The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1742: Cheng dealt with you empty-handed, come on, have the ability to come...

However, seeing Cheng Saburo's hand, his sharp armor, and his helmet swaying in the wind like a coquettish helmet, he is as eye-catching and dazzling as his acting style.

But seeing him awe-inspiring, he strode forward, chasing after the thieves who were not good at first sight.

I saw Cheng Saburo sternly shouting while chasing.

"Helan, Chu Shigou thief, didn't he just want to fight Cheng Mou, come on.

When I saw Cheng, I fled like this. You disappointed Cheng so much...

You stand still, can you dare to fight Cheng for three hundred rounds? You group of chickens and dogs, come on together, and Cheng will single out your group. "

"Just now Caier has waited for a hundred people, but he is not the same as being ashamed of being killed by someone Cheng, come on..."

"!!!" Zhong Lang Jiang and the forbidden army soldiers who had come to help him directly lay a big groove in his heart neatly and uniformly.

Cheng Saburo! Unexpectedly, he was so powerful, he had long heard that Cheng Saburo was the one with the highest Chinese proficiency among Wu Xun's children.

Unexpectedly, if he could kill more than a hundred people back, I was afraid that General Yuchi didn't have this ability, right?

Helan Chushi, who was almost blown up by Cheng Saburo's anger, couldn't help stopping, raising his sword backwards.

"Cheng Saburo, you thief!!"

"The general, don't be impulsive, go quickly, don't get entangled with that demon moth, okay?"

"Not so much, he said that ten thousand people will be made, we won't be too late..."

Seeing that Helan Chushi who reflexively wanted to invite the battle was dragged away again, Cheng Chubi felt bitter in his heart, gritted his teeth, touched the pair of iron maces, and then threw them to the ground.

"Hahaha... The Helan thief, and you Hou family, are a bunch of courageous rats."

"Finally, Cheng will deal with you empty-handed, come on, have the ability to come..."

"..." Zhong Lang Jiang and Yi Qian came to help the soldiers stagnated, all of them stared in a daze. Damn it! How awesome is Cheng Saburo?

Only a few steps away from those thieves, he actually dared to throw away the weapons.

Decrease bxW*x. No one of those gangsters dared to turn around and **** him. It seems that it must be true that he just killed the other party with more than a hundred people ashamed.

Cheng Saburo dropped his double mace and finally angered the dead men who were rushing for their lives in a hurry.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. In particular, some people have already seen a large number of imperial soldiers pouring out from the south, and their back path may have been cut off.

"Kill him!" Helan Chushi resolutely turned around, raising his sword and sternly. The dozens of dead soldiers who finally gave up on fleeing all stopped one after another.

Then, Cheng Saburo triumphantly rushed toward the empty hands.

Cheng Chubi happily, reached out his hand to touch his waist, and picked up a square bamboo-shaped firecracker with enhanced power.

With the other hand, Shinka, who had been holding it with his fingers, moved forward.

"...Cheng Lao San, can you be a special mother!"

The pace of Helan Chushi and others stagnated for an instant, and the cry of despair echoed between heaven and earth.

Everyone is an adult, even if they are desperadoes, no one wants to die to pieces.

After seeing Cheng Saburo lighting the firecrackers, he tried to throw...

All of a sudden, Helan Chushi and the others could only flee forward and far away again in grief and sorrow.

However, Cheng Chubi wiped out the fuse of the firecracker and picked up the iron mace that was thrown at his feet, with a righteous expression on his face. "Where does the dog thief run! Cheng Mou is here..."

The steps are still so high, the voice is still so strong, the arrogance is still so arrogant.

A school lieutenant next to Zhong Lang couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

"...General, how do I think they are so pathetic."

It must not be the demon moth in poor Cheng Saburo.

The Zhonglang who came to help will wipe his face viciously. "Hehe, what should I do, do you really think that the notoriety of the Cheng family is for nothing?

Provoking the Cheng family, the new year will not end. You have all remembered these words. When you see the Cheng family in the future, stay away.

Especially this Cheng Saburo, the demon moth is coming, and your Majesty has a headache..."

"They are still stunned to do a lot of things, kill them, dare to rebel, and kill them."

"No!" Dozens of people watched the splendid drama for a long time, and the soldiers of the Forbidden Army rushed away with a roar...


Li Chengqian hurriedly, under the protection of the army generals under the command of Fang Jun, finally passed the east gate and passed the Xuante gate that opened.

He broke out of the inner palace, but at this moment, the inner palace seemed a little too quiet.

Li Chengqian didn't stop, hit the horse directly, and continued to gallop in this inner palace, galloping in the direction of the Tibetan wine pavilion.

Fang Jun and others, who had originally wanted to dismount, saw that His Royal Highness was in such a gaffe, and worried that there was no one around His Royal Highness, so they could only harden their scalp and follow closely.

There is no gallop in the palace, but now there is really no way...

When a dozen horses and Fang Jun rushed to the liquor store not far away, they saw the raging fire of the liquor store and the courtyard gate that had been completely destroyed in a mess.

Regardless of this, the prince rode his horse into the wine storehouse and screamed directly.

"Lady, UU reading Lady! Lady where are you?! Elephant, where are you?!"

After Fang Jun got off his horse and rushed in, he began to shout loudly.

"The princess, the princess is back, please also the princess..."

"Daddy!" A high-pitched and crisp sound, even mixed with an excited childish voice, instantly fell into the ears of Prince Li Chengqian, like a natural sound.

Li Chengqian turned his head abruptly and saw Li Xiang, his son Li Xiang, who was only wearing a shirt, in the direction of the small garden of the Tibetan Wine Pavilion. Come.

In the back of Li Xiang, Li Chengqian saw. He saw the lady Su clan, and she was walking slowly towards this side with the help of Miss Wu and the female officer Awu.

Li Chengqian's eyes were red in an instant, and when he turned to dismount, he staggered under his feet and fell directly to the ground.

But he didn't care to stand up, opened his arms, and hugged Li Xiang, who had crashed into his arms like a little calf. In an instant, after experiencing the tears of joy and death, he couldn't stop it.

Crown Princess Su, wiped the tears from her cheeks, bit her vermilion lip, and watched the father and son hugging each other, the family, finally all in good order and tidy.

But the prince Su Clan quickly thought of Cheng Saburo who had allowed their mother and son to survive safely.

Mi He Mi. "Husband, concubine body and elephant are fine, husband, where is General Cheng, did you see him?"

Crown Prince Li Chengqian also reacted, even a little ashamed, and his family was in peace.

But the brother Chu Bi who reunited his family safely, now he doesn't know his life or death.

"Cheng Saburo, Brother Chu Bi...Yes, how about the others?"


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