The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1849: You guys came out in such a gentle manner...

"How is it possible, where is the key? Say!"

Xue Lao Er glanced unhappily at the younger generations who had retreated at least one step away from the wooden pillar on the side of the prison door.

Even if he was the reincarnation of the gibbon, I was afraid that I would not be able to catch these guys, so I had to open the door and go in personally.

It would be uncomfortable for me not to clean up these guys today.

"Yes, inside..." The cell head raised his finger and pointed to the inside of the cell tremblingly.

"??" Xue Wanjun looked at the inside of the cell as he followed the finger of the cell head in a daze.

Then I saw the humble Cheng Saburo, facing the direction of the prison door.

He showed himself a total of eight teeth in a respectful and polite manner.

I saw this kid holding up this grim smile, and raised his hand. There was an iron ring in his hand. On the iron ring, all the keys were keys.

"..." Xue Wanjun stared at Cheng Saburo blankly, as well as the group of young people standing beside him, all of whom were similar to Cheng Saburo.

The number of exposed teeth is about eight, and he looks polite, and his smile looks so respectful and polite.

But the more this happened, the more General Xue felt that the blue veins on his forehead were jumping, and his lungs were almost exploding with Te Niang's anger.

Standing next to him, Zhao Kun, who had a panoramic view of everything, wiped his face repeatedly. Otherwise, he was very afraid that he could not control his emotions.

But I want to see how it will develop next. Will General Xue be furious again, will he hang the beam of the house with his trouser belt again, or will there be a new operation?

I have to witness it with my own eyes, or report to your Majesty, and express your majesty's joy. Although it was a bit unnatural, his Majesty just smiled secretly, not in front of the Lord Lu.

Xue Wanche drove away the Wen Shaoqing and turned around. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong, and he saw his brother with a murderous look, staring fiercely inside with his eyeballs.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the iron ring full of keys in Cheng Sanlang's hand, and with a chuckle, Xue Wanche hurriedly coughed again and again, which made Te Niang embarrassed.

Cheng Chubi turned to Xue Wanjun whose complexion changed from red to purple and from purple to black.

"Second Uncle Xue, your majesty's imperial decree has been announced, you are still here in Pan Heng, and go out with Sanshu Xue."

"It's just right to go back to the house to wash and wash, eat more, and maintain your body is the right thing to do."

"My nephew and others are still awaiting sin, and cannot leave this cage place. Only here, Uncle He Xue has to get out of the cage and regain his freedom."

As soon as Cheng Chubi's voice came to an end, the younger generations who were very serious and respectful all saluted Xue Wanjun.

"Second Uncle He Xue has to get out of prison and restore freedom."

"Send Uncle Xue, Sent Uncle Xue..."

"Send Uncle Xue, Sent Uncle Xue..."

After all, Xue Wanjun had been fighting this young man for many days, and the thickness of his face was different from that before he was sent to prison.

At this moment, facing such an extremely embarrassing scene, Xue Wanjun thought of the social death scene that was more serious than this before.

In comparison, this is nothing, and finally calm down gradually, but in my heart it is indeed Tai Te Niang's fire.

Xue Wanjun had to **** his fingers and nod the little **** who smiled with teeth, revealing a mouthful of white teeth reflecting the cold light under the light, exposing almost all thirty-two teeth.

It showed that he could at least be one enemy four Da Tang fierce generals in the face of these little dolls.

"Well, a bunch of good babies, when you come out later, the old man will definitely deal with you well."

At this time, Zhao Kun, who found that there was nothing to watch, finally stood up and glanced at the group of young people with weird smiles, and then said to Xue Wanjun, who sneered again and again.

"Well, Lord Lu, you are just a little better, so leave soon."


At this moment, Wen Shaoqing finally reluctantly walked outside the prison of Dali Temple, but he did not leave immediately.

Instead, he stayed for an excuse and asked the officials in charge of the prison in a low voice.

After all, I can hear the sound of playing the piano just now, and I must be able to hear the sounds of those vulgar martial arts inwardly.

If Xue Wanjun really beat those young people in prison, ha ha...

Not only can I listen to the screams and howls of cannibalism, but also feel that my thoughts are accommodating, which is very refreshing.

At the same time, they can also have the opportunity to impeach these vulgar martial artists to the court, daring to be lawless and making trouble in the prison of Dali Temple.

When you want to come, your Majesty will definitely get angry again, and then deal with the two sides of the fight.

Well, especially Cheng Saburo's slippery bastard, I have never caught this guy's handle before.

Although the impact of this kind of impeachment is too wide, at least Cheng Saburo is also being cleaned up, which is enough to make people feel relaxed and happy.

Just as the smile on Wen Shaoqing's face became more and more overflowing, and his expression was full of expectation, he heard footsteps coming from the prison.

Then, I saw General Xue Er with a black face, and General Xue San and General Zhao with weird expressions.

Seeing this scene, Wen Shaoqing was immediately anxious, and the sense of anticipation was gone, that's it?

Lao Tzu has already thought of how to use words in the impeachment memorial, UU reading, you guys came out in such a gentle manner.

What do you mean, it's like going to that kind of unscrupulous place, the pants are all taken off.

As a result, the sultry young lady told herself with a righteous expression that this was a formal massage place.

Wen Shaoqing looked at these three people messily in the wind, and couldn't help but say for a long time.

"...You, why did you come out like this?"

Hearing this question, Xue Wanjun, who was in a rather unbeautiful mood, gave Wen Shaoqing a vicious look and shouted.

"Why don't you come out, squat inside and watch those little rascals having fun?"

Xue Wanche slanted his eyes to look at the uneasy civil minister, rolled his eyes, and strode to follow the second brother's footsteps.

As for that Zhao Kun, he was looking at the ill-intentioned Wen Shaoqing with a smile.

Wen Shaoqing is such a kind of person, how easy is it to be a gentleman who can be a civil servant from the fourth rank.

Even if it was the spittle star that was sprayed by Xue Wanjun, even if it was added by Xue Wanche's evil eyes, even if it was Zhao Kun's face, he was happy and miserable.

He only smiled lightly, took out a silk kerchief from the inside of his sleeve, cleaned his face skillfully, and then strode away.

After all, the gentleman's internal scrolling is always sloppy, and it is normal to be sprayed by the spit star.

It doesn't matter if there is no chance to impeach these vulgar martial artists today. Anyway, there is a chance. After all, a gentleman's revenge is generally not too late for ten years.

It’s a big deal one day, and I will write a story about General Xue Er's wild history, which can earn some manuscript fees, but also hack these vulgar martial arts...

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