The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1701: Back to Chang'an, there was no suppression by His Majesty and the Supreme Empero

Hearing that the two big brothers, the Supreme Emperor and Your Majesty, nodded, what would be the case for General Chai, he could only smile and nod his head, tilting his head towards the Liu Lang general.

Liu Langjiang naturally didn't dare to neglect, and quickly opened the camp door of the camp with the soldiers, and then respectfully sent the group of young people with grinning eyes out of the camp.

Chai Shao watched the team that had captured the Zhihou disappear into the depths of darkness, leaving only the torch swaying in the dark night, and he couldn't help sighing.

"Oh... the old man knows, it's no good to meet the boy Cheng Saburo."

Next to him, Su Mi squinted, coughing... General Su, who likes to squint to see people, wiped his face and began to persuade him.

"Yes, the general doesn't have to worry, anyway, this kid Cheng Saburo will stay at most for one night."

"Hmm... I hope. Huh?!" Chai Shao just nodded his head and heard the sound of hooves coming from behind him again.

Turning his head in doubt, he saw Li Youyi, the confidant **** next to His Highness King Wei, with a ticket of His Highness Wei's personal guards, walking towards this side.

After taking a look at the utensils in their hands, Chai Shao knew that he must have learned about the monkey.

General Rao Chai always regarded himself as a Confucian general, and at this moment he couldn't help but curse Changan's vulgar words secretly in his heart.

It was night, during the big camp, where the Taishanghuang’s camp and Weiwang’s camp were, always braving the tangy aroma of deep-fried certain ingredients.

"Mother, here..." Li Mingda stretched out his hand and picked up another Zhizhi monkey, and handed it to his mother's mouth.

Empress Changsun looked at the ugly, sweet and crispy Zhihou monkey in her daughter's hand, and finally couldn't help the temptation of delicious food.

"...Okay, just take the last one, no more."

At this moment, Li Shimin, who was about to lift the curtain to enter the account, couldn't help but his face turned black when he heard the answer in the account.

Seeing that stuff, I feel uncomfortable, and my beloved wife, daughters, and fathers are all just fine. It’s almost...

Li Shimin took his hands on his back, raised his eyes to the starry night sky, thought about it, and whispered to Zhao Kun beside him.

"Let the kid leave early tomorrow morning, don't delay returning to Chang'an."

Listening to His Majesty's very unhappy tone, Zhao Kun struggled to control his emotions, nodding his head with a serious expression.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the minister will confess to that kid in a moment."

"Yeah..." Li Shimin stroked his long beard, and heard a voice from inside, as if it was Guanyin's maidservant who decided to know the monkey again.

Forget it, it seems that I still wander around the big camp and come back again, so I don't have to see that stuff uncomfortable.

Early in the morning of the next day, before the brigade headquarters was pulled out of the camp, Cheng Saburo, who had been reminded by Zhao Kun, led a group of relatives out of the camp.

Re-walk the road that I walked yesterday and head straight to Chang'an.

Although Cheng Saburo left, in the days to come, people will still come in and out of the camp in the name of arresting the monkey.

This made Chai Shao feel very evil in his heart, and he was helpless. On one side was the Supreme Emperor and the other was His Royal Highness Wei Wang, what could he do?


Cheng Saburo finally rushed back to Chang'an again, but he rushed to the East Palace as soon as he entered the city.

After all, before, I could only communicate with Chang'an through letters to understand the situation of Crown Princess Su, but now Crown Princess Su is in her third trimester.

I can't rest assured if I don't know the situation in time.

Just when Cheng Sanlang rushed to the gate of the East Palace, Zuo Nei, who was patrolling there at the moment, prepared a thousand cattle for Helan Chushi.

Seeing the former Donggong Zouuchi Deputy Shicheng Saburo unexpectedly appeared here, I couldn't help but stay in a daze.

"Vice Cheng Cheng?"

Cheng Chubi also saw this poker friend from the time he was in the East Palace, and he couldn't help but enjoy himself.

"Haha, it turned out to be Brother Chu and Shi, don't want to be an official. Cheng is now a flat-headed citizen."

Hearing this, Helan Chushi couldn't help grinning. You said that you are a flat-headed people. Only stupid people would take it seriously in this world.

After a few greetings, his own little **** greeted him quickly, and Cheng Chubi said goodbye to Helan Chushi and strode away.

Helan Chushi looked at Cheng Saburo's back and couldn't help being a little stunned. He had heard that Cheng Saburo was going back to Chang'an before.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would come so quickly, and counting the days, it was not far from the time for the old man and the others to act.

"I said He Qianniu, what do you think?" The paoze on the side could not help asking when seeing Helan Chushi in a daze.

"It's nothing, I just feel that this one returned to Chang'an, there is no suppression by His Majesty and the Supreme Emperor, ha ha..."

Hearing this, a group of soldiers in Zuo Nai Li couldn't help but laugh out loud.

No way, what kind of person Cheng Saburo is, can his old comrades still be unclear?

I still remember that when this guy had just entered the post, he took His Royal Highness to the outside of the palace to release himself, and then moved with the officials of the East Palace, Cheng Il.

Either he squatted with Brother Yipiao to play cards in the East Palace, or encouraged His Royal Highness to raise pigs in the East Palace.

Well, if you count the troubles that Cheng Saburo had made in the East Palace in those years, you can't count them with ten fingers.


Li Chengqian stood beside him excitedly and nervously, watching brother Chubi, who had not met for a long time, asking about the diet of the princess Su’s kindly, UU reading www.uukanshu. The daily activity of com and so on a series of questions.

Wu Meiniang on the side also looked at Cheng Saburo with a serious face with a radiant face.

I haven't seen him for a while, but the process of Saburo is still like that, and his smile is still that funny, and the hot eyes still make people's hearts hot.

He couldn't hear enough of his nice voice, so that Wu Meiniang, who was in charge of the recording, was distracted several times.

"Uncle, uncle, there will be nothing wrong with my mother, right?"

The little guy Li Xiang, since Da Cheng Saburo arrived, has found a backing backer to support him, and he is not afraid of his father's bulging eyes.

Cheng Sanlang also liked this tiger-headed tiger-brain very much, and Pi Shi was very similar to his three younger brothers, Li Xiang.

"Don't worry, if there is a minister, your mother will definitely be fine."

With Cheng Saburo's assurance, Li Xiang retreated to his father's side contentedly, showing his merits like authenticity.

"Father, my uncle said that there will be nothing wrong with my mother."

"Okay, Dad knows, you go and play..."

"No, Uncle Cheng is rare to come over, and the child has to be with him."

"..." Li Chengqian squinted at his son, hehe... he said as if he respected the old and loved the young.

Your kid is just greedy for you, Uncle Cheng promised to give you delicious Zhihou monkey for a while.

Cheng Chubi finally confirmed that Prince Su's physical condition was very good, and that Li Chengqian had been following the doctor's advice during this period.

Every day, she kept coaxing and persuading the princess to take a stroll in the east palace, so the princess controlled her weight quite well, and she was also physically fit.

Just as Cheng Chubi was in the palace to examine the Crown Prince's body, he rode to the gate of Chen Guogong's mansion. After the knight on horseback jumped off, he walked straight towards the mansion.

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