The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1792: The big split, shouldn't hurt this incomplete...

   Hehe, if he doesn't take a step, it's okay, because there is no flat ground in front of him, so one foot of slant is enough to stretch his short legs by more than twenty degrees.

   So, he saw Zhang Xuansu, the Prince Shao Zhan who was impassioned by the prince, who was spitting the stars.

   He saw a figure suddenly lunged forward, and then let out a weird cry.

   After a split, he stretched his toes to a place no more than three feet away from him.

   "???" Everyone looked awkwardly towards that one foot was still on the step and the other was under the step.

  Shengsheng cut out a figure with an angle of more than 180 degrees and looked at it.

   Grandpa Ning Zhong's face instantly turned white like a lime wall, his body tilted, and then his mouth trembled, trying to make a sound, but he couldn't make it.

   Li Chengqian also looked awkwardly at the confidant **** Ning Zhong who suddenly hit a split to brush his presence. What kind of trouble is this guy?

   The guilty Cheng Saburo hurriedly took the Yi knife to his side, went down and lifted it with one hand, and directly lifted up the Ning Zhong who had his upper body shrunk into a shrimp shape.

   Two legs that seemed to have lost their joint support, dangling in front of the eyes of a group of Donggong officials.

   Cheng Chubi also felt that holding Ning Zhong with one hand was a bit indecent, but he wanted to let it go, his limp legs didn't work at all.

  The officials of the Eastern Palace and the two auxiliary ministers all stared blankly at Cheng Saburo to lift Ning Zhong, who had just split, up and down, what does this special lady want to do?

   After sweeping the group of people, he saw that Zhang Xuansu, the No. 1 fighting chicken in the East Palace, began to breathe fire in his nostrils again, in order not to affect the unity of the East Palace.

   Of course, in order to check the injury for Father Ning in time, Cheng Chubi could only take Ning Zhong and hurry to the outsider.

   "Duke Ning just slipped under his feet. His Royal Highness, the minister took Duke Ning out to see if he was hurting his tendons or pulling an egg."

   "Well, puff......" Prince Li Chengqian was choked to death by his saliva.

   The two ministers of the ministerial affairs watched with black lines on the face of the demon moth wearing a helmet and armour and slipping away from Ning Zhong.

   Zhang Xuansu blacked his face and stared at Cheng Saburo's back. The two **** must have cooperated deliberately, just to interfere with the old man's performance to the prince.



"you you……"

   Ning Zhong is outside the main hall of Li, his thighs are closed tightly, his feet are separated, and then he stands on the steps with his upper body crouched.

   Angrily and painfully, he raised his finger and pointed at Cheng Saburo next to him.

   Cheng Chubi looked at him with such a pretty girly standing posture very disgustingly.

   "What I am, you didn't hold your elbow against me, but who made you distracted, I don't take the elbow to remind you, can't you still take a slap on the yi knife to remind you?"

   Facing this irrational Cheng Saburo, Ning Zhong felt that he had just made a big split of almost one hundred and ninety degrees just now.

   If there is an egg, if you don't break the order, you have to break the double. Fortunately, I escaped with nothing to break, huh? ... Is this a good thing? should……

   "I said Daddy Ning, is there any discomfort? If so, I will check it for you."

   "No, I just feel a little... pulling the tendons, just take it easy."

   Ning Zhong always feels that Cheng Saburo’s inspection is not good, after all, whoever he treats will have demon moths, and he can’t afford it.

   Seeing Ning Zhong's sneaky look, it seems that Duke Ning, who has other thoughts, should be fine.

   After all, there is no egg, such a big split should not hurt this incomplete man.

   On the contrary, it is a complete man who splits it like this, hehe... at least half of his life, maybe this is the advantage of the eunuch.

   After Ning Zhong slowed down slowly, in Cheng Saburo's urging voice, Ning Zhong muttered a word.

   It is a pity that this guy has a very small voice.

   It's Cheng Saburo who can't hear well anymore, but he can't hear well, and he can't help but shout impatiently.

   "What does that taste like, can you speak louder?"

   Ning Zhong took a deep breath and told the original words of the **** who had reported to him.

   Ma Zhou, who has already resigned from His Royal Highness, is walking out side by side with Li Daozong, proudly showing how good his cooking skills are.

   "It is because of Ma's poor background that he is self-reliant all the year round. This cooking skill is also quite confident. Yesterday Ma took half a catty of ham and diced it for the soup. That taste..."

   "...It's like, it smells like boiled shit."

   Li Daozong staggered at his feet, he almost slapped garlic under his feet, and fell a dog feces. Fortunately, he was a clan celebrity general who was not afraid of danger. He helped the door frame in time and didn't fall down.

   "?!?!?!" Ma Zhou was stunned. What I want to say is that the taste is no less delicious than fish soup, who is so messy to give Laozi a word?

   Yu Zhining, who followed the two behind and stepped out, couldn't help taking a breath.

   Ning Zhong, you are too courageous, right? Although you are the confidant of His Royal Highness, you don't offend others by speaking like this.

   "I said Daddy Ning, can you be more elegant?" Cheng Chubi's face was so black that it was like the bottom of an iron pot that had been fried for three years.

  Shen special cooking that stuff, is it human edible?

   And Ning Zhong also realized that something was wrong, he saw Ma Zhou, his majesty's confidant, and his eyes were puffed up at him with a terrible expression.

   subconsciously defended.

   "No no no, Shilang Ma, our family is talking about those artisans, they..."

   Yu Zhining quickly glared at Ning Zhong and shouted.

   "Stop talking nonsense, who dares to cook that stuff, how can you cook it?"

   Hearing what Yu Zhining said, as a Li Daozong who has been on the battlefield for many years, he felt that he had a great say in this regard.

  I’m really not a I just want to prove to the soldiers that the purpose of cooking that stuff is not for eating, but it’s really useful.

   "That, in fact, it's not that no one has cooked it, but the soldiers cook it to resist the enemy's siege."

   "..." Ma Zhou wiped his face. At this moment, he felt that his mind was a bit messy, so he had to try...

   I was chatting with King Jiang Xia about eating, but why did you leave a palace with a special mother, and the topic flew thousands of miles away in an instant?


   "Uncle Li is worthy of being a famous general of my Datang, I know everything about cooking this stuff, it's amazing."

   Cheng Chubi bowed to Li Daozong who suddenly interrupted with a convincing expression on his face. In any case, his opening can be regarded as freeing everyone from embarrassment.

   After all, everyone will be more embarrassed if one talks about food and the other.

   For example, it is Shi Lang Ma who is more embarrassed now. This broad-hearted and fat Ma Shi Lang walked up to Ning Zhong and asked a little unwillingly.

   "I said Father Ning, what do you mean by that sentence?"

   "Returning to Shi Lang, our family is reporting to General Cheng that those people are cooking and eating... I don't know what to cook. Anyway, the smell is not smelling."




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