The First Family of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 1870: Tubo tycoon, Nima, accompanied by the Tubo young Qinling

Cheng Chubi is also let go. At this moment, he is like a wild horse that has taken off the rein, and he can talk wherever he thinks.

How to say how to have, oh no... it is inspirational, and the time to look back in memory is just right.

Not only is the reason very sufficient, but it is also well-founded, and it is definitely the result of a collection of network keyboard man and party-style textual research.

Cheng Chubi even felt a little regretful. Why were his father and two elder brothers squatting in front of him, instead of Uncle Li and Manchu civil and military.

Otherwise, with his extraordinary performance today, he can definitely be ashamed of those who don't want to make progress.

Finally, it was almost done. Cheng Saburo, whose throat was almost dry, quickly picked up a cup and poured it into his throat.

In an instant, the taste of the secret three-leaf pulp made by Cheng Mansion made the facial features on Cheng Saburo's entire face almost squeezed together, Te Niang's, it was too mouthful.

Cheng Saburo, who had only been relieved for a long time, opened his eyes again and saw his father looking at himself with a thoughtful appearance.

The two brothers looked at themselves with envy and hatred, which made Cheng Chubi a little guilty, and he didn't know the answer he gave, and his father was dissatisfied.

General Cheng stroked the thick beard like a steel needle, and then nodded slightly for a long time.


"The kid is here."

"It seems that your kid not only looks like Daddy, but even this brain, as well as this vision and strategy, are exactly the same as Daddy, hahahaha..."

The grand general Cheng's bold and domineering laughter echoed even in the hall.

Cheng Chubi looked at his father's stubborn old face with stretched eyebrows. Although his face was black and weak, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At least my father also agrees with his point of view. Well, Uncle Li agrees or disagrees is one thing.

My father can agree that at least the kind father's love will not fall on him. This is a major event. Otherwise, the two brothers will definitely be happy.

After a burst of arrogant and domineering smug laughter gradually ceased, General Cheng kindly said to Cheng Saburo gently.

"San Lang... these thoughts of yours are exactly the same as Dad's thoughts after hearing the announcement of your majesty, but at that time.

Dad hasn't considered it thoroughly yet, he still needs to consider it carefully. I don't want Saburo to think that you and Dad usually have the same thoughts, so well..."

"Father, the boy actually thinks that the Tubo barbarians are not good." The eldest brother Cheng Chumo on the side couldn't help but brush his presence.

"Yes, yes, the child feels the same way." The second brother Cheng Chuliang also hurriedly nuzzled.

"Yeah, you are all good babies. It's worth your daddy's painstaking teaching." General Cheng picked up a cup of Chengfu's secret three-leaf pulp that was not intoxicating but also raising.

The four father and son raised their swigs together, and then squeezed their eyebrows together for a long time before relieving their breath.

The energetic General Cheng Da slapped a few cases.

"Come on, quickly get paper and pen, come here, Saburo, quickly write down those words that you just said, and I will try to figure it out later, or do my best for the court."


A full hour later, Cheng Chubi yawned and put down his pen, said goodbye to his father, swayed back to his yard and fell asleep.

As for what my dad wants to do with what he wrote, hehe...that's my dad, I love it.

After watching the dizzy third brother wandering away, the eldest brother and the second brother did not leave.

As the united and friendly Cheng family, the eldest brother Cheng Chumo whispered worriedly.

"Father, the third brother is tinkering with this matter for King Jiang Xia and Princess Jinyang. Wouldn't it be too risky?"

"If your majesty knows, I am afraid that the third brother will not have good fruit."

"Nonsense, it's a weird thing to have good fruit to eat." General Cheng spit out angrily.

Then he slapped Cheng Sanlang's statement that the Tang Dynasty should not make peace with Tubo, which contained thousands of words.

"If there is no such thing, father and I will directly prevent your third brothers from hustling, but with this thing, it's different..."

"Wang Jiang Xia doesn't want his daughter to marry a foreign country, and Jinyang, the fiancee of your third brother, doesn't want this to happen."

"The youngest boy has always had many tricks. Although he can't say that the method he has used can make your majesty put out his mind, it will inevitably shake your majesty's determination."

"Then, pass this analysis of our old Cheng's family to your majesty. Haha..."

"The old man is at least 80% sure, so that your majesty puts out his thoughts about friendship."

"Father, what about 20%?" Cheng Chuliang couldn't help asking.

"There is still the 20%, it depends. If Tubo fails to make a relationship, you will surely become angry. Maybe you will fight with that Xue Yantuo north and south of my Datang Longyou.

Who will bear the consequences? How to bear it? "

"But having said that, the youngest man was so foolish as to make me believe that the people of Tang Dynasty, and even the Chinese martial arts of the DPRK.

Tubo clearly knew Xue Yantuo's intention to go south, and then thought about taking advantage of others, ha ha..."

The elder Cheng Chu silently wiped his face. Although his father and his third brother looked different, they were wicked, oh no... but their minds were quite flexible.

Subconsciously squinting at the second child next to him, he saw the second brother yawn in secret.

Cheng Chumo couldn't help being a little bit proud, his brain was at least much better than his second child.


Chang'an City, Ludongzan, strolling in the post house arranged for them by Nahonghu Temple.

I have been here in Chang'an for several days. The Emperor of Datang is not in Chang'an but in Luoyang.

Whether he can go to Luoyang, he still needs the approval of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, myself and the members of the mission can only continue to stay in this prosperous Chang'an City and continue to wait.

He originally wanted to go out for a stroll, but now it's a severe winter, and there is no shopping at all.

Moreover, I am the prime minister of and the head of the mission. Even if I leave the post, I am not free, so I might as well stay here to feel comfortable.

My favorite son, Qin Ling, has already gone for a stroll. With the keen observation and cleverness of this beautiful Tubo boy, he will definitely be able to inquire a lot of the information he needs.

And at the same moment, accompanied by the Tubo tycoon Nima, wandering around the city of Chang'an, Qinling curiously, he felt that his eyes were almost running out.

Even if this isn't the first time to take a stroll, but Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, is really so bustling and outrageous.

This city, for fear of its population, can catch up with the population of Tubo as a whole country.

Such a scale makes Qin Ling both envious, jealous, and even greedy.

Such a prosperous and prosperous capital, why is it belonged to the Chinese people instead of Tubo?

At the moment when Qinling's thoughts were turning around, a newsboy was surrounded by people on the corner of the street in front of him...

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