The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1763: The younger brother will ask the father to play, and worship Brother Chubi as the emp

Cheng Chubi strode towards the Lizheng Hall. Although the East Palace had been cleaned up, some of the burnt-down buildings had not been repaired.

But anyway, the pools of blood on the ground had already been cleaned up.

Now inside the East Palace, guards are naturally strengthened, and teams of imperial soldiers are patrolling everywhere in the East Palace.

Even Yuchi Baoqing, who hadn't fully recovered from his injuries, had already started to work.

Because of the injury, he didn't wear armor, but he still loyally guarded the side of the main hall of Li, looking around with scorching eyes.

Seeing Cheng Saburo coming on his way, he said hello to the old brother and pointed to the hall.

"His Royal Highness is inside, just go in when you are here."

Cheng Chubi nodded, opened the curtain, and stepped in. At this moment, Li Chengqian was sitting there with a ruler in his left hand.

Holding a book in his right hand, he looked at the book with dignity, and a squeaky, eyeballed bear boy Li Xiang stood before him.

"Why, can't remember the back?"

"No, no, the child is thinking, just thinking..." Li Xiang scratched his head, suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind him, and turned his head.

His eyes lit up, and he hurried to the past, as if he had seen a savior.

"Uncle Cheng, you are here, but my father has been waiting for you for a long time and is impatient."

Cheng Chubi didn't know what this kid meant, he laughed, and then strode forward in a polite manner.

"Ah, letting your Highness wait for a long time is indeed the fault of the minister."

Li Chengqian stared at his son with a black line, and pointed at the ruler in his hand.

"Brother Chubi, don't listen to his nonsense, huh... you're still in a daze, go back and have a check for your father."

"If you continue to play around and can't recite it, let's see how I can deal with you."

Hearing this, Li Xiang repeatedly agreed, and then he threw his legs away and jumped out of the main hall of Li.

"Bring me back!" Li Chengqian's face turned dark, and he screamed. The next moment, a group of dark shadows jumped back, took up the book on the case, and then disappeared again.

"..." Cheng Chubi wiped his face, really didn't want to laugh. After all, this was the prince's family affair, but it was really uneasy.

Subtract bxWx.Co. Li Chengqian sighed helplessly, and sat down with a sullen butt. "Oh...this kid, my little brother is really a headache."

Cheng Chubi also sat down beside him, picked up the teapot, poured a cup for the prince, and filled himself with a cup, shook the pot that was about to be empty, and handed it to Ning Zhong.

A sip of chrysanthemum and wolfberry tea, which can clear the liver and improve the eyesight and nourish the body, was really earnest and authentic.

"Why is your Royal Highness so worried, my child, it's normal to be skinny. There is an old saying among ordinary people that it is better to be pitiful than to be pitiful."

"A kid who has the ability to make people feel headaches means that this kid is clever..."

Li Chengqian waved his hand and took a sip of tea.

"Although this is reasonable, when that kid gets up, I don't have to take a few more shots to relieve my hatred."

"Forget it, let's not talk about him, the father and Lu Guogong have left?"

"Yes, Your Highness, the minister has sent them out of Chang'an City just now."

Li Chengqian breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and stroked his eyebrows, and then his father quietly returned to the eastern capital of Luoyang.

Then it should be formalized. Presumably, it won't take long before the emperor will appoint important ministers, or take Hou Jun to the eastern capital of Luoyang for trial.

However, these don't have much to do with Li Chengqian. The most important thing now is the beloved wife Su, who will give birth in less than a month at most.

As for the outcome of Hou Junji, Li Chengqian doesn't matter. What he cares more about is that his father will deal with King Wei, his own brother Li Tai in this way.

Li Chengqian waved his hand after seeing Ning Zhong put the teapot on the table, and Ning Zhong retreated to the entrance of the hall with wit.

"Brother Chubi, what do you think my father will do with my fourth brother?"

"..." Cheng Chubi raised his head in astonishment and looked at the worried Prince. I was so speechless...

I know this kind of problem. I am not the bug in your father's belly. How can I know what he thinks?

Seeing Brother Chu Bi's expression, Li Chengqian wiped his face a little embarrassedly, who knew he had asked a stupid question.

"Brother Chubi, let's just chat casually, chat casually, don't have to worry about it."

"Since your Royal Highness has said so, the minister...the minister will talk about his own thoughts."

"Your Majesty can only attribute the blame to Hou Junji in order to prevent the Supreme Emperor and the Empress from being too sad."

"Wang Wei, he just wants to kill the minister, but he doesn't have that ability..."

"Puff......" Li Chengqian almost choked on the tea, and looked at the brother Chubi who was talking about him in front of him, laughing and crying.

Cheng Chubi sipped a sip of tea and continued to be serious and authentic.

"Therefore, King Wei has only one charge of attempted crime. Therefore, if you want to deal with King Wei, it depends on your majesty's wishes."

"But now your Majesty is extremely disappointed with King Wei. Even if it is because of his scruples about the royal reputation and if he doesn't deal with it too harshly, he will definitely not make King Wei feel too comfortable."

The reason why Cheng Chubi feels so sure is because Wei Wang Li Tai has violated Li Shimin's taboo.

I want to repeat my father's footsteps and engage in a brother-in-law **** fight.

Li Shimin thinks about the body of his own father and mother-in-law ~ and also for the sake of the reputation of the Li family.

The matter was suppressed by force, but he was also exposed to the **** scar by his own son.

If it's not his son, I'm afraid that the murderous and determined Majesty Tang will have the thought of chopping the opponent into meat and making dumplings.

Therefore, even if the apparent handling is not serious, Li Shimin will never let Wei Wang Li Tai have the opportunity to add obstacles to himself.

Of course, these words are definitely the same thing in Cheng Chubi's heart, and it is the same thing to say them.

Sacrifice as Sacrifice as. But fortunately, Cheng Sablang's mouth is top-notch, and his words are superhuman. At least he also calmed down the fragile and careful liver of the prince.

"Brother Chubi's words made me feel more comfortable with my brother. By the way, Brother Chubi, my brother has something to ask for."

Li Chengqian sat up straight, and said sternly towards Brother Chubi.

"His Royal Highness, please make it clear." Seeing Li Chengqian's very formal appearance, Cheng Chubi also straightened his spine and replied in a deep voice.

Mi He Mi. "Brother Chubi must also know that the emperor's father intends to register Lixianger as the emperor's grandson."

"And Xianger this son..." Li Chengqian suddenly got stuck, after all, Li Chengqian had countless grooves in his heart for his son.

"Well, what the younger brother thinks is that if the emperor father sets up an elephant as the grandson of the emperor, the younger brother will ask the emperor to play and worship Brother Chubi as the teacher of the emperor grandson..."


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