy, he usually sticks to my grandmother, and he doesn't say this to my grandmother. Looking back, it's a concubine..."

The couple were talking and laughing in the car. As for Li Yuan, the Great Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he was sitting in the same car with his good granddaughter, Xiao Sizi.

Chuckingly eating the dried fish, Li Yuanzi took a bite of drunk, a bite of dried fish, and a mouthful of spiced beans, which was very refreshing.

While eating comfortably, Li Mingda's eyes lit up when he heard the chuckle coming from outside the carriage.

"Grandpa, listen, you know..."

Li Yuan also shined.

"Hmm... As soon as the summer heat arrives, I know it, but it's starting to get more. That Zhongbao..."

"The slave is here." Zhong Bao just rushed to the car and agreed.

"When you stop, remember to send more people to get some Zhihou back."

Grandpa Zhongbao's face turned dark for an instant, and for an instant, he seemed to think of the scene when he jumped to the Jiucheng Palace and caught all the way all the way to eat the monkey.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the slave and maid will go to confess."

Li Yuan nodded in satisfaction, and then smiled dozingly at his good granddaughter Li Mingda.

"Yeah...Go, my dear granddaughter, when you set up camp tonight, remember to come to Grandpa's place and have some good things to share."

"Well, grandpa loves Xiao Si the most." Li Mingda smiled so that his bright eyes were bent into cute crescents. "If you have something delicious, remember Xiao Sizi."

"That's necessary, hey... It's a pity that Cheng Saburo is not here, he fried it tastes better and more crispy after knowing the monkey."

"I don't know if we can meet that kid if we go to Luoyang."

Li Mingda couldn't help but shook his head sadly. "Mother told me, daddy wrote a letter a few days ago.

Let Cheng San's brother rush back to Chang'an as soon as possible, maybe Cheng San's brother will be on his way back to Chang'an this time. "

"After all, the east tour can no longer be delayed, but it is not suitable for my sister to travel far now, she can only stay in Chang'an and wait for delivery."

Seeing Li Mingda's depressed appearance, Li Yuan, who was distressed for her good granddaughter, calmed down.

"Well, with your brother Cheng San who is watching over in Chang'an, your sister-in-law will be able to make her mother and child safe. If nothing else, the boy won't be unsuccessful."

"Sure." Li Mingda nodded vigorously, looking at Chang'an getting smaller and smaller.

Sister Wu also stayed in Chang'an because she was good at medical treatment, and she was accompanied by her sister-in-law in the East Palace. With her and third brother Cheng, UU reading www. Sister-in-law must be safe and sound.


Under the road leading to Chang'an, Cheng Chubi was leading a fat and strong Cheng family on their way.

This is different from when I went to Luoyang. I was not in a hurry at the time. I also went by boat to appreciate the beautiful view of the canal and the Yellow River.

And this return journey was because he received a letter from his Majesty, Cheng Chubi naturally did not dare to neglect, and he rode a horse along the way, naturally taking a lot faster than traveling by boat.

Just as the horse was struggling, Cheng Chubi suddenly heard a shout from the front.

"San Gongzi, in front of San Gongzi, look!"

Cheng Saburo rode his horse across the mountain pass, looked forward, and saw the billowing smoke and dust. It was clear that a large team that was too large to see the whole picture was coming oncoming here.

And right in the front, there were hundreds of riders as the front-drivers, which were no more than miles away from Cheng Saburo and the others.

Cheng Chubi craned his neck and looked around carefully for a long time, and he couldn't help but let out a loud voice.

"Oh, I didn't expect to encounter a large army of your Majesty and Dongdu here."

As soon as this remark came out, the fat and strong Cheng family laughed and laughed.

At this moment, Su Dingfang and Niu Weituo are leading those hundreds of elite cavalry, swiftly moving forward, as the forerunner of the large army, responsible for dealing with emergencies and clearing obstacles.

At this moment, I saw the front, and a dozen riders stopped at the mountain pass, pointing towards this side.

Su Dingfang couldn't help squinting his squinted eyes habitually and sinking his face.

"Who is it, so sneaky, Brother Wei Tuo, please postpone, Su Mou first go and see..."

Without waiting for Niu Weiyuan's answer, Su Dingfang shouted sharply and galloped out first. The hundreds of murderous Datang cavalry who followed him followed him and rushed forward.

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