The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1813: Looking at this father-in-law who bravely snatched the dung, what a trouble...

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! The little princess is four catties and seventy-two, and the little prince is four catties and seventy-two, which is not heavy, but for twins, such a weight is already very powerful.

Moreover, the crying was very loud, and the little hands and feet were very strong, but they gave the prince to the United States.

And less than half an hour after the crown princess gave birth to a boy and a girl, the good news was passed on to Luoyang by Kuai Ma.

The other officials in the Eastern Palace, as well as the two ministers Li Daozong and Ma Zhou, also entered the Eastern Palace to congratulate them.

Li Chengqian was so happy that he could hardly open his eyes and didn't sleep well all night.

Early in the morning of the next day, but still not forgetting his job, another pilgrimage was held.

Fortunately, the officials were also very acquainted, and after congratulating His Royal Highness, they ended today's meeting in a perfunctory manner.

Li Chengqian and Cheng Sanlang went to the Chengen Temple together, and along the way, it was still quite regretful that his grandfather and father emperor were still there.

I am afraid that the right to name a child will not fall to my own head.

What can Cheng Chubi say, comforting him while striding forward.

"This is also normal, after all, elders have such privileges.

When your Majesty Taisun has a child in the future, you can start whatever you want, Majesty. "

This made Cheng Chubi also consider that if he had a baby after getting married, he was afraid that the privilege of naming would definitely not fall to him.

But when he thought of the name his father gave to Qimei, Cheng Chubi couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Well, in the future, if my wife is pregnant, I will try to persuade my mother to give "suggestion" to my father.

Cheng Chubi felt that the advice given by her mother, who was so knowledgeable and heinous, must be listened to by his father.

Just when the two of them walked quickly to the outside of Cheng'en Hall, they saw Wu Meiniang's expression a little nervous and about to go out.

After seeing the two of them, Wu Meiniang hurriedly saluted, and then said to Cheng Saburo. "Third brother, the yellow fetuses of the two little princes are a bit serious."

Cheng Chubi raised his brows, and Li Chengqian's expression on the side changed and he jumped in directly.

At this moment, an imperial physician who takes care of these two little magistrates is here, with a serious expression, frowning eyebrows, and a little hesitant.

Seeing His Royal Highness and Cheng Saburo, he quickly respectfully saluted.

"The minister sees the prince, the two little majesty have seen yellowish fetuses this morning.

In theory, yellow fetuses are common to newly born babies, but the yellow fetuses of the two little majesty appear to be a bit serious..."

Li Chengqian raised his hand to signal the imperial physician to stop talking, and walked towards the inside quickly, and he saw it soon.

Yesterday, the two little dolls were all red, but today they have become little dolls with red in yellow.

The change in skin color was so great that Li Chengqian even felt that his child was changed.

"Brother Chubi, how can this be good?"

Cheng Chubi also came to the couch, and saw the two little princes who were irritated and crying with yellow skin and reddish skin.

Quickly beckoned people to send a basin of water to wash their hands, and said.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, I will check the two little princes first..."

Fetal jaundice, which is actually neonatal jaundice, refers to the increase in blood bilirubin levels due to abnormal bilirubin metabolism during the neonatal period.

The appearance of diseases characterized by yellowing of the skin, mucous membranes and sclera is the most common clinical problem in newborns.

This type of jaundice is generally physiological jaundice. Although the two little majesty before him are crying, their mental head is pretty good.

Cheng Chubi carefully inspected these newborns who seemed to shatter with the touch of a touch.

Fortunately, this is a common disease, which is seen in many cases, and naturally it is easy to make a clear diagnosis.

The jaundice of these two little princes is severe jaundice, the skin is yellow and bright, but at least the skin color is normal.

In addition, there is no sign of swelling of the liver and spleen of the two little babies, so it can be basically determined that it should not be kernicterus.

Li Chengqian stood aside nervously and watched Brother Chu Bi carefully examine his child there. Fortunately, he knew very well.

When Brother Chubi is doing serious things, it's best not to ask him questions, otherwise all kinds of screams will be frequent and people can't bear it.

It's better to be quiet and wait until he finishes the inspection before asking.

After a wave of manipulation, Cheng Chubi asked without looking up.

"Where are the meconiums of the two little majesty?"

"Meconium?!" Wu Meiniang and the female palace Awudu looked at Cheng Saburo with dumbfounded expressions.

"It's the Baba pulled down by the two small halls. Bring it over and let me have a look."

"Over there, I'll let someone get it." Although Wu Meiniang didn't quite understand what Cheng Saburo was doing with that thing, she still chose to trust Cheng Saburo.

The first time he turned around and walked to the door of the hall. He whispered to an eunuch.

"I just changed the meconium-containing diapers for the two little majesty. Get them quickly so that they don't wash them off. General Cheng needs to check them."

"Huh?" The eunuch's eyes bulged directly, what kind of operation is this, and what is there to see in that thing.

"Ah what? Don't hurry up." Wu Meiniang urged with her eyebrow raised unwillingly.

The **** glanced at Cheng Saburo over there, since it was the notorious General Cheng.

If you want diapers, even if you want other things, you dare not disobey your orders.

He immediately agreed, hurriedly lifted his front and ran away, rushed out of Cheng'en Hall, and then ran wildly, finally seeing the place.

But before he could catch his breath, he happened to see a washerwoman who was about to throw the ink-stained diaper into the basin.

I couldn't help but puffed up my eyes, stretched out his hands and screamed. "stop!"

It's okay if he doesn't scream, his sharp, male and female voice frightened all those women who were bragging and beating laundry.

That piece of diaper wrapped in a mound of meconium in ink and black with a hint of greenishness slipped from between the woman's fingers and fell into the basin.

The **** jumped to the front in a depraved manner, and immediately reached into the basin and grabbed the diaper.

Then he lifted Lanhua's fingers and stretched out the diaper. Seeing the black meconium on it, he couldn't help but exhale in relief.

"Fortunately, fortunately, finally still..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw the meconium and didn't know if it was contaminated with water. I couldn't stick to the diaper anymore and started to slide downwards.

Then, the washerwomen saw the agile father-in-law, their eyes widened for the first time, and then they stretched out their hands.

Shengsheng rushed to catch the meconium before it fell into the basin, so that the meconium was firmly held in his palm.

"!!!" Several washerwomen instantly rounded their eyes exaggeratedly, and their small cherry mouths instantly turned into big mouths.

They all looked at this father-in-law who was brave enough to **** the dung, what the **** was this?

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