The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1867: What are you afraid of getting beaten up? Didn't you never get beaten by your fa

After receiving the letter, Cheng Saburo carefully read it three times, especially the introduction of the Tubo envoy and the Tubo master.

Cheng Chubi was even more pondering. After all, if he wanted to find a breakthrough, naturally he could only find the flaws of the Tubo people.

Rather than the flaws of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, after all, even if the Tubo leader had sinned to death, the other party would not be able to leap to Luoyang with a knife to find Cheng Saburo single-handedly.

Offend Uncle Li, tusk... His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty in epic equipment, took up a knife and drove him into a chaos in Luoyang.

For the sake of the little cute Li Mingda, he can only run and flatter his majesty. He is a young man.

Different people need different means to solve problems.

After waiting for a long time, the tea soup was drunk. Taking the time to call for tea leaves, Li Ke couldn't help but poke Cheng Saburo, who was buried in thought with his finger.

"How about, Brother Chubi, can you see any flaws, can you use it reasonably?"

"There are naturally flaws. For example, this Tubo country lord is already twenty-five and sixteen years old, and the county lord's age is probably just late."

"One more thing, this old boy had already had a lady-in-law before, and then he sent Nalu Lechan to go to that mudra to marry a princess."

"Now I come to our Datang again, wanting to get married, haha...Typically, we want our Princess of the Tang Dynasty to be a little wife, do you think you can't bear it?"

"Nonsense, of course you can't bear it." Li Jingheng directly slapped a few of the crimes, shouting angrily.

Li Ke smashed his lips and nodded naturally. "Little brother, I don't think I can bear it either."

"You just can't bear it, it's useless." Cheng Chubi said directly, rolling the eyes of the two Li family members blankly.

"Brother Chubi, what do you mean?" Li Ke felt his gentle and careful spirit, as if he had been stabbed by a rough man like Brother Chubi.

"Hehe, you, and me, just us people, feel unbearable, do you think your father will be interested?"

"Even if our brothers rushed to your father to express strong opposition, do you think your father will draw you or praise you?"

Faced with Brother Chu Bi's question, Li Ke took a long time to react. "Why only smoke me?"

Cheng Chubi didn't pay attention to Li Ke, who raised his eyes and glared at him, and spoke with heart and soul toward that Li Jingheng.

"So, we can't just oppose it."

"We are all juniors, people speak lightly. Some time ago, His Majesty had just cleaned up the meal, and even the salary was less than half a year."

"Let's go and make a fuss at this time, and it's useless."

Li Ke reacted immediately. "You mean, let us brothers, go and encourage those elders to get ahead..."

Cheng Chubi raised his hand and swung it like a leader.

"No, no, the military commander must oppose it, and must strongly oppose it. This is normal operation."

"But if we can induce the civil servants of the Manchu dynasty to also oppose this matter..."

"Even the ordinary people in Guanzhong and the Central Plains look down on the Tubo people, and they strongly expressed their opposition to making peace with the Tubo..."

Li Ke and Li Heng stared blankly at Brother Chu Bi with a gloomy smile on their faces, and their eyes lit up.

Li Ke rubbed his hands and muttered while turning his eyes.

"My father is a Mingjun. Although he acts decisively, he is also the best at receiving advice. If civil and military officials are not willing, the people are not willing.

Presumably my father, he would certainly not agree to the Tubo's request for peace. "

Li Jingheng's eyes gleamed, and he was worthy of his mind-blooded brother Chu Bi, who immediately accepted his head and bowed.

"Brother Chubi, what do you do? Just let my sister stay in Datang, any younger brother is willing to do it."

"It's all right, get up quickly, they are all brothers, and they are just helping you."

"Furthermore, I can't get past the show operation of those Tubo bastards."

"Why are they screaming?"

Li Ke looked at Cheng Saburo suspiciously, and didn't know how the Tubo barbarians had offended Brother Bi, and gritted his teeth when he spoke.

"Is this the point?" Cheng Chubi glared at Li Ke unwillingly, not afraid that the most prosperous tool man of the Datang imperial family focused on different things.

"You can do this..." Cheng Chubi muttered for a while after lowering his voice.

With little effort, Li Ke and Li Heng both stared at the front brother Chu Bi with a dull expression.

Li Ke had a frightened expression on his face. "Brother Chubi, is this not so good? I'm worried..."

"Worry about what, worried that your father will smoke you?" Cheng Chubi cast a blank glance at this guy.

"What are you afraid of getting beaten up? You didn't get past your dad to clean up."

Li Ke directly raised the corner of his eyes and retorted with anxious eyes.

"Isn't this a problem of not being cleaned up? It's a matter of government affairs, it's not a trivial matter. I really want my father to know what I did. Do you think it's as simple as a beating?"

Li Heng next to him wanted to subconsciously come up with a sentence. If he couldn't get rid of his anger after one meal, then two or three meals would always make your father feel comfortable and invigorate his thoughts.

However, I just think about it. What if my cousin gets annoyed and doesn't help me?

"Cousin is not here, not here, we will do it, we will definitely be careful."

"Furthermore, I think my little brother, according to the method of Brother Chubi, it is really possible that the people of Datang will hate the Tubo master and Tubo."

Li Ke nodded slightly when he heard Li Heng's words, but his heart was full of worries, as His Royal Highness King Wu, who was so heartbroken to avoid the loving fists of his father all the year round.

"However, just our three brothers, it will definitely not be possible, and, brother, I think we spread the rumors by ourselves, if it reaches your majesty..."


Just when the three young people were thinking and thinking about breaking the game, UU reading oh no... they were thinking and thinking.

How can we not only spread the rumors, but also put aside the responsibility of everyone to the greatest extent.

Avoid being cleaned up and screaming after being known by your Majesty, and becoming the laughing stock of the court. After all, everyone is still young, and the face is still needed.

Cheng Chubi rubbed his eyebrows, racking his brains, but couldn't think of a good way. Seeing Li Ke and Li Heng's cousins ​​frowning, he glanced over the case and couldn't help thinking.

Picking up the bamboo card from the case, Cheng Chubi quickly played with the bamboo card in his hand and made suggestions to the brothers.

"Sitting and thinking like this is not the answer. It happens that our brothers, thinking while playing cards, are easier to inspire ideas."

Also thinking hard for a long time, Li Ke, who didn't have the slightest clue, heard Brother Chu Bi's proposal, and his eyes lit up.

"...Also, come here, do a few, do a few..."


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