The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1827: Let Lu Guogong think that my nephew and I are the same

Li Shimin, who was blushing with his tea, raised his finger and pointed at the bastard.

This guy's unprepared sorrows are really too hard to guard against.

After a long time, Li Shimin, who had finally recovered his strength, took care of the beard and gave Cheng Saburo a glance.

But he couldn't help feeling a move. Although Li Shimin was very angry, Xue Wanjun still felt wronged.

However, in his heart, he didn't want this young and powerful Datang star to die because of such a small mistake and a stubborn hunger strike.

Before that, Xue Wanche had already asked a doctor to diagnose and treat Xue Wanjun, and it was already determined that Xue Wanjun was not ill, but was caused by his mood.

This made Li Shimin angry, annoyed, and worried. But now Cheng Saburo was sitting in front of him.

Hmm...Perhaps, this demon moth can have unexpected methods that can make Xue Wanjun survive.

Thinking about this, Li Shimin smashed his mouth, just picked up the tea, and saw Cheng Saburo, whose eyes were twirling around, and quickly put the tea down again.

"That virgin nephew, Xue Qing's family violated the laws of the Tang Dynasty, and the old man handled him nothing wrong."

"But his temper is too stubborn, and now... Sigh. But, I can't release him because of this.

If so, how would the people of the world, civil and military officials, think of me? "

Looking at the sad face of the emperor of Tang Dynasty, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but nodded deeply, presumably Li Shimin's mood was also very tangled.

"What the uncle said is extremely true, the uncle is worried about the physical condition of Lu Guogong. If the uncle trusts the nephew, the nephew will solve his problem."

Seeing Cheng Saburo's courage to do things so courageously made Li Shimin very pleased, stroking his long beard and nodding his head with approval.

"Sure enough, the old man did not misunderstand you, and is so courageous in doing things, then how are you going to proceed, or else, how about you go and heal him tomorrow?"

Cheng Chubi thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head.

"No, no, uncle, Mr. Lu Guo has a heart disease. As the saying goes, he needs heart medicine."

"If I were to go to prison like this, I would treat him from the perspective of a doctor, and he would definitely be unhappy."

"After all, if you want to treat such a heart disease, it is best to arouse empathy, so that Lu Guogong feels that my nephew and I are the same as him, ah...I am the same."

Li Shimin smashed his mouth. Hearing Cheng Saburo's words, he started to beat his heart. This kid, wouldn't he want to fix some demon moths?


"Then what you mean..." Li Shimin looked at Cheng Saburo suspiciously, and decided to go straight ahead.

"Uncle, my nephew thinks that we should do this... For example, my nephew, I have committed some mistakes with some of my companions, you put us together with Luguo PR."

"..." Zhao Kun on the side looked at Cheng Saburo with a black line, always wondering if this kid had a problem with his brain.

"Nephew, do you want to go in that way?" Li Shimin sucked in a bit of a toothache, how did he feel that this guy seemed to be interested in squatting in the prison committee.

"Uncle look at what you said, my nephew, I just found a reason to come to him to treat Lu Guogong."

"You think, he also committed a crime and was thrown in, and so did his nephew. Does that nephew, like him, have the qualifications of a like-minded victim?"

"Like-minded, you actually use it here?"

Seeing a serious nonsense Cheng Saburo, Li Shimin almost wanted to pour tea over. He is very like-minded, can you be more serious?

Cheng Chubi smiled a little shyly, touched his nose and continued to follow his train of thought.

"My nephew didn't find a suitable adjective for a while, it just meant that anyway.

General Xue would assume that his nephew was in a gang with him, so that he would not be defensive against his nephew. "

"In this way, it will be easy to break through his psychological defenses, defeat his last stubbornness, and the desire to survive, and it will surface..."

"At that time, without being forced by him, he will take the initiative to eat and drink Lazarus."

Li Shimin looked at Cheng Saburo, who was talking excitedly, even though the boy was talking in a mess.

But I have to admit that his thinking is really different, and it is really different.

Once Cheng Saburo took the initiative to treat people, there would be no intractable diseases that could not be solved, and Li Shimin finally nodded.

"Well, well, then do it according to the policy of the nephew."

"Uncle Yingming." Cheng Chubi hurriedly bowed to His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

"But..." Li Shimin rubbed his fingers and looked at Cheng Saburo, who he wanted to clean up a long time ago.

He took a deep breath, controlled his expression, and whispered his eyes seriously.

"My nephew, how you want to go to jail, the old man will arrange it."

Looking at Uncle Li's hypocritical expression and the impatient eyes, Cheng Chubi always felt that this elder wanted to be selfish.

However, I do need a very serious reason for imprisonment that can win General Xue Wanjun's empathy and compassion.

Zhao Kun stared blankly at Cheng Saburo, whose eyes were rolling around, and his Majesty who couldn't wait.

One can't wait to clean up this kid, but this kid is wondering how to carry out criminal activities.

This makes Zhao Kun's whole person almost ready. What is this called, self-sufficient treatment and rescue?

Cheng Chubi kept pondering But aside, Li Shimin's eager posture was really stressful.

Cheng Chubi wiped his face and spread his hands helplessly.

"My nephew will be here for a while, um, it's mainly uncle you are staring here, my nephew is now thinking about how to not commit a crime."

"Puff......" Zhao Kun couldn't hold it anymore, letting a dumb fart and hurried out.

Li Shimin's face turned dark, and he almost wanted to grab this little bastard's shirt, because you do bad things on weekdays.

This will make you do it, but you are still shy?

Zhao Kun didn't go far, and he saw Queen Eldest Sun and His Royal Highness Princess Jinyang coming one after another, and hurriedly spoke respectfully and loudly.

"The minister sees the empress, sees the princess."

Hearing these two coming, Cheng Chubi's eyes lit up, and he quickly stood up and saw Li Mingda rushing towards this side.

Li Mingda stared at this side and walked quickly. He saw Cheng San's elder brother's chiseled smiling face, and Li Mingda responded with a bright sweet smile.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed his father's gradually darkening face, Li Mingda moved lightly, and passed by Cheng Saburo, and suddenly rushed into his father's arms.

"Daddy, I miss you, Brother Cheng San, you are here too..."

His Majesty the Emperor Datang finally showed a gratifying smile on his face.

Well, the girl didn't raise it in vain, at least I remember to greet my father before Cheng Saburo this stinky boy.

As for whether the girl's smile was directed at herself or Chong Saburo, forget it, you will get heartbroken if you ask.

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