The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1846: Shouldn’t we also think we should die and don’t suffer from this...

Xue Wanjun opened his mouth, always feeling that the third brother said this really beautifully, speaking to the inside of his heart.

The bunch of younger generations over there are not happy anymore. Especially Li Zhen, who is very close to his father's attributes, said directly.

"Oh, it sounds like we juniors haven't done anything for the court..."

"Aren't we just committing a small mistake, so we were left here to reflect. According to your third uncle, we should all have done ourselves, right?"

"...That is, what happened to playing cards, playing cards doesn't even count as breaking the law, and throws us in this prison."

"Is it right that we should die and be aspired to not be aggrieved by this kind of grievance."

"General Xue San, what you said is wrong, Xiao Wang is also a dignified prince somehow.

Not just because of playing a bamboo card, but also because of my father's imprisonment to reflect. "

"According to what you mean, wouldn't it be my nephew that I have to bite my finger, write a lot of wrong words in this prison, and hang myself here to be considered a good idea?"

"You!" Xue Wanche's eyes bulged directly, and he wanted to get up, but was pressed back on the couch by Cheng Sanlang Shengsheng, and winked at him desperately.

Xue Wanche only saved it, and that's right. I'm here to save my brother, not to argue with this bunch of **** and younger generations. Forget it, what's your love.

Hearing the unpleasant words of this group of younger generations, Xue Wanjun was naturally unwilling to be accused by others of his own brother.

But soon, he also reacted, as the so-called good medicine is good for the disease, and faithful advice is good for the deeds. They are not good at speaking, but at least they are trying to persuade his third brother from the side.

But the more I listened, in Xue Wanche's heart, the more he agreed with the words of this group of younger generations.

Yes, if it is too expensive, Li Ke is the prince, if it is a meritorious service... well, Cheng Sanlang, this demon moth, has made a lot of merits.

Although he didn't have many chances to go to the battlefield, he also fought a few beautiful battles in Jiannan Dao.

Not to mention that your Majesty's family, almost from top to bottom, were neatly saved by him.

It can be said that the merits made by this kid are absolutely no less than those of the noble ministers who are above the court class. Otherwise, why he has become Taibao Taibao at such a young age.

No one is even willing to stand up against it, even if his father Cheng Yaojin's crown prince is Taibao, he Cheng Saburo will take at least half of the credit.

But this kid, it's not the same because of such a small incident as the robbing of your majesty's bamboo, he was thrown into this prison to reflect.

However, given the cheeky of their Cheng family, this kind of embarrassment doesn't care at all, just as it is here for leisure and entertainment.

Seeing these energetic juniors, one of them turned their heads angrily, and continued to play cards, Xue Wanjun silently wiped his face.

Turning around, he glanced at the third brother who was lying there, as if heartbroken and didn't want to pay any attention to anything.

"Um, Cheng Saburo, His Royal Highness King Wu, can you leave first and let me have a good chat with my third brother."

Hearing this, Cheng Chubi was secretly happy, but on the surface he was calm. After confirming his eyes with Xue Wanche, he turned and left.


The rest and miscellaneous people have already left this prison. At this moment, only Xue Wanche lying there and Xue Wanjun sitting on the edge of the couch are left inside.

Over there, the sound of playing cards became louder and louder, and it flew into the air, which made Xue Wanjun want to yell loudly and let this bunch of **** get out.

In the end, all the anger vanished when his gaze reached the face of his brother who was unwilling to take care of people with his eyes closed.

Xue Wanjun's words are sincere and honest. "The third child, it's not a big matter if you breathe in your breath.

Hearing this, Xue Wanche couldn't help but opened his eyes, but he felt weak when he saw his brother's haggard and weak appearance.

But in the end, he still stubbornly said. "What's wrong with me, I haven't learned this from your second brother."

"..." Xue Wanjun went furry, puffed up his eyes and raised his slap. "Your kid wants to shake the sky, right?"

Xue Wanche felt that he could take the second brother down with one arm, but that was not his purpose, so he snorted and turned his head away.

Xue Wanjun reluctantly patted the kid with a big hand, his temper was stubborn, no different from himself, alas...

"Look at your second brother and me. I didn't understand it at the beginning, and I felt that I was wronged."

"But these days, my second brother, I'm also thinking that I did make a mistake and let people sneak into the Fanghua Garden."

"Fortunately, it's just some ordinary Orion. If it's a person with unpredictable hearts, I really don't know what big things will happen."

"Your Majesty was furious and threw me to jail. At the time, I really couldn't understand it. I was very angry. I felt like my second brother, I was a man of great merit in the country."

"How can I be put in jail because of this thing, and be subjected to such humiliation..."

"In the beginning, your second brother and I were really ashamed of death, and I really wanted to die immediately."


Xue Wanche didn't know when he turned his head and looked at the front, appearing those two brothers who were embarrassed and emotional.

"At that time, there was nothing in my mind, I couldn't hear anything, I just had a thought in my mind, I won't live..."

"But these few days..." When it came to this, Xue Wanjun suddenly stopped, thinking of the days when he spent the few days in this prison with the younger generations. UU reading

The scene of repeated deaths finally made Xue Wanjun understand that he had the courage to embrace death.

What hurdles are there to pass? Although it's a bit hard to live cheeky.

But at least if people are alive, they have the opportunity to retaliate, oh no... only have the opportunity to educate this group of younger generations to know what **** is hot.

Otherwise, if he really died, Xue Wanjun felt that his name would be ruined by the younger generations in his life.

"What's wrong in the past few days?" Xue Wanche couldn't help asking.

Xue Wanjun's heart was stunned. Of course, he couldn't talk about his dark history. After a twitch of his eyelids, he said in a deep voice.

"Brother Wei finally figured out that instead of humiliating to death, it is better to save his life to prove himself."

"Really?" Xue Wanche showed a hint of incredible joy on his face.

"Nonsense, am I the kind of person who is inconsistent for my brother?" Xue Wanjun glared at the third brother who lacked a string in his head, and said in a bad manner.

Xue Wanche slapped his lap and sat up straight.

"Great, second brother, if you can think so, I'm so happy, little brother."

"...Hey hey, lie down for me quickly. You have an injury. Cheng Saburo treated it for you. Be careful that the wound is cracked."

"Little brother, I... um, Cheng Chengcheng, I'm lying down."

Hearing this, Cheng Saburo, who was listening to the movement with his ears while playing cards, was finally relieved.

If Ershu Xue finds out the clues, I don’t know if he wants to beat his younger brother, but with his current strength, hehe...

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