The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1837: We must give General Xue enough to die...

Li Shimin saw Zhao Kun stride into the hall with a relaxed expression, and instantly heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that at least things did not develop in a bad direction.

"No need to be polite, what's the situation with Xue Qing?"

Zhao Kun thought of the fierce scene before he left, and finally ended up with Datang's fierce general Xue Wanjun subdued.

Thinking about this, Zhao Kun felt that the corners of his mouth and eyelids were a bit uncontrollable, and he quickly coughed.

"...Your Majesty, Lu Guo has already, um, has started eating."

As soon as these words were spoken, the eyes of the family of three were immediately brightened.

Li Shimin couldn't help his eyes light up, so fast, this Cheng Saburo was too fast.

"Cheng Saburo has untied his knot?"

"That's not... Well, your Majesty, what happened today is recorded here by the Embroidery Envoy. Your Majesty can know the cause by looking at it."

"The main reason is that too many things have happened, and the minister will really not understand it for a while."

"..." Li Shimin took the wooden box, and after opening it, he saw the thick pile of paper full of handwriting.

I strode to the case and just sat down and picked up the first piece of paper.

At this moment, the daughter secretly poked in the name of massaging her father's shoulders, her eyes widened behind him.

Of course, Empress Longsun was not embarrassed to gossip with her daughters, and there were a lot of idlers in the hall.

Well, I can only wait for a while and see myself again.

Li Shimin quickly scanned the previous words, and soon he saw the familiar dialogue mode.

Just write that the embroiderer with good calligraphy wrote in the letter:

Cheng Sanlang said: "Second Uncle Xue, do you think my nephew, my dog, took a mouse, and what did you do to save you?"

"Actually, this is really not a dog taking a mouse. After all, my nephew, I am not a dog, and you are not a mouse."

Behind her, Li Mingda, a cute little smile, came and quickly covered her mouth.

"..." Li Shimin, whose face was dark, could have imagined that Xue Wanjun's mood lying on the couch must be quite unbeautiful.

Looking around, Li Mingda behind Li Shimin hugged his belly, bent over and slowly sat down on the ground, and then punched the floor with a small pink fist.

His Majesty Li Shimin, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, suddenly let out a series of creepy laughter.

The empress who laughed so much that the grandson's whole person is not good, at this time, as the empress empress who must be calm every big event.

I feel that I must do something for my husband and daughter's posture. After all, the father and daughter laughed so inconsistently that it would not be good to spread it out.

Waved to Zhao Kun and winked, Zhao Kun gave a comprehensible salute, and hurriedly made two gestures towards those court ladies and eunuchs.

Soon, all the miscellaneous people in Wencheng Hall disappeared outside the palace gate.

And Zhao Kun stood at the gate of the temple, guarding against someone who accidentally broke into the Wencheng Palace, and saw that his Majesty had begun to laugh at the scene.


After half an hour, Li Shimin, the majestic Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, finally controlled his emotions.

Rubbing her aching belly, and poured a big sip of tea. For the first time in her life, she laughed so happily that her mouth was dry and her vocal cords were hoarse.

Li Mingda is not much better either, um, the grandson queen with the most powerful self-control ability, couldn't help raising her hand to gather the hanging blue silk.

There is no way, I definitely can't laugh so wantonly like my husband, I can only bury my face in the quilt, causing the hair to be a little messy.

"If I were Xue Wanjunqing, if I was in good health, I would definitely not let the boy Cheng Saburo easily, it would be too bad."

Hearing what his father said, Li Mingda was not happy, and pouted, feeling that he had to stand up for Cheng San's brother.

"Daddy, Brother Cheng San does this for the sake of healing and saving people."

When Li Shimin was happy, he didn't care about his daughters standing on her future husband's side and continued to speak authentically.

"Yeah, okay, dad made a mistake, but this kid is really..."

I have to admit that Li Shimin felt that even if he was as ambitious as Xue Wanjun, if there was a demon moth like Cheng Saburo jumping up and down next to him.

Haha, nine out of ten, I would also want to clean up this kid first, for fear that he could only catch his eyes.

Empress Changsun shook her head helplessly, the little **** Cheng Saburo, speaking, was so exasperating.

I still remember that when he was treating himself in those days, the words that popped up suddenly would kill his popularity.

"Cheng Saburo, the kid going on such a foolish act, I'm afraid it's Duke Lu Guo, alas..."

"Hehe, this is the first day. If he is allowed to stay with his gang of fox friends and dog friends for two more days, Xue Wanjunqing is afraid that only fighting spirit will remain, and there will be no more will to die.

What I think is how to get a good body quickly and find a chance to clean up those gangsters. "

Hearing this, Li Mingda and Empress Changsun nodded at the same time.

But Li Mingda Xuanji made another statement. "Daddy, you will have to help Brother Cheng San when the time comes, but he will treat General Xue Er at your command."

"Well, this is natural. Daddy knows it in his heart. Don’t worry about my good In the daytime, these young people are either drinking and eating meat, or bragging and smashing their farts, putting this quiet and gloomy prison for life. It's like a hustle and bustle of guests and friends.

A group of young people played cards with great spirits and flicked cards, torturing Xue Wanjun with despair, wishing to smash his head to death in the prison.

How come these gangsters are so energetic, isn't it just fighting a landlord, is it so fun? Have been playing for a day, okay?

When on earth do you close your eyes, the old man will be able to stop himself, so as not to continue to stay with you bastards, too much trouble.

Just as Xue Wanjun was thinking a lot, touching his waistband, silently waiting for the moment. Over there, still fighting against the landlord.

However, at this moment, Cheng Chubi was squatting in a corner with Li Ke and Li Zhen, carefully staring at Xue Wanjun, who was lying motionless on the couch.

"I said Brother Chubi, are we really going to stare at it all night?"

"No, no, of course not. Let's watch it in shifts. Anyway, it's rare for the brothers to gather together and play cards happily."

"Let's wait first, if he has any movement, haha..." Cheng Chubi felt that as long as he gave General Xue enough social death training.

Let him grind out a strong cheeky enough to face all difficulties and obstacles, oh no... it's a strong heart.

I believe that when the time comes, he, who is already old-fashioned, will not care too much about his self-esteem, ah no... he will not care too much about minor flaws such as imprisonment.

Having said that, people with too strong self-esteem are prone to go to extremes, which is very bad. How can they be like the Cheng family, who have a strong psychological resistance to stress.

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