The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1805: I would like to present this song to congratulate Datang 4 Hai Shengping

Genius remembers this site address in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! Li Ke patience with temper and quietly told Li Mingda about the interesting rehearsal in Lu Guo Gong's mansion these days.

The amused little cutie giggled. Seeing this jewel in his palm was so happy, Li Shimin finally didn't hold his face to face Li Ke, who was already an English fruit.

I also joined the questioning, and I heard the emperor ask what song they wanted to sing.

As a talented person who knows everything, Li Ke whispered and authentic.

"Father, this song was modified by the general's order."

"General orders..." Li Shimin couldn't help but was taken aback. This piece was a piece produced by the Taitang Temple Taiyue Department by himself.

It was a piece that made Li Shimin very proud of. It showed the majesty and solemnity of the ancient generals when they were promoted, the vigor and agility when they went on an expedition, and the fierce tension in the battle.

When I was in Zhenguan ten years ago, I also specially invited hundreds of civil and military officials and the envoys of all nations who came to pay tribute to the feast after the New Year's Day.

I didn't expect it to be changed by the rough master who didn't know Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng, and Yu?

"What you mean is that they are not matching words, but they also changed the "General Order"."

Seeing the gaze cast by his father, Li Ke could only harden his scalp and nod his head.

At this moment, Li Shimin, an amateur musician in Datang, was not happy, and rolled his eyes and uttered a sentence.

"Just these important Wuxun ministers, can they have the ability to change this song?"

"Tell my father honestly, who did it and dare to change this song?"

Hearing the words of his relatives, Li Ke secretly screamed that it was bad, but he thought that Brother Chu Bi, who should be called Xiaocheng Taibao now, was successfully promoted and made wealth.

I must be happy at that moment in Chang'an. In that case, please forgive me for having to tell the truth.

Anyway, your fiancée is right in front of you. After hearing the news, she will definitely praise your talents.

Of course, after my father knows, will he deduct your salary, hehe, that's not my brother's control.

Li Shimin snorted unhappily when he saw Li Ke scratching his cheeks and his ears.

"Why, isn't it convenient to say?"

"No, no, since my father asked, let me tell the truth, the song was changed by Cheng Saburo, and the lyrics were written by him."

The moment Li Shimin's face turned black, Li Mingda's eyes lit up.

"Really? Third brother, don't coax me."

"Ha, how dare I, Brother Yu." Li Ke hurriedly looked at his nose and his heart, ignoring the black face of his father and the smiling face of sister Mingda.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he couldn't control his emotions, and annoyed his father, and he might be kicked out of the temple by his father, which would be shameful.


"Daddy, you seem to be angry?" Li Mingda turned his head and saw his father's stinky face, he couldn't help but smile.

Then he raised his hand and gently massaged his father's shoulders.

"Okay, Dad, today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, but it should be a happy and good day. Dad, if you think Brother Cheng San is angry."

"Look back and write a letter reprimanding him, OK?"

Seeing his father's unhappy face, Li Ming reached his father's ear and whispered.

"I also helped Dad and told Brother Cheng San, if he dares to fool around, hum, I will, I will..."

Seeing the undecided appearance of his relatives, Li Shimin couldn't help but laugh, and asked amusedly.

"How about you?"

"I told Brother Cheng San, if he dares to mess around, dad, you will copy the stick again and drive him all over the Donggong..."

"Puff......" The Emperor who was eavesdropping with his ears stunned and spewed out the wine directly.

Sitting on the side, Li Ke almost jumped to the bottom of the case with his belly in his arms, and quickly turned his face away, pinched his legs, and tried hard to control himself not to show his emotions with a grin.

Li Shimin looked at her serious daughter with a dumbfounded expression, and shook his head dumbly.

"Well, well, Xiao Sizi's thoughts, Dad's heart, ah, Dad is not angry, it is boring to be angry with that cheeky."

Seeing his father laugh, Li Mingda also agreed with the same hatred.

"Daddy deserves to be a wise emperor, that is, Brother Cheng is a cheeky, and it's not worth angering him."

Li Yuan, a veteran driver who has been able to fight Cheng Sanlang wisely and bravely, has a wealth of fighting experience, and he agrees with the words of a good granddaughter.

"Yeah, my dear granddaughter makes sense, and the old man also thinks that being angry with that kid is hurting himself, and he won't come."

Seeing his father and grandfather start to brag and blow farts with a smile, Li Mingda secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

However, when I think about it, I am trying to understand the danger of Cheng San's brother. Therefore, I am helping Cheng San's brother, not ironicing him.

Moreover, the face of Cheng San's brother is really not thin when it comes to it. Thinking about this, Li Mingda couldn't help but laugh.

Li Yuan and Li Shimin laughed strangely.

And at this time, the civil servants who had advanced from the sorrows and mosques could no longer take care of struggling with the military ministers who had never been off the court.

The main reason is that this year's military ministers are too low-key, so low-key that this vote has already begun to scroll, vying to show their talents, trying to suppress competitors.

Poems come out frequently, but the three generations of Li family ancestors and grandchildren are very happy.

After all, it will not be mediocre to show off at the Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet.

On the way, various talent performances by civil servants were also interspersed. Some showed their first-class piano skills and some showed off their old drivers.

At this time, General Cheng gave a gloomy smile, elbow it, and Li Ji on the side understood it.

While the old driver who blows Xiaoxiao reluctantly retreats while licking his mouth amidst the cheers of others waiting.

Li Ji, who served as the young master of the military singer's singing group, stood up and stood in the hall to salute His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, ministers and fellow martial artists, for today's Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, they have specially prepared a song.

I would like to offer this song to congratulate the Tang Dynasty on the rise of the world. Please allow your majesty..."

Suddenly, the hall was quiet, and the civil servants who had only been squeezed in a lot of time turned their eyes to Li Ji.

I saw that all the martial arts ministers also came to the hall one after another, and together with Li Ji, bowed to your Majesty. "Your Majesty, please be gracious..."

Seeing dozens of important military ministers suddenly popped up, this formation was really the first time since the founding of Datang.

Standing at the forefront and saluting, it was Li Jing, a semi-retired Datang army **** who rarely went to court.

Seeing so many important military ministers, Li Shimin naturally couldn't disagree.

After all, he and his father wanted to see whether this group of Wu Xun important ministers came out to be brilliant or embarrassed.

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